Page 4 - Last Minute Gift Guide 2014
P. 4
Fetching ideas for pets
... and their people
By William Hageman tage cars and a variety of dogs — SuperCat plush toy Airedale
more than half of them rescues — waste bag
Tribune Newspapers Regan captures the enthusiasm, QUAKER PET GROUP holder
curiosity and simple joy of dogs
The American Pet Products Asso- on wheels. “How to AIMEE
ciation predicts Americans will Think WILDER
spend more than $58 billion on Playtime for kitty: From Su- Like a
animals this year. With the holidays perCat comes Plush Toys with a Horse” Pretty kitty
bearing down on us like a Chihua- catnip spray. There is a variety of food bowl
hua chasing an errant crumb, now’s characters — dinosaurs, birds, STOREY
your chance to do your part to run gators — to keep little Fluffy occu- PUBLISHING LOVING PETS
up the total. Here are some gift ideas pied. And with the catnip spray,
for that pet-loving friend or relative. happy. Available through Ama- Diablo bridle leather dog collar GoDog toy (which sells them in
GoDog toys: Now you can get a dog pairs for about $18) and Doctors BY NICOLE HORGAN QUAKER PET
toy to fit the size of your critter. Foster and Smith’s website, GROUP
GoDog ( has come Water bowl for pup
out with a line of toys made specifi- Dogs in
cally for the tiniest of dogs. They Horse sense: “How to Think BIG MOUTH INC. Cars
feature a durable mesh lining and Like a Horse: The Essential
double-stitched seams to stand up Handbook for Understanding LARA JO
to rough play (there’s also a one- Why Horses Do What They Do” REGAN/
time 30-day replacement guarantee, (Story Publishing) by instructor COUNTRYMEN
so take your best shot, Scrumpy). and trainer Cherry Hill offers a PRESS
Available at, PetSmart comprehensive look at the horse,
and Petco; priced from about $7. from the animal’s physiology and
senses to its care, behavior and
Dog water dish: Be a good dog development. She also gives smart
parent and bring your pet’s favorite training tips and resources for
watering hole into any room of the further study. Anyone associated
house with Big Mouth’s toilet-in- with the equine world can gain
spired water dish. The ceramic dish valuable insight through Hill’s
uses a 2-liter bottle as a reservoir for book.
a supply of fresh water. Priced at
about $22, it’s available at Ama- Airedale pet waste bag: De-, Target, Walmart and other signed by Aimee Wilder, this bag
nationwide retailers. makes you at least look fashion-
able as you and Fido go about his
Cat food dish: From Robusto business. The tote ($10) holds a
comes the sturdy Loving Pets dinner roll of disposable plastic bags, also
bowl made of heavy-gauge alumi- festooned with the Airedale de-
num with a bacteria-resistant ce- sign ($8 for three rolls of 20 bags),
ramic-like interior. Available in five for waste collection. Once the
colors, it’s priced at $9.99 and is pickup has been made, simply
available at Petco, PetSmart and dispose of the waste bag. Avail- able at
“Dogs In Cars” by Lara Jo Regan:
It seems that one of the first things a Diablo bridle leather dog col-
dog understands is “Want to ride in
the car?” A dog hears that question, lar: This 11⁄4-inch collar is one of
and his eyes widen, he looks at you, several from Four Robins (tiny
then at the door, and breaks into the It’s made of
“let’s go!” dance. Dogs and cars are a soft chestnut bridle leather, is
natural pairing, one that photogra- hand-embossed and stained, with
pher Regan explores in her new a Western design and three con-
photo book from The Countryman chos and nickel-over-brass rivets.
Press. Combining modern and vin- Price: $58.
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In An Instant. Must Be 18 Years or Older to Play. Please Play Responsibly. Compulsive Gambling Hotline: 1-800-848-1880
Fetching ideas for pets
... and their people
By William Hageman tage cars and a variety of dogs — SuperCat plush toy Airedale
more than half of them rescues — waste bag
Tribune Newspapers Regan captures the enthusiasm, QUAKER PET GROUP holder
curiosity and simple joy of dogs
The American Pet Products Asso- on wheels. “How to AIMEE
ciation predicts Americans will Think WILDER
spend more than $58 billion on Playtime for kitty: From Su- Like a
animals this year. With the holidays perCat comes Plush Toys with a Horse” Pretty kitty
bearing down on us like a Chihua- catnip spray. There is a variety of food bowl
hua chasing an errant crumb, now’s characters — dinosaurs, birds, STOREY
your chance to do your part to run gators — to keep little Fluffy occu- PUBLISHING LOVING PETS
up the total. Here are some gift ideas pied. And with the catnip spray,
for that pet-loving friend or relative. happy. Available through Ama- Diablo bridle leather dog collar GoDog toy (which sells them in
GoDog toys: Now you can get a dog pairs for about $18) and Doctors BY NICOLE HORGAN QUAKER PET
toy to fit the size of your critter. Foster and Smith’s website, GROUP
GoDog ( has come Water bowl for pup
out with a line of toys made specifi- Dogs in
cally for the tiniest of dogs. They Horse sense: “How to Think BIG MOUTH INC. Cars
feature a durable mesh lining and Like a Horse: The Essential
double-stitched seams to stand up Handbook for Understanding LARA JO
to rough play (there’s also a one- Why Horses Do What They Do” REGAN/
time 30-day replacement guarantee, (Story Publishing) by instructor COUNTRYMEN
so take your best shot, Scrumpy). and trainer Cherry Hill offers a PRESS
Available at, PetSmart comprehensive look at the horse,
and Petco; priced from about $7. from the animal’s physiology and
senses to its care, behavior and
Dog water dish: Be a good dog development. She also gives smart
parent and bring your pet’s favorite training tips and resources for
watering hole into any room of the further study. Anyone associated
house with Big Mouth’s toilet-in- with the equine world can gain
spired water dish. The ceramic dish valuable insight through Hill’s
uses a 2-liter bottle as a reservoir for book.
a supply of fresh water. Priced at
about $22, it’s available at Ama- Airedale pet waste bag: De-, Target, Walmart and other signed by Aimee Wilder, this bag
nationwide retailers. makes you at least look fashion-
able as you and Fido go about his
Cat food dish: From Robusto business. The tote ($10) holds a
comes the sturdy Loving Pets dinner roll of disposable plastic bags, also
bowl made of heavy-gauge alumi- festooned with the Airedale de-
num with a bacteria-resistant ce- sign ($8 for three rolls of 20 bags),
ramic-like interior. Available in five for waste collection. Once the
colors, it’s priced at $9.99 and is pickup has been made, simply
available at Petco, PetSmart and dispose of the waste bag. Avail- able at
“Dogs In Cars” by Lara Jo Regan:
It seems that one of the first things a Diablo bridle leather dog col-
dog understands is “Want to ride in
the car?” A dog hears that question, lar: This 11⁄4-inch collar is one of
and his eyes widen, he looks at you, several from Four Robins (tiny
then at the door, and breaks into the It’s made of
“let’s go!” dance. Dogs and cars are a soft chestnut bridle leather, is
natural pairing, one that photogra- hand-embossed and stained, with
pher Regan explores in her new a Western design and three con-
photo book from The Countryman chos and nickel-over-brass rivets.
Press. Combining modern and vin- Price: $58.
Spread Holiday Cheer
In An Instant. Must Be 18 Years or Older to Play. Please Play Responsibly. Compulsive Gambling Hotline: 1-800-848-1880