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34  SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2019                                                                                THE MORNING CALL

                                          CAPITALIZING ON

                  n Saturday, April 27, for the 24th year,                                   passion for the project has spread and the city has
                   the Spring on the SouthSide Community  HOW THE ARTS HELPED                adopted a “can do” attitude.
           OFestival & Chili Cook-Off will bring live art                                       Southside Bethlehem is not unique, of course,
            demonstrations, music, and kids’ activities – as well  FUEL SOUTHSIDE            in looking to the arts as an economic catalyst for
            as a reason for all of us to carry our Musikfest mugs                            improving an urban area’s quality of life. Cities across
            around before August – to an area that is experiencing  BETHLEHEM’S              the country – particularly those hit hard by the
            increased enthusiasm for its community progress.                                 demise of industries that once fueled their greatness
               If it feels like the urban renewal taking place in  RESURGENCE                – have realized that a vibrant arts scene can attract
            Southside Bethlehem has been talked about for the                                foot traffic and spur the opening of supportive
            past two decades, it’s because it’s true. It’s been 24  The city’s transformation  amenities like restaurants, shops, schools, and parks
            years since Bethlehem Steel ceased steelmaking, and                              and leisure areas. But the area is widely regarded
            16 years since the company was dissolved and its assets  has looked to creativity as  for its sensible, clearheaded vision that, for the last
            divided. It’s a story that locals know well, and one that  an economic catalyst  19 years, has focused on neighborhoods and the
            they’ve told repeatedly for visitors, for the national news                      preservation of what the city once was.
            media, and for curiosity seekers.           By Shannon Sigafoos of The Morning Call  “I think one of the things that has been really
               The presence of a world-class university, growing                             important is building off of the history of what the
            tech scene, a long-standing healthcare anchor and the                            Southside culture was. There were a lot of steel
            support of committed investors are just a few examples  Associates and whose own career in economic  workers, and the people who had boots to the ground
            on the long list of reasons for the revival.  development spans more than 30 years. “There’s a  were living in the Southside, and that’s been turned
               But in looking at the area’s impressive turnaround,  Design committee that looks at what the buildings  into what the current culture is – people who are living
            it’s important to take note of the key role played over  look like and what the streetscape is. Then there’s  and working here, and want it to be a place they can
            the last four years by the SouthSide Arts District, a  a Promotions committee, which is everything that  be excited to enjoy after hours,” says Stacie Brennan,
            downtown revitalization program formally organized  you see visually representing the arts district. The  ArtsQuests’ Senior Director of Visual Arts. “That’s
            in 2015 in partnership with Lehigh University and the  Economic Vitality committee focuses on businesses  been exciting to see. Twenty years ago, the Southside
            Bethlehem Economic Development Corporation.  and keeping the storefronts filled. And then there’s the  wasn’t a place where you’d want to be going out at
            The program follows the nationally-recognized “Main  Organization committee, which focuses on volunteers  night, but at the time there was this bubbling up of an
            Street Four Point Approach” from the National Main  for events and fundraising.”  arts district where there were these really cool galleries
            Street Program, which utilizes committees of volunteers  The overarching structure with the Main Street  and shops. You’ve seen that kind of ripple effect and
            to help spark transformation.           approach, Taggart points out, is that it is volunteer-  how that has established this as a place to come to.”
               “This is a tried and true revitalization method that  driven. While there is an intention to have all  The Banana Factory, which is home to ArtsQuest’s
            cities all across America have used, and it takes four  stakeholders involved, volunteers for events throughout  visual arts education programs, was one of the
            different committees into account,” explains Donna  the year bring in people of all ages and those who live
            Taggart, Principal at Taggart           outside of the district, as well, showcasing that the  CULTURE PAGE 35

                                                                                                                                      Photos courtesy of SouthSide Arts District
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