Page 10 - Last Minute Gift Guide 2016
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Take to the sky with easier-to-fly drones
Rapid advances in GPS
and processing for the budding aerial photog- CTW Features quality camera capabilities, from crashing when hitting or
technology have made rapher. The Phantom offers an 3DR Solo's design makes it a great tool for capturing aerial images. including 14-megapixel im- brushing up against walls.
drones smaller, cheaper and impressive 28-minute flight ages in RAW format and ¦ Hubsan X4 FPV ($100):
easier to fly than ever before. time with a radio range of 3.1 The orbit mode allows the allows for easy flight and 1080p video recording. The As the smallest FPV (first
Many quadcopter (four-rotor) miles and complete control user to select a point and have filming both indoors and Bebop can be operated via person view) drone on the
drones on the market now with a live, 720p HD view. the drone automatically circle outdoors. At only 500 grams, smartphone, tablet, or by the market, this puppy offers a
feature high-quality cameras The advanced app also fea- and video the image. Unlike the Bebop is relatively small Parrot Skycontroller 2 and fully functional aerial plat-
on easy-to-operate platforms tures a number of automated other drones, though, the Solo with the propellers removed Parrot Cockpitglasses. form that fits in the palm of
so you can be comfortably flight controls to enhance your does not come with its own and can be stuffed into a small ¦ Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 your hand. The 2-megapixel
flying around a park after little flying experience. camera, so you’ll need to get bag for transport virtually ($249): Sold at many big-box camera beams a live view
more than an hour of practice. ¦ 3DR Solo ($799.95): your own GoPro. anywhere. Despite its size and retailers, the Parrot AR.Drone back to the LCD on the con-
Powerful and portable, the ¦ Parrott Bebop 2 ($549): lower price, the Bebop still 2.0 is one of the best beginner troller, and it’s also equipped
Here are five drones at 3DR Solo's design makes it a The Parrot Bebop 2 is a fun holds its own with fully func- drones on the market. It fea- with an SD card slot for re-
various price points that can great tool for capturing aerial and compact quadcopter that tional drone flight and high- tures a lower-price entry point, cording. It's one of the few
send your favorite techie’s images. The Solo has a maxi- but still packs plenty of stunt quadcopters that can safely be
spirits to new heights: mum flight time of 20 minutes drone operability and a high- flown in the living room and is
¦ DJI Phantom 4 ($1,199): with a range of .6 miles. Op- quality camera. AR.Drone 2.0 a fun way to learn more about
As the drone that brought the erated by a controller that is controlled by a smart-phone drones. The X4 has a 6-axis
machines mainstream, the attaches to a mobile device, app operating system that, gyro stabilization and a flight-
Phantom has been on the the Solo runs on an app that according to experts, makes it control system. Hubsan makes
market since 2013 and is now offers automated flying ma- one of the easiest drones to fly. a number of small drones and
in its fourth version. Easy to neuvers such as selfie and The AR also is designed to also offers parts and acces-
fly and with one of the most reveal, panoramic mode and stand up to the occasional sories ranging from motor
advanced built-in cameras on “cable cam” mode, which crash by new pilots. The replacements to propellers.
the market, the Phantom is a enables the drone to auto- indoor hull features propeller
high-quality, all-in-one tool matically fly a straight line. guards that prevent the drone Craig Guillot/
CTW Features
Virtual-reality upgrades Clever, cool accessories
turning heads these days your smartphone’ll crave
While the “virtual
reality” term has CTW Features ¦ Sony PlayStation VR Prynt lets you
been thrown around Enjoy heart-stopping action ($499): The Sony PlayStation print photos
over the years, the virtual with a virtual-reality headset. VR brings a virtual experience directly from your
technology we've often seen to a top-selling gaming plat- smartphone.
in science-fiction movies is ¦ HTC Vive ($799): Vive form. The headset is created CTW Features
now going mainstream. A enables users to move, walk, exclusively for use with the
number of VR headsets on the and explore virtual worlds in PlayStation 4 in a "plug and Take your phone game sheet 50,000 feet in the air, or ture to create more natural
market enable anyone to 360-degree motion with what play" design that makes enter- to the next level this just need some peace, these and professional-looking
immerse themselves in virtual it calls “realistic room experi- ing a VR experience easier holiday season with headphones have got your photos.
games or travel to faraway ences.” Vive's laser tracking than ever. Current game titles these headphones, camera back — er, ears. They hold up ¦ Moment iPhone case
places, all from the comfort of system follows the movement include Star Wars Battlefront, lenses and other smartphone to 20 hours of charge, and ($49.99): This iPhone case
their living rooms. Here are of 32 sensors on the headset VR Worlds and Golem The accessories. connect to all your devices via allows you to take your pho-
four devices that will help and 24 sensors on each of the headset features a 5.7-inch ¦ Prynt instant photo case Bluetooth. Plus, the light- tography to the next level with
your favorite gift recipients hand-held wireless controllers panel with a resolution of ($149.99): Love the ease of a weight, durable material a DSLR-like shutter button
get their heads into the game. to replicate the user in the 1080p per eye and a 100- Polaroid? This innovative, makes these headphones and built-in lens interface.
