Page 5 - Be An Angel 2018
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mentally and physically challenged BE
people. We have two groups, for
ages 5-13 and 14-and over.
1. Monetary donations. Please mark
envelope “Be an Angel donation.” AN
2. Laptop to take the minutes.
3. New baseball gloves and bats.
Contact: Paul Gerhart Jr. at 267-
P.O. Box 536
Bethlehem, PA 18016
Provides year-round sports training
and competition to individuals with
intellectual disabilities.
1. Sports backpacks for our compe-
tition swim team (approximately
$25 each).
2. Gift cards to grocery stores for
our competition meals, to activities
for athletes (movies, mini-golf,
etc.), or to fitness locations or
equipment. Please mark envelope
“Be an Angel donation.”
3. Soccer goals for our practice field
(please call for information).
Contact: Alice Moat at 610-264-
345 Illick’s Mill Road
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Proceeds from our annual sale go
to the Cancer Support Community
of the Greater Lehigh Valley, St.
Luke’s Cancer Center and St. Luke’s
1. Staples gift cards. Please mark
envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
2. Giant gift cards. Please mark
envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
3. Contractor garbage bags, 60
Contact: Carol Jacoby at 610-390- Special Olympics athlete Audrey Yanacek of Bethlehem participates in a September soccer event with
8163. DeSales University students. Bethlehem Special Olympics is looking for soccer goals for its practice fields.
BRIGHT HOPE Burn prevention and fire safety 3. Full-size candy bars, holiday 1. A $50 annual fund donation —
PREGNANCY SUPPORT education, and burn survivor sup- wrapping paper, tape. representing cost of free vision
CENTERS port. Contact: Emily Knudson at 610- screenings for up to 4 children ages
1. A laptop for use during our Camp 791-5683. 6 months to 5 years. Please mark
1034 W. Hamilton St. Susquehanna program, a camp for envelope “Be an Angel donation.” THE MORNING CALL
Allentown, PA 18101 children with burn injuries. CANCER SUPPORT 2. A $100 annual fund donation —
Provides free and confidential 2. Strings of Christmas lights (we COMMUNITY OF THE representing cost of a free eye
services to pregnant women and need about 40 strands) to deco- GREATER LEHIGH exam and glasses for an uninsured
their families. rate the campers’ bunks during person in need. Please mark envel-
1. Pamphlets to support our LifeS- Camp Susquehanna. VALLEY ope “Be an Angel donation.”
mart outreaches in the Lehigh 3. Amazon gift cards to purchase 944 Marcon Blvd., Suite 110 3. A $250 annual fund donation
Valley. These pamphlets educate materials needed for Camp Sus- Allentown, PA 18109 —representing cost to send a
diverse groups on STDs and healthy quehanna. Please mark envelope Ensures that all people impacted visually-impaired child to our Camp SUNDAY,
relationships. The cost is $2,216.40. “Be an Angel donation.” by cancer are empowered by I CAN! summer program. Please
2. Huawei Matebook X Pro laptop Contact: Jessica Banks at 610- knowledge, strengthened by action mark envelope “Be an Angel dona-
for our presentations within our 969-3930. and sustained by community. tion.”
schools and colleges. This will 1. Paper products: paper towels, Contact: Dennis Zehner at 610-
greatly aid our non-profit ministry. CAMELOT FOR tissues, toilet tissue. 433-6018, ext. 241. NOVEMBER
The cost is $1,499.99. CHILDREN 2. Copy paper.
3. Door of Hope is our maternity 3. K cups — coffee, regular and THE CHALET
home for homeless women. We 2354 W. Emmaus Ave. decaf. 4576 Clover Hill Circle 25,
need to update the heating system Allentown, PA 18103 Contact: Kathy Moyer at 610-861- Walnutport, PA 18088
for our apartments. The cost is A magical place for special needs 7555. Provides residential psychiatric
$6,000. children to gather and grow rehabilitation. 2018
Contact: Jennifer Davies at 610-821- through social and educational CENTER FOR VISION 1. Stand mixer.
4000. interaction. LOSS 2. New futon.
1. Target, Wal-Mart, or movie gift 3. New non-stick cookware set.
BURN PREVENTION cards to give a s gifts to our kids 845 W. Wyoming St. Contact: Dan Hall at 610-978-
NETWORK, CAMP and support buying individual Allentown, PA 18103 8903.
SUSQUEHANNA presents. Please mark envelope “Be Empowers the visually impaired, THE CHEMO BAG
an Angel donation.” provides free screenings, and
236 N. 17th St. 2. Giant gift cards. Please mark promotes healthy vision in the P.O. Box 20665
Allentown, PA 18104 envelope “Be an Angel donation.” community. Lehigh Valley, PA 18002 5