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Experience + Technology = Enhanced Vision
professional, compassionate choosing what strength and type intraocular lenses, visual
eye care. of new lens to implant.” outcomes are optimized.
To provide both the physician Dr. O’Brien notes, “This Dr. O’Brien also continues to
and patient with every technology is particularly utilize Multifocal Lenses, which
advantage, Dr. Marnie O’Brien, helpful in patients with previous she reports, “are a great choice
partner at the Lehigh Valley LASIK or Refractive Corneal for cataract patients who still
Eye Center, utilizes the latest surgery.” ORA adds just a few drive, work or enjoy various
technology for diagnosis and extra minutes to the time of hobbies, because these IOLs
Clear vision is a target we
all strive for, and now with treatment. cataract surgery, and there is no provide clarity simultaneously
continuing advancements in Patients in need of cataract increased recovery time. for multiple depths of field.” In
cataract technology, highly surgery have a new ally: Dr. O’Brien also utilizes many cases, it eliminates the
trained professionals use many a technology called ORA the femtosecond laser. “This need for eyeglasses or contact
tools to precisely pinpoint VeriEye that allows surgeons technology has the potential lenses after surgery.
treatment for a wide range of like Dr. O’Brien to take to increase accuracy, decrease With all of the recent
eye conditions. intraoperative measurements surgical time and improve advances in cataract
Born and raised in the to ensure the most accurate visual results,” she says. technologies, now is a great
Lehigh Valley, Marnie O’Brien, lens selection. Dr. O’Brien, No matter how accurate time to move forward with
D.O., has been dedicated to explains, “ORA works by manual cataract surgeries were surgery. Dr. O’Brien has over
optimizing her patients’ visual taking a measurement of the in the past, the femtosecond 20 years of experience in
outcomes by providing them eye at the time of surgery, once laser adds a level of precision. cataract and refractive surgery,
with surgical alternatives the cataract has been removed. Tested in clinical trials, the and is a pioneer in bringing
in order to see the world The technology analyzes the laser achieved unprecedented the newest technologies to the
clearly. For over 20 years, she patients’ visual pathway and accuracy with few adverse Lehigh Valley. Call Lehigh
has been providing patients gives us realtime guidance. This effects. When these new Valley Eye Center to set up your
throughout the Lehigh Valley increased information is used to technologies are employed cataract evaluation today at
and surrounding area with optimize decision making when along with the most advanced 610-433-0450
...that you DESERVE
20+ years of experience!
Dr. Marnie O’Brien
Laser Cataract Surgery
Bladeless LASIK Laser
400 N. 17th St. • Suite 102, Allentown
3535 High Point Blvd. • Suite 800, Bethlehem
Call today to schedule your cataract evaluation with Dr. O’Brien