¦ Oculus Rift ($599): In digital world. Vive features a degree field of view. The inkless printer case lets you comfortable enough for long- You can even purchase a strap
development since 2012, the 110-degree field of view with a user's movements are tracked print photos directly from term wear. attachment (sold separately)
Oculus Rift was officially 2160 x1200 pixel combined via LED lights through the your smartphone. Simply ¦ Bose SoundSport wireless for an extra dose of nostalgia.
released to the public in resolution and a 90 Hz refresh headset and two PlayStation plug in your phone, take a headphones ($149.95): For It’s the perfect stocking
March. Rift uses state-of-the- rate. The Chaperone guidance Move handheld controllers. photo, choose a filter, and hit the athletes on your list, Bose stuffer for any shutterbug.
art optics with a high refresh system keeps players safely ¦ Samsung Gear VR ($65): print! The app also records a also offers the new Sound- Currently available in four
rate display to keep images in within a play area so they don't Powered by Oculus, the Sam- video linked to the physical Sport wireless headphones. colors: black, white, cork, or
sync with where the user is bump into furniture or walls. sung Gear VR offers a budget photo, which plays if viewed Nothing throws off your walnut for iPhone 6 and up.
looking. Rift's technology and A forward-facing camera on option to get a taste of virtual through the app. Currently groove when you’re exercis- ¦ Moment phone lenses
low-latency constellation the front exterior allows Vive reality. Simply snap a Galaxy available in your choice of ing more than a lost earbud, ($99.99 each): Moment also
tracking system heightens the to blend virtual experiences smartphone into the wireless three colors (white, blue, and but SoundSport headphones’ has a line of four different
sensation of presence. There with the real environment headset to enjoy a world of black) for iPhone 5 and up. extended, flexible wings keep attachable lenses to take
are also many accessories 360-degree experiences. ¦ LuMee Light Up iPhone the buds in place whether stunning, professional-look-
available, including a remote, There are nearly 50 available case ($38.95+): Wonder how you’re running, jumping, or ing images without having to
an integrated VR audio de- games, along with content that celebs like Kim Kardashian climbing. Plus, the Bluetooth lug around a bunch of bulky
vice, and controllers. As with includes everything from always have the perfect light- capability means you don’t equipment. Compatible with
other high-end VR headsets, virtual roller coasters to travel ing in their Instagram posts? have to struggle with tangled iPhone 4 and up are:
users will need a powerful to exotic destinations. With no The secret is a light-up case. cords ever again.
desktop to optimally run many need for a computer, the VR With the LumMee front-lit ¦ iblazr 2 wireless LED • 60mm Tele Lens gets you
virtual-reality games. can be used anywhere. iPhone case, you’ll get the flash ($59.99): This little twice as close without any
perfect selfie every time. flash packs a big punch. distortion, making it perfect
CTW Features LuMee comes in multiple Advertised as the “most for street photography and
colors for iPhone 5S and up, advanced light source for travel.
Nina Ottosson’s cool dog treat and Samsung Galaxy S6 & smartphones and tablets,” this
maze, left, rewards the brainy S7. flash can also be used for • Macro Lens allows you to
pooch that can figure out how to ¦ Bose QuietComfort 35 taking photos with DSLR get even closer — 10x closer
get at it. wireless headphones cameras, brightening video — allowing you to capture
($349.95): Make surviving calls, or as a handy flashlight. even the tiniest details.
Let your cat “play the your flight infinitely easier The iblazr 2 works with your
tunes” with the DJ cat- with these wireless, noise- phone’s native camera app — • 18mm Wide Lens gets
scratching pad from canceling headphones. simply pair it via Bluetooth, more in the picture with no
Uncommon Goods. Whether you’re trying to open the app, and double tap distortion.
study in a crowded dorm to activate the flash. You can
PETCO UNCOMMONGOODS lounge, working on a spread- even adjust the color tempera- • 15mm Superfish lens
creates crisp edge-to-edge
Reedhima Madlik/
CTW Features
HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE Subscription boxes
Presents for pets and pet lovers
By Jessi Roti toy, $14.99, Petco. Cats your cat match meows deliver all-year fun
have an instinct to chase, with scratched beats, or at Forget once-and-done.
