Page 5 - Education Guide
P. 5
il 2 open house offers closer look at ‘degrees that work’

S tudents weighing Pennsylvania College of Technology
career options and
families interested the college’s baccalaure- Courtesy of Penn College SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
in exploring a after Feb. 17. Details, ate programs. Nine out of An April 2 Open House at Penn College allows exploration of a campus small enough to provide an
national exemplar of ap- including an activity 10 students receive fi- intimate learning community, but sufficiently large to house a variety of exciting career opportunities.
plied technology educa- guide, will be posted in nancial aid, and schol-
tion are urged to visit March. arships are widely avail-
Pennsylvania College of able.
Technology during an The college’s hands-on
April 2 open house. approach provides the A full college experi-
latest technology in class- ence awaits those in
The event, from 9 a.m. rooms, laboratories, Madi- search of on-campus
to 3 p.m., will offer pro- gan Library and study housing, student activities,
spective students, families areas across its beautiful Greek Life and intramural
and friends a convenient campuses. and varsity athletics.
opportunity to experience
Penn College’s diverse Courses are taught by Penn College has ap-
“degrees that work” at the faculty — some of them proximately 190 student-
main campus in Williams- alumni and many with athletes competing in 15
port, the Lumley Aviation relevant work experience. intercollegiate programs,
Center in Montoursville Small classes ensure per- 13 of which are at the
and the Schneebeli Earth sonal attention and free NCAA Division III level.
Science Center near tutoring is available.
Allenwood. Can’t attend on April
Students may choose 2? Schedule a campus tour
To register, visit two- or four-year degrees at the open house website
from more than 100 ma- or call the Admissions
jors; associate degrees Office toll-free at 800-
smoothly transition into 367-9222.

a national 96% graduate 100+ academic majors 13 NCAA Division III
leader in placement rate athletic teams
applied Bachelor | Associate | Certificate

Saturday, April 2

degrees that work.® 5

An affiliate of The Pennsylvania State University
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