Page 30 - Top Workplaces 2019
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Workplace technology is intended to make work easier for everyone, but good companies will examine how best to use it to actually achieve that.
How is technology changing your workplace culture?
By Doug Claffey ress throughout the year. Rather, it involves setting up commu- pillarforanyhigh-performingorgani-
Of Energage Others have set up anonymous nication channels employees can use zation. But when done wrong, tech-
channels where employees can pro- to collaborate, build community, rec- nology polarizes people.
echnology is influencing videfeedbackinasafeway.Onemedi- ognize one another, and provide can- So, how do you use technology for
the culture of your work- calrecordsdigitizationcompanyused did feedback without fear of reper- good in the workplace? Start with an
place. The question is, anonymous employee feedback to ad- cussion or exposure. approach that celebrates the positive
will it create intended dress barriers to growth. Over the last In the big picture, we know tech- aspects of your culture, and build real
Tpositive results or side- four years, it expanded from 400 to nology is a huge point of discussion connections based on trust and ap-
track the organization’s mission? more than 1000 employees without and debate, from privacy issues to se- preciation. Constructively channel
Powerful tools are giving leaders losing sight of its culture. curity issues. Still, we're all slaves to negative emotions that inevitably
deeper understanding of their organi- Leaders of Top Workplaces know our email and IM channels. arise, and educate senior leaders to
zation’s culture and work dynamics. culture is the foundation of success, We'regettingahigherqualityoflife accept and act on the feedback.
They also provide a way to get ahead and they know how to use technology in the micro-instant, but in the If we are intentional about how
of issues that could handicap success. to create a better work environment. broader sense, it’s not clear what technology impacts our culture, we
We see this as an emerging field of The challenge is looking past the ob- we’re getting accomplished, certainly can create more productive work-
“culturetechnology,”amultidisciplin- vious role of technology — efficiency in terms of work. The amount of time places, truly aligned teams, stronger
ary, science-based approach to im- and speed — and understanding how we spend communicating and the connections, a better coaching envi-
prove workplace culture. It seeks to to engage the human spirit. amount of time we spend working in- ronment, better effectiveness. Think
help everyone — from senior leaders The confluence of disciplines has fluencesproductivity,whichisnotde- about how technology is going to im-
to rookie employees — collaborate to the potential to substantially improve monstrably going up. pact your culture. Focus on a Top
build an intentional and purposeful the key relationships that make up Developing quality channels of Workplace culture as an outcome.
culture. our work experience, from a person’s communication in the workplace fo- That’s the best use of technology, and
We have seen Top Workplaces so- relationship with their work, their cuses on aligning and connecting. it drives better business results.
licit feedback and drive meaningful manager, colleagues — and the or- Culture technology can provide a lev-
dialoguewithemployeesinawaythat ganization itself. el of insight into your culture and Doug Claffey is CEO and co-founder
buildstrustandmakesemployeesfeel This requires going beyond tradi- shape how to make it better. of Energage, a culture technology firm
heard. For example, companies are tional internal communications ef- When done right, technology that specializes in employee
using short pulse questions in be- forts such as town halls, executive vi- brings people together. And that’s im- engagement and workplace
tween annual surveys to track prog- deocasts, or instant messaging jams. portant, because alignment is a key improvement research.