Page 7 - Education Guide
P. 7
ose KU and choose to have it all
Kutztown University
F or the last 150 years,
students who choose peer-reviewed journals. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
Kutztown University KU’s Social Work de-
become part of a
community defined by partment provides the full
bright, ambitious students; continuum of nationally
brilliant, dedicated faculty; accredited social work
and a diverse, vibrant educational programming:
learning atmosphere. Bachelor of Social Work,
Master of Social Work and
Kutztown University is new Doctor of Social
located 30 minutes from Work. Other well-respected
Allentown and Reading, 90 programs include biology,
minutes from Philadelphia, criminal justice, English,
and two hours from New modern languages, politi-
York City. Founded in cal science, pre-med, psy-
1866, KU has 9,000 stu- chology and more, with
dents, more than 100 areas computer science and
of study, 200 student or- environmental and marine
ganizations, and 21 NCAA science programs receiving
Division II athletic pro- NSF grants to support
grams — all housed on a scholarships, research and
beautiful 289-acre campus. internships.
■ College of Visual and
Find your perfect match. Smaller class sizes mean more individualized attention for students. Courtesy of Kutztown University Performing Arts: Accred-
Choose from majors ited undergraduate pro-
Founded in grams in art history, ap- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2016
and minors and prepare to 1866, KU has plied digital arts, commu-
enter today’s fastest-grow- 9,000 students, nication design, crafts,
ing fields. Whether you more than 100 studio art, music (also with
take part in one of its na- areas of study, commercial emphasis),
tionally renowned Pro- 200 student music education and art
grams of Distinction or organizations, education, and our EMMY
focus your studies in other and 21 NCAA Award-winning Electronic
areas, KU has what you’re Division II Media program have na-
looking for. athletic pro- tional reputations. Students
■ College of Business: grams — all benefit from close proxim-
Prepare to take on the housed on a ity to major world art cen-
global challenges of to- beautiful ters in Philadelphia, New
day’s business environment 289-acre York City and Washington,
through programs in ac- campus. D.C. The visual and per-
counting, finance, manage- forming arts programs at
ment, marketing, sports Courtesy of Kutztown occupy newly
management and lead- Kutztown renovated and expanded
ership development. University state of the art facilities.
KU’s business adminis- program received its Com- programs include art edu- grams of this nature. Also clude biochemistry, chem- Make the most of your 7
tration programs have mission on Sport Manage- cation, elementary educa- new this year, an Autism istry, geology, marine sci- investment.
earned the prestigious ment Accreditation (COS- tion, music education, Endorsement prepares ence and physics are dis-
Association to Advance MA) in fall of 2015, plac- secondary education and teacher candidates to sup- tinguished by a With numerous schol-
Collegiate Schools of Busi- ing it among fewer than 25 special education. KU’s port the 1 in 68 children commitment to undergrad- arship, grant, loan and
ness (AACSB) Interna- accredited programs in the Special Education/Visual diagnosed with an autism uate research, giving stu- campus employment op-
tional. AACSB accredita- United States. Impairment program and spectrum disorder. dents opportunities to serve portunities; affordable
tion is the hallmark of ■ College of Education: clinically-based Reading ■ College of Liberal as co-authors of presenta- tuition; and highly suc-
excellence in business KU’s nationally recognized program are two of the Arts and Sciences: Phys- tions at national meetings cessful student outcomes,
education and positions and NCATE-accredited country’s preeminent pro- ical Sciences, which in- and of publications in it’s easy to see the tremen-
KU’s programs among the dous value that is Kutz-
top 5 percent of business town University.
schools internationally. The
Leisure and Sport Studies Choose KU and choose
to have it all.
Kutztown University
F or the last 150 years,
students who choose peer-reviewed journals. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
Kutztown University KU’s Social Work de-
become part of a
community defined by partment provides the full
bright, ambitious students; continuum of nationally
brilliant, dedicated faculty; accredited social work
and a diverse, vibrant educational programming:
learning atmosphere. Bachelor of Social Work,
Master of Social Work and
Kutztown University is new Doctor of Social
located 30 minutes from Work. Other well-respected
Allentown and Reading, 90 programs include biology,
minutes from Philadelphia, criminal justice, English,
and two hours from New modern languages, politi-
York City. Founded in cal science, pre-med, psy-
1866, KU has 9,000 stu- chology and more, with
dents, more than 100 areas computer science and
of study, 200 student or- environmental and marine
ganizations, and 21 NCAA science programs receiving
Division II athletic pro- NSF grants to support
grams — all housed on a scholarships, research and
beautiful 289-acre campus. internships.
■ College of Visual and
Find your perfect match. Smaller class sizes mean more individualized attention for students. Courtesy of Kutztown University Performing Arts: Accred-
Choose from majors ited undergraduate pro-
Founded in grams in art history, ap- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2016
and minors and prepare to 1866, KU has plied digital arts, commu-
enter today’s fastest-grow- 9,000 students, nication design, crafts,
ing fields. Whether you more than 100 studio art, music (also with
take part in one of its na- areas of study, commercial emphasis),
tionally renowned Pro- 200 student music education and art
grams of Distinction or organizations, education, and our EMMY
focus your studies in other and 21 NCAA Award-winning Electronic
areas, KU has what you’re Division II Media program have na-
looking for. athletic pro- tional reputations. Students
■ College of Business: grams — all benefit from close proxim-
Prepare to take on the housed on a ity to major world art cen-
global challenges of to- beautiful ters in Philadelphia, New
day’s business environment 289-acre York City and Washington,
through programs in ac- campus. D.C. The visual and per-
counting, finance, manage- forming arts programs at
ment, marketing, sports Courtesy of Kutztown occupy newly
management and lead- Kutztown renovated and expanded
ership development. University state of the art facilities.
KU’s business adminis- program received its Com- programs include art edu- grams of this nature. Also clude biochemistry, chem- Make the most of your 7
tration programs have mission on Sport Manage- cation, elementary educa- new this year, an Autism istry, geology, marine sci- investment.
earned the prestigious ment Accreditation (COS- tion, music education, Endorsement prepares ence and physics are dis-
Association to Advance MA) in fall of 2015, plac- secondary education and teacher candidates to sup- tinguished by a With numerous schol-
Collegiate Schools of Busi- ing it among fewer than 25 special education. KU’s port the 1 in 68 children commitment to undergrad- arship, grant, loan and
ness (AACSB) Interna- accredited programs in the Special Education/Visual diagnosed with an autism uate research, giving stu- campus employment op-
tional. AACSB accredita- United States. Impairment program and spectrum disorder. dents opportunities to serve portunities; affordable
tion is the hallmark of ■ College of Education: clinically-based Reading ■ College of Liberal as co-authors of presenta- tuition; and highly suc-
excellence in business KU’s nationally recognized program are two of the Arts and Sciences: Phys- tions at national meetings cessful student outcomes,
education and positions and NCATE-accredited country’s preeminent pro- ical Sciences, which in- and of publications in it’s easy to see the tremen-
KU’s programs among the dous value that is Kutz-
top 5 percent of business town University.
schools internationally. The
Leisure and Sport Studies Choose KU and choose
to have it all.