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THE MORNING CALL                                                                                    SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2019  17
            The benefits of                          like the sound of flowing water or the sight of birds  Exposure to natural light is powerful, and people
                                                    eating at a feeder can easily break up the daily routine
                                                                                             who spend lots of time outdoors can recover
            seniors getting                         and offer mental and spiritual relief for seniors.  from injuries faster.
                                                                                             5. Being outside helps seniors improve focus.
                                                       In addition to helping to add some freshness to
                                                    everyday life, getting outdoors also encourages seniors
                                                                                             Being outdoors gives the brain a break from everyday
            outin natureoutin nature                to increase their physical and mental activity levels,  multitasking and allows it to form new memories and
                                                    which, in turn, can contribute to warding off things like
                                                                                             heal itself from over-extension. This contributes to
                                                    dementia, cognitive decline, immobility, and disease.
                                                                                             higher attention levels and improved mental health.
                                                       This, perhaps, is one of the largest benefits of
                                                    getting outdoors for senior. Simply sitting in a green
                  etting outdoors is important for people of all  space or listening to the sound of falling water helps
                  ages and walks of life. In addition to wiping the  people feel more alive, and for seniors who struggle  Where to get outsideWhere to get outside
            Ginternal slate clean, lifting our spirits, and giving  with depression or feelings of hopelessness, this is an
                                                                                                         in th
            us a chance to reconnect with life’s most important  immeasurable gift.                      in the Lehigh Valleye Lehigh Valley
            things, getting outdoors is a great way to relax and  5 Facts about outdoor exposure or seniors
            take peace from the natural beauty that surrounds us.  1. Being outside boosts vitamin D levels.  The Lehigh Valley is loaded with opportunities to get
               While being outdoors is critical for all people, it’s  Vitamin D is directly related to an improved immune  outdoors. The Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage
            especially essential for seniors.       system and a more positive outlook. Spending about  Corridor, known as the D&L Trail, is one of the best of
               Recently, research conducted by the graduate  15 minutes of time each day in the sun is an ideal way  them. A good place to start is the mostly flat section
            students at the University of Minnesota proved that  for seniors to boost their vitamin D levels.  between Bethlehem and Easton.
            green, outdoor spaces have the potential to improve  2. Nature can help boost immunity.  Other opportunities include Jacobsburg State
            the health and wellbeing of seniors.    By helping seniors feel more positive and increasing  Park in Nazareth, the Allentown Rose Gardens,
               With these results in mind, it’s clear that getting  mental health, the great outdoors help seniors build  Trexler Memorial Park in Allentown, the Saucon
            outdoors on a regular basis is an incredibly important  and maintain healthy immune systems.  Rail Trail, Illick’s Mill Park in Bethlehem, and
            step for seniors who want to safeguard their health  3. Being outside helps seniors feel  Cedar Beach Park in Allentown. There is also
            and live a more fulfilled life.          more energized.                           the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus and the
            Why getting outside matters             Tired? Take a walk! Getting outside is a great way  Trexler Nature Preserve at the Lehigh Valley Zoo
               Without the experience of getting outside,  for sluggish seniors to feel more active.  in Schnecksville.
            monotony goes unbroken and can enact an adverse  4. People who spend time outside recover  Source: CommHealthCare and The Morning Call
            impact on the senior’s happiness. Luckily, simple things  from injuries faster.

            Coffee Clutch


                                                                                                      Photo courtesy of The Terrace at Phoebe Allentown
               ocializing: It’s for people ages two to 102. Many  resident Irene Bigatel – and the group only grew  nights, scheduled activities aren’t all that’s happening
               of us understand the importance of encourag-  from there.                     at the independent living community. Residents often
           Sing younger generations to socialize, but it’s easy  “This is a good place to meet people. It breaks  organically start their own social activity groups based
           to overlook the importance of socialization for older  the ice with newcomers,” says Charlie, who enjoys the  on common interests, and because life at the Terrace
           adults. Human nature leads us to crave sharing inter-  social aspect of the group.  frees residents from the burden of home maintenance
           ests, stories and overall connection with other people.  The size of the group varies on any given day,  and housekeeping, it provides them with ample time to
           As we age, however – particularly if we’re transitioning  but frequently includes fellow residents Joyce Schelly,  attended as many events as they’d like.
           from one phase of life to the next – life circumstances  Harry Hebig and Albert Fraind. They all look forward  Residents at the Terrace never have to look
           can push us toward loneliness or isolation unless we  to the opportunity to share their common interests,  far to find new ways to pursue their interests or
           take steps to cultivate new relationships.  which has allowed them to develop a lasting bond over  connect with one another in the community which
              At the Terrace at Phoebe Allentown, one group of  the years. Each day’s coffee and tea meeting is also a  features several common spaces, a fitness center,
           residents – led by resident Charlie Geheb – has taken  precursor to other social events they all take part in.  social room, and beautiful restaurant style dining
           steps to encourage interaction among neighbors and to  “There are more activities here than you can  room. Residents also enjoy the luxury of venturing
           make the transition into a new community a welcoming  fit into a week!” says Joyce. “There’s a lot of good  into the city as they please. The Terrace at Phoebe
           experience for newcomers.                entertainment, including some great singers and  Allentown is where active adults are truly making
              The group, known unofficially as the “Coffee  musical groups.”                  their seniors years their best years!
           Clutch,” has a standing date every morning at 8 a.m.  The Terrace is a True Community  The Terrace at Phoebe Allentown, 1940 W. Turner
           in The Terrace lounge, which just happens to be off of  Event calendars at all of Phoebe’s communities are  Street, Allentown, PA 18104
           the lobby where visitors first come through and where  numerous, full and ever changing. At each campus and  SCHEDULE A TOUR
           staff and other residents frequently pass by. When  level of care, there are both scheduled and impromptu  Tours are available weekdays, 8 a.m.–4 p.m.; week-
           Charlie moved to The Terrace in 2015, he decided to  events that happen daily – all created for (and often  day evenings and weekends by appointment.
           move his morning coffee routine from his apartment  by) residents. From musical performances and happy  Contact: Mitch Huston, Sales Coordinator, 610-794-5426
           down to the first floor. He was soon joined by fellow  hour to board game nights, Wii bowling and movie  or Quinn Kolbe, Sales Associate, 215-461-2121.
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