Page 11 - Be An Angel 2018
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        1. Hygiene products (laundry soap,                                                                               BE
        shampoo, body wash, etc.).
        2. Gift cards to local grocery store
        chains. Please mark envelope “Be
        an Angel donation.”                                                                                              AN
        3. Staples gift cards. Please mark
        envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
        Contact: Carolyn Serva at 610-
        250-2551, ext. 24075.
        LEHIGH COUNTY                                                                                                    ANGEL
        PMB No. 155, 6900 Hamilton Blvd.,
        Suite 285
        Trexlertown, PA 18087
        Provides emergency shelter, food
        and case management services for
        homeless children and their fam-
        1. A used, 15-passenger van/bus to
        transport guests between our day
        center and host congregations and
        to other activities.
        2. Monetary donations to cover up
        to 1 year of fuel and maintenance
        for our 15-passenger van. Annual
        cost will be $5,000. Please mark
        envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
        3. Monetary donations to cover up
        to 1 year of heating oil for our day
        center. Anticipate our annual bill
        will be $2,000. Please mark envel-
        ope “Be an Angel donation.”
        Contact: Steve Kovacs at 610-437-                                                HARRY FISHER/MORNING CALL FILE PHOTO
        5933.                       Rabbi Seth Phillips (center) of Congregation Keneseth Israel synagogue helps pack food for the needy
                                    as part of a Jewish Family Service of the Lehigh Valley event.
        YMCA                        JEWISH FAMILY               992-4973.                   Contact: Myra Pina at 484-602-
        1524 W. Linden St., Suite 209  SERVICE OF THE           JONI AND FRIENDS
        Allentown, PA 18102         LEHIGH VALLEY               PENNSYLVANIA                LEHIGH VALLEY
        We are a nonprofit creating oppor-  2004 W. Allen St.                               FAMILIES TOGETHER
        tunities for youth development,  Allentown, PA 18104    121 E. Chestnut St., Suite 101
        healthy living and social responsi-  Helps individuals and families live  Souderton, PA 18964  928 Union Blvd., First Floor
        bility.                     healthier and more stable lives by  Provide hope and community to  Allentown, PA 18109
        1. Gift cards to Amazon, Staples  providing community social serv-  individuals and families affected by  Family services and foster care
        and grocery stores for child care  ices.                disability.                 serving families in the Lehigh Valley.
        programs and office supplies.  1. Brother — MFC-L3770CDW Wire-  1. Amish-made Valley Road Speeder  1. Disney DVDs for our visit room.
        Please mark envelope “Be an Angel  less Color All-In-One Printer —  350 Wagon – we need high quality  2. Gas gift cards to help parents
        donation.”                  White (or similar features); needed  wagons for some of the bigger kids  get to medical appointments.
        2. Youth Program Supplies, includ-  to print fliers about programs,  we serve with sensory challenges.  Please mark envelope “Be an Angel
        ing book shelving, dramatic play  events and letters requiring letter-  donation.”
        furniture, board games, new/used  head.                 speeder-350/                3. Diapers of all sizes and Pull-ups.  THE MORNING CALL
        Wii games and controllers, and  2. A Canon Vixia HF R800 Cam-  2. Amazon gift cards or other  Contact: Allyn Benech at 610-432-
        sports equipment.           corder (or similar features): to  monetary donations. Please mark  9420.
        3. New pillows and laundry deter-  record our community events,  envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
        gent in support of our Allentown  website postings, training and  3. Forever stamps. Please mark  LILY’S HOPE
        Warming Station.            presentations.              envelope “Be an Angel donation.”  FOUNDATION
        Contact: Adrianne Jackson at  3. NEC Display Solutions NP-  Contact: Corinne Carr at 215-799-
        610-438-6065.               ME401W — Wireless projector (or  2304.                  1148 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Lower
                                    similar features): for presentations,                   Level                                  SUNDAY,
        HISPANIC AMERICAN           lectures, outreach, and staff meet-  LATINO LEADERSHIP  Allentown, PA 18103
        ORGANIZATION                ings.                       ALLIANCE OF THE             Provides resources, aid and hope to
                                    Contact: Susan Sklaroff-Van Hook                        families with premature babies.
        462 W. Walnut St.           at 610-821-8722.            LEHIGH VALLEY               1. Gas or retail gift cards. Please
        Allentown, PA 18102                                     P.O. Box 296                mark envelope “Be an Angel dona-       NOVEMBER
        Provides housing, family counsel-  JOHN RIVERS          Allentown, PA 18105         tion.”
        ing, therapeutic psychiatric drug  MEMORIAL VFW POST    Strengthening the Latino commu-  2. Preemie or newborn diapers.
        and alcohol clinic, ESL classes, and  11322             nity through leadership devel-  3. Preemie or newborn clothing.    25,
        referral services to the public.                        opment, education, health and  Contact: Jennifer Driscoll at 267-
        1. Portable whiteboard for classes.  41 Belmont Ave.    cultural activities and events. To  776-4673.
        2. Ring 2 video doorbell.   Quakertown, PA 18951        provide a public forum for discus-                                 2018
        3. Laptop computer for ESL begin-  1. Monetary donations. Please mark  sion and dissemination of informa-  LIVE LEARN AND PLAY
        ners.                       envelope “Be an Angel donation.”  tion and to improve the quality of  3300 Lehigh St.
        Contact: Sandi Teplitz at 610-481-  2. New undergarments for home-  life for the Latino community.  Allentown, PA 18103
        9897.                       less veterans.              1. Small laptop or notebook to use  Helps local families with autism
                                    3. Gift cards to buy food to support  during meetings and events.  and special needs by promoting
                                    veterans and their families. Please  2. Volunteers and/or motivated  acceptance and inclusion.
                                    mark envelope “Be an Angel dona-  board members.        1. Volunteers to help distribute
                                    tion.”                      3. Volunteer webmaster and/or  flyers.
                                    Contact: Paul Gerhart Jr. at 267-  social media “guru.”  2. Cleaning and paper products        11
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