Page 3 - Be An Angel 2018
P. 3
You can be a gift from above BE
By Ryan Kneller
Of The Morning Call AN
While many people spend
the holidays baking, decorating
and shopping for gifts, one
Northampton woman manages
to squeeze in another activity —
making a difference in the lives ANGEL
of dozens of animals in need.
Patricia “Patty” Snell over the
past couple of years has become
an invaluable asset at Lowhill
Township’s Gress Mountain
Ranch. The nonprofit organiza-
tion serves as a sanctuary for
abused and neglected animals,
both domestic and exotic.
Snell volunteers at the 15-acre
ranch a few times a week, per-
forming tasks such as cleaning
stalls, grooming and feeding the
animals, and fundraising.
The nonprofit also supports
people with physical, intel-
lectual, social or behavioral
difficulties through animal- RICK KINTZEL/THE MORNING CALL
assisted activities and therapy. Patty Snell, a volunteer at Gress Mountain Ranch, feeds two Alpine/Nubian goats while one of the
This summer, she also as- horses waits for a treat.
sisted with Ranch Camp, week-
long day camps that teach chil- a path of recovery. FOLLOW ANGEL as toys, furniture and applianc-
dren horsemanship, alpaca “I kept telling him, ‘You’re CAMPAIGN ONLINE es.
felting, animal care, responsible going to get through this!’” said Perhaps you have a backpack,
pet ownership and more. Snell, who last month was hon- You can track the progress of the Be bean bag chair, printer or ping
Snell tends to the ranch’s ored with a Spirit of Volun- an Angel campaign at pong table gathering dust in
lineup of more than 70 animals teerism Award from Volunteer The your basement. Maybe your
— from small creatures such as Center of the Lehigh Valley. online database lets you: children have outgrown a coat,
cats, chinchillas, parrots and Snell learned of Gress Moun- Find which wishes have been bicycle, car seat or stroller.
rabbits to larger residents such tain Ranch’s need for volunteers fulfilled, what items are still needed Whether it’s a board game
as alpacas, llamas, pot-bellied via The Morning Call’s Be an and who has earned their wings by that hasn't been played in a year
pigs and turkeys. Her favorite is Angel campaign, which pub- making donations. or a book that hasn’t been read
Blue, a 21-year-old Percheron lishes the “wish lists” of Lehigh Search by name of agency, in a decade, underused items in
horse. Valley nonprofit agencies annu- category — health, family, animals, your home can find new life and
“On my first visit to the ally around Thanksgiving. etc. — and location (so you can find help organizations better serve
ranch, I spotted this big white “Be an Angel is a godsend an agency close to home). the community.
horse and just immediately got because it helps connect people Search by keyword. Perhaps you’ve Of course, you can also do-
excited,” recalls Snell, who who want to help with people bought a computer and would like to nate your time. And for many
sometimes volunteers with her who need help,” Gress said. donate your old one. Type “computer” organizations, these are the
daughter, Amber. “I remember The operation, which today into the keyword box and you’ll get a most cherished gifts of all. Ex-
thinking, ‘Oh my God, he is kicks off its 19th year, has gener- list of organizations asking for amples include assisting with
beautiful and I have to take care ated more than $4 million in computers or anything mobile blood drives, helping THE MORNING CALL
of him.’ It’s a lot of work, but it’s donations to area nonprofit computer-related. If it’s a laptop, you rebuild a playground, serving
enjoyable work.” agencies since it was started by also can type “laptop.” food to homeless people, writ-
“[Blue’s] her best buddy,” says former reporter Irene Kraft in ing letters of encouragement to
Kathryn Gress, a professional 1999. Last year's campaign, our troops and delivering meals
counselor and psychiatric nurse garnering $445,000, was the to homebound seniors and
who founded the ranch with second most successful in the quests for big-ticket items such adults with disabilities.
her husband, Ben, in 1999. drive's history. as a van, golf cart, storage shed, To help you locate your favor-
“Patty does so much for him This year, more than 250 television, computer, refrigera- ite causes, we broke down the SUNDAY,
and all of the animals year- organizations submitted nearly tor or lawn mower. wish lists into categories —
round. This is hard outdoor 1,000 ways that you can help The wish lists are diverse, but those that provide health care,
work — grooming, manure people and animals in need — each will help a group achieve services for families, youth,
management, etc., but Patty is from toiletries such as deodor- its mission. seniors, animals, schools,
here whether it’s cold and icy or ant, soap and shampoo to tech See if you can "earn your churches and the arts. The “also NOVEMBER
hot and sunny. gadgets such as iPads, digital angel wings" by fulfilling one or in need” category covers a vari-
“She’s truly a gift from above cameras and Fitbit smart- more of the wishes through Jan. ety of important groups, from
and we are blessed beyond watches. 31. We ask you to contribute libraries and historical societies 25,
words.” You can ease a struggling directly to the agencies, and let to organizations sending pack-
While Snell has a soft spot for parent’s stresses by donating them know it’s a Be an Angel ages to military men and wom-
the former show horse, she also clothing, diapers, food and donation. en overseas. 2018
has grown fond of Target, a other basic necessities. Gift cards and monetary Remember: No gift is too
12-year-old Alpine/Nubian goat You can make a child's donations are almost always small. Giving whatever you can
stricken with cancer. Christmas brighter by contrib- welcome. But you don’t have to of your blessings can pro-
Earlier this year, Target was uting to a summer camp, musi- dig deep (or at all) into your foundly improve others’ quality
“on death’s door,” not eating or cal field trip or admission to wallet to make an impact. Many of life and give them hope for a
moving, Gress says. area attractions such as the Da groups seek affordable items happy new year.
Snell spent a few hours with Vinci Science Center. such as canned goods, postage
him, hand-feeding him, talking If you're feeling especially stamps and wrapping paper, as
to him and getting him back on generous, there are even re- well as gently used items such 610-820-6597 3