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A choice to live at Moravian Village
is an opportunity to take advantage
of opportunities to follow dreams,
plans and new paths for your future
“Seeing is believing. You have to come out Reader’s Choice award in 2018 for the best foot Health Care Center that includes short
and visit us,” said Moravian Village Executive 55+ Community. – and long-term rehabilitation offered through a
Director Tracy Patton. “Moravian Village offers When it comes to living arrangements, the partnership with Good Shepherd Rehabilitation
the freedom and convenience of a very active community can match a wide variety of needs. Network, secured memory care, wound healing,
55-plus cottage community, independent First opened in 2003, Moravian Village has three and cardiac care. In addition, the community
apartment living and a full range of on-site living options for its residents: recently renovated their long term care living
healthcare services if needed.” ■ 145 apartment homes, ranging in size from section of the Healthcare Center, and the
Residents can be as involved as they want 848 to 1,700 square feet, with five different floor community offers in-home care options.
to be with community activities that include plans to choose from. The full range of living and health care options
classes, educational events, shopping and cultur- ■ 105 cottage homes at Market Street available allows Moravian Village residents the ability
al excursions, and social gatherings of all kinds, Cottages featuring four distinct floor plans, to enjoy life and feel secure that their future needs
with the added benefit of being located just one ranging from 1,400 square feet to 1,800 square will be met while staying in the same community.
mile from the shops and restaurants of down- feet. Some homes include finished walk-out Moravian Village invites you to schedule a
town Bethlehem —selected in 2017 by Forbes basements providing a total of 3,600 square feet personalized tour and see its community for
and Money magazines as one of the best places of living space. yourself. For more information, visit
to retire in the country, and the Morning Call ■ Moravian Village also has a 65,000-square-
cone beam CT scanning. St. Luke’s OMS is now one day! Patients obtain a full-arch permanent
also the home of the Valley’s first three female oral denture with as little as four implants on the day
surgeons: Dr. Veronica Barreto, Dr. Assabi Isaac, of surgery, which allows them to maintain full
and Dr. Rhonda Rohloff. speech, gain perfect aesthetics, and improve their
St. Luke’s OMS has extended hours in order self-esteem. Staying true to their mission to offer
to accommodate patients’ schedules. St. Luke’s patients the latest technology, St. Luke’s OMS
OMS offers normal business hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m. was the first practice in the country to complete
Mon., Wed., and Thurs.; 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Fri.; 8 a.m.- and offer the Trefoil Hybrid surgery, which allows
8 p.m. Tues.; and 8 a.m.-noon on Saturdays. With a patient to obtain a completely new smile in an
office locations in Allentown, Easton, Bethlehem even more efficient way.
ST. LUKE’S OMS: and Stroudsburg, patients can see the surgeons St. Luke’s OMS also hosts multiple continuing
AFFORDABLE, HIGH-QUALITY they trust, where and when they want. education programs for general dentists and
specialists throughout the area, bringing dental
At St. Luke’s OMS, the doctors practice a full
CARE IN A SAFE AND range of oral and facial procedures (including Trefoil professionals together to learn about new
SECURE ENVIRONMENT and All-On-Four hybrid surgeries); dental implant techniques and procedures. Through these
surgery; bone grafting; dental extractions (including
initiatives, patients know that when they choose St.
wisdom teeth removal); TMJ (temporomandibular Luke’s OMS, they choose their community.
etting the standard for excellence in oral joint) evaluation and management; in-office IV The mission at St. Luke’s OMS is to provide
surgery, Dr. Wayne J. Saunders is a native of sedation and general anesthesia; cosmetherapy patients with affordable, high quality, state-
Sthe Lehigh Valley and a graduate of Parkland (including Botox, and JUVEDERM) and more. of-the-art care in a gentle, safe and secure
High School. More than 15 years ago, after first St. Luke’s OMS surgeons are on staff and environment. The practice was able to grow
having practiced in New Jersey, Dr. Saunders take calls for facial trauma needs at St. Luke’s and start relationships with local dentists and
opened The Center for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery University Health Network, assisting patients other specialists by living true to this mission
after his physician father informed him of the local after motor vehicle accidents, accidental falls, and maintaining a positive reputation. St. Luke’s
need for oral surgery and trauma care. The practice sports injuries, interpersonal violence, and work- OMS prides itself on always being available to
has since grown immensely. related injuries. Facial trauma injuries include patients and referring doctors. Along with their
The Center for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (but are not limited to) facial lacerations; intra- professional staff, the doctors are committed to
at St. Luke’s, now known as St. Luke’s OMS, has oral lacerations; avulsed (knocked out) teeth; establishing a partnership of good health with
grown to a 13-doctor practice (including one fractured facial bones (cheek, nose, or eye ease of access and flexibility for scheduling needs.
periodontist) with five locations throughout socket); and fractured jaws (upper and lower). For more information, or to make an
the Lehigh Valley. Still the largest practice in the The St. Luke’s OMS team is proud to offer appointment with one of the surgeons at St.
area, St. Luke’s OMS continues to use innovative the fixed denture treatment concept (All- Luke’s OMS, please call 610.865.8077 or visit
technology such as X-Nav, Osseocare Pro, and On-Four Hybrid), providing a full smile in just