Page 23 - Pork Illustrated
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events, that number is closer to 80. We talk to
“Members also really like the holiday party. It’s them on the phone and like to check in to make
nice to see everyone in December and it gives them sure everything is going well. We have a couple
the opportunity to enjoy the newly renovated PNC people on our team who have been here eight or
Club Level at Coca-Cola Park.” nine years, so they’ve been there for a lot of life
events for their members.”
Another key benefit of a Bacon, USA membership
is a member’s access to his or her own membership These benefits are all free for Bacon, USA
manager. These IronPigs staffers are a member’s Members. For IronPigs fans who come to multiple
primary contact with the team and they offer an games each year, but have not considered a
outlet for questions or concerns and a friendly face Bacon, USA membership, the savings are another
to help every day of the year. important item to consider.
DeAngelis noted that when he served in such a “When a fan comes regularly, but isn’t a member,
capacity, relationships would become so strong they’re only getting a piece of the pie … or a strip
that he’d be invited to family weddings and was of the pack of bacon,” DeAngelis said. “They may
once included in a family’s text-message chain get to eight games a year but just by going to a
announcing the birth of a new child. nine-game plan they could be saving $2 a game on
parking and have ballpark credit loaded onto their
“You really become a part of that person’s family,” tickets – that alone, they’re already spending more
DeAngelis said. “For our full-season members, coming to eight games than they would with a
we see them 70 times a year at games, and with nine-game plan. That doesn’t even include the Iron