Page 12 - Be An Angel 2018
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                         (paper towels, toilet paper, vinegar,
                         essential oils (lavender and lemon),
                         hand soap).
                         3. Volunteers to help with handy-
                         man jobs.
                         Contact: Jill Triffo at 610-797-
                     AN  MARVINE FAMILY
                         CENTER — PARENTS AS
                         TEACHERS PROGRAM
                         1425 Livingston St.
                     BE  Bethlehem, PA 18017
                         Helps parents understand child
                         development and connects them
                         to resources to make the best
                         choices for their families.
                         1. Laminator machine letter size 8
                         1/2-inches by 11-inches.
                         2. Baby items, diapers sizes new-
                         born, 1, 2.
                         3. Textures books ages 0 -1 year,
                         black and white Books ages 0-12
                         Contact: Lissette Maldonado at
                         610-849-9345, ext. 16811.

                         MEALS ON WHEELS OF
                         THE GREATER LEHIGH
                         4234 Dorney Park Road
                         Allentown, PA 18104
                         4240 Fritch Drive
                         Bethlehem, PA 18020
                         Provides healthy meals, wellness
                         checks and social visits for home-
                         bound seniors and adults with
                         disabilities in Lehigh Valley.
                         1. Gift cards to Wal-Mart, Giant,
                         Wawa, Sheetz, Staples, and                                                                 MORNING CALL FILE PHOTO
                         Shammy Shine. Please mark envel-  Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley, which provides healthy meals and social visits for home-
                         ope “Be an Angel donation.”  bound seniors and adults, needs volunteers to help deliver meals or shop for/deliver groceries.
                         2. Volunteers who will deliver meals
                         to clients or shop for/deliver gro-  streets of Allentown and to provide  NORTHAMPTON AREA  PERFECT FIT FOR
                         ceries to clients.          positive programming for children.  FOOD BANK           WORKING WOMEN
                         3. Pet food, dry and wet, up to 10  Also offers a Clothes Closet.
                         pounds, for clients’ cats and dogs  1. Four computers.  1601 Canal St.              A Program of the YWCA of Allen-
            2018         for our Ani-Meals program.  2. Large smart TV.          Northampton, PA 18067       town
                         Contact: Jamie Rzeszowski at
                                                     3. Three round tables to fit eight
                                                                                                             1101 W. Hamilton St.
                                                                                 Distributes wholesome food, free
            25,          610-691-1030.               kids at each table.         of charge, to individuals and fam-  Allentown, PA 18101
                                                     Contact: Karen Berard at 610-434-
                                                                                                             Gives low-income women clothes
                                                                                 ilies in need in Northampton Area
                         MOORE TOWNSHIP
            NOVEMBER     ASSOCIATION FOR             NEW BETHANY                 1. New upright freezer.     place.
                                                                                 School District.
                                                                                                             for job interviews and the work-
                                                                                 2. New refrigerator — no side by
                                                                                                             1. Amazon gift cards to purchase
                         FAMILIES IN NEED
                                                                                                             steel-toed boots and scrubs.
                                                                                                             Please mark envelope “Be an Angel
                                                                                 3. Laundry supplies for clients:
                         P.O. Box 217
                                                     333 W. Fourth St.
                                                                                 soap, fabric softener, bleach — all
                         Bath, PA 18014
            SUNDAY,      Provides assistance to Moore  Bethlehem, PA 18015       sizes — families range from 1 person  2. Make-up bags containing new
                                                                                 to 11 persons.
                                                     Provides opportunities for a secure
                         Township families with financial
                                                     future to the hungry, homeless,
                         needs and refer them to other
                                                                                 Contact: Kelly Frantz at 610-262-
                                                                                                             3. Toiletries including shampoo,
                         agencies that provide services.
                                                                                                             brushes, deodorant, bath soap.
                         1. Monetary donations. Please mark  poor, and mentally ill of the Lehigh  8030.     body wash, toothpaste, tooth-
                                                                                 PEACEFUL KNIGHTS
                                                                                                             Contact: Carol Powers at 610-871-
            THE MORNING CALL  and household needs. Please mark  dotte playground, which serves the  Lehighton, PA 18235  PROJECT HOPE OF
                         envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
                                                     1. We are looking for a generous
                                                                                 215 N. First St.
                                                     donor to help us re-build our Wyan-
                         2. Gift cards for groceries, clothing
                                                     children in our housing units.
                         envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
                                                                                 We are a short-term homeless
                                                                                 shelter program for men, serving
                         3. New members that reside in
                                                     Please mark envelope “Be an Angel
                                                                                 Carbon County.
                         Moore Township.
                         Contact: Karen Grube at 610-837-
                                                                                 1. AT&T phones.
                                                                                                             P.O. Box 3785
                                                     2. Donations for the New Choice
                                                     and healthy food options to distrib-
                                                                                 mark envelope “Be an Angel dona-
                                                                                                             Provides annual Christmas dinner,
                         THE NEIGHBORHOOD            Food Pantry: produce, meat, fruits  2. AT&T minutes gift cards. Please  Easton, PA 18043
                                                                                                             with gifts for the homeless and
                                                     ute to our clients.
                         CENTER                      3. Gifts for teenagers 13 to 18 years  3. Monetary donations. Please  needy.
                                                     old. Gift cards and a 5x winter coat.  mark the envelope “Be an Angel  1. Monetary donations. Please mark
                         Formerly St. Luke’s Neighborhood  Please mark envelope “Be an Angel  donation.”     envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
                         Center                      donation.”                  Contact: Stephen Miller at 610-  2. New winter clothes: coats,
                         435 N. Seventh St.          Contact: Sandra Bieber at 610-691-  340-4786.           sweatshirts, sweaters.
                         Allentown, PA 18102         5602, ext. 206.                                         3. New gloves and socks.
                         Offers free pre-K, elementary and                                                   Contact: Steve Sterner at 610-
          12             teen programs to keep kids off the                                                  360-9739.
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