Chicago Tribune and they should get to let least pretend to. This The holidays (and
that out every once in a scratching pad in the birthdays) only come
Pets become part of the while. Complete with two shape of a DJ’s turntable once a year, but subscription
family on day one. The battery-powered butterfly will keep your cat occu- boxes allow you to keep giv-
holidays are near, and you attachments that promote pied long enough for you ing all year round. When you
and your furry family “spirited play,” your cat to post a photo on Insta- purchase one, the person
member can look forward will be challenged while gram of DJ Fluffy. receiving the box will get
to some of these top gift getting some exercise. some pretty neat stuff sent to
picks: Pet gift box, $29.99- them monthly or a few times a
year, depending on the prod-
PetNet Smart Feeder, Petlinks Mousefull $215.88. Even your pet uct you choose. Here are five, CTW Features
refillable catnip toy, can appreciate a gift that goody-filled boxes for the Spoil a furry friend with Bark Box goodies sent once a month.
$149.99, Petco. This is keeps on giving. Plans of different types of people on
much more than an auto- $4.49, Petco. It is the one, three and six months your list. profiles, brewing tips, and an than 100 types of snacks on
matic feeder for the pet holiday season, so let your and a full year are avail- ¦ For the brew guru: artisan treat. Cost: $17 for a the website, and then Graze
lover who may be on the cat let loose and have able, offering hand-se- The Craft Beer Club sampler or $20 for one bag a will hand-pick a box of snacks
go. The PetNet Smart some fun! This realistic, lected treats and toys for month. for them. Recipients can even
Feeder will lead your pet to refillable toy lets you add your cat or dog, depending Craft brews from around ¦ For the exercise enthusiast: rate the snacks after they
a healthier, happier life by catnip to “refresh your on size and gender. If you the country are delivered Avenue A by adidas receive them, so if they don’t
guiding the pet owner to cat’s interest” and bring choose to sign up for Pet- monthly. The selections are love something, they won’t
the most compatible food out the real mouse hunter GiftBlog emails through produced by small-produc- This box includes four see it again. Cost: $11.99 for a
for your beloved four- inside. Pet Gift Box, you also will tion, independent brewers. In celebrity-curated boxes per box of eight snacks.
legged family member, and receive 30 percent off your addition to traditional bottled year, each containing a selec- ¦ For the dog lover:
can be controlled through Dog bowl water bottle, pet’s first box. beers, the boxes also include tion of seasonal apparel and a Bark Box
an app on your smart- $20, UncommonGoods. hand-crafted beers in cans. pair of must-have sneaks for
phone (iOS or Android) Pets Rock pop art and Cost: $39 for 12 beers per women runners. You pick Have a friend or family
while you’re gone. The Anyone with a dog has pillows, $25.99- month. your size; they pick the goods. member who’s super-fond of
Smart Feeder also controls been on a long walk with ¦ For the coffee aficionado: Past items have included the their pooch? Bark Box will
portion size and lets you no end in sight when the $160.99, Wayfair. For the Bean Box FitSmart watch, Supernova give them numerous ways to
have your pet’s food deliv- pup gets thirsty and pet lover who also loves art tank top, and Adilette Ultra spoil their furry friend. The
ered to your doorstep. there’s no water fountain and pop culture, Pets Rock Coffee fans will get their Slide flip-flops. Cost: $150 subscription includes a
or water bottle at hand. probably has turned one of cup-of-joe fix with a monthly per box, shipped quarterly. monthly delivery of four-to-
Nina Ottosson dog treat Instead of trying to aim a your favorite musicians or sampler box, which includes ¦ For the hungry snacker: six curated, all-natural dog
maze, $14.99, Petco. regular water bottle into cultural icons into a paint- four, 1.8-ounce bags of whole- Graze treats free of wheat, corn, and
your pet’s mouth or cut- ing or decorative pillow — bean coffee hand-picked by soy. Cost: $249 for the 12-
Want a stimulating chal- ting your walk short and using a cat or dog. From coffee experts, or a coffee-of- Those who are adventure- month plan.
lenge for your dog that rushing home, this water Lady Gaga and Alice the-month box, which in- some about snacking will
ends in quite a tasty re- bottle comes complete Cooper to Tupac and cludes 12 ounces of one cof- crave this subscription box. Cathy Cassata/
ward? Nina Ottosson cre- with a refillable bowl Michael Jackson, even fee. Brands may include They can choose from more CTW Features
ated a cool treat maze that attachment and is the Albert Einstein and Queen Herkimer, Zoka, Vita, Ladro,
requires your pet to use his most convenient solution. Elizabeth, Pets Rock art is and Slate. Every box also
or her brain and “paw May your long walks live clever in its production includes tasting notes, roaster
power” to shift the spheres on. and would definitely be a
around and retrieve the great conversation piece
treat inside. DJ cat-scratching pad, the next time guests come
$35, Uncommon over for holiday celebra-
Leaps & Bounds Electric tions.
Flutter Butterfly cat Goods. Probably the
coolest pet toy ever! Let