Page 42 - Lehigh Valley Bride & Groom 2016-2017
P. 42
continued from Page 21 •
kilt. They’re both kind of universal “You want to make sure there our ingredients are organic, where
tartans,” he said. are no hidden costs,” says Joe Farda, they were purchased, if they were
Hideaway Hills Golf Club’s wedding locally sourced.”
JEWELRY planner. “There’s nothing wrong with
asking if there’s a charge for parking." BACHELORETTE
Lehigh Valley couples are sentimen- Couples should also find out if they
tal with their engagement and wed- have to use particular vendors. Whether it’s a reception, an after-
ding jewelry, with couples choosing to Some venues, like the Kresgeville party or a bachelorette party, the
use diamonds that are family heir- golf club, have all-inclusive packages, event should reflect the personality
looms in new settings for engagement as well as accommodations for out-of- of the guest or guests of honor.
rings in all metals, including rose gold. town guests. “One thing to keep in mind is the
Alyssa Berg, media marketing Couples are looking for ways to bachelorette or birthday girl you
manager with Werkheiser Jewelers in make their special day a unique expe- are throwing the party for,” said
Bethlehem, said halo rings are pop- rience for their guests to share. Brandon Stone from Steel City Studs
ular choices, with round diamonds “A ceremony or receptions using of Bethlehem. “Granted, most people
the favorite shape in stones, followed the balcony is something very unique do like to get crazy and go all out
closely by the cushion cut. to this area,” said Mark De Intinis of for special occasions, even the low-
“Things are more unique as well,” the Renaissance hotel in Allentown. key individuals, but there are those
she said. “We like taking on the more “The space has to sell itself. If the that do not ... the entertainment
challenging requests. It’s completely space is common, no matter how for a bachelorette party should
up to them what they end up with.” much decor is added, it tends to be centered around what the
For wedding sets, bands featuring remain rather common. Brides are bachelorette likes and what type of
intertwined strands of metal and looking for the wow factor, something personality she has.”
diamonds are popular. they cannot get anywhere else.”
“These rings can symbolize both Jacqueline Svrcek, the banquet TRANSPORTATION
infinite love and intertwining fates, sales and catering director of Fegley’s
making them a very romantic choice,” Allentown Brew Works, said couples Valley transportation companies
says Kristina Groetsch of Black Sea are looking for unique spaces for their are seeing a trend toward the wed-
Jewelers in Pennsburg. ceremony as well as reception. ding party traveling together on the
Those looking for something more “Since we’re a brewery, we tend big day.
traditional might consider looking to to get a very specific type of couple Before hiring a ride, make sure to
the Emerald Isle and Scotland. — often more laid back and many check out the company and its fleet
“There’s been a huge interest in incorporate beer into the theme or of vehicles, says Denise Sam Cali of
Celtic wedding and engagement decor of their wedding,” she said. J&J Luxury Transportation.
rings,” Gardner said. “The Celtic knot “Is it a full-service transportation
is probably the most popular design, FOOD company?” she said. “Is the fleet new
because it symbolizes infinity — and and large, offering you a wide range
if you think about it, it’s kind of a knot Reception food is also changing, of beautiful new equipment?”
within a knot, because it’s on a ring, with the trends going away from When looking for a transportation
which also symbolizes infinity.” a formal, sit-down dinner in favor company on your big day, also keep
of cocktail-style wedding featuring expectations in mind, said Bryan
DÉCOR hors d’oeuvres and food stations. Beale, general manager of A&A Limo.
Buffet service also is popular. “You want a company that cares
Bright pastels and DIY decor for “What I’m seeing definitely this about every customer and is willing
receptions have become popular year is that people are steering to customize your wedding service
choices, said Augustine Solivan, more away from the traditional according to your needs,” he said. A
director of sales for Comfort Suites sit-down dinner and going with popular request from couples is for
University in Bethlehem. a buffet, which gives their guests the entire wedding party to travel to-
The DIY decor “ranges from wild- more options,” said Aaron D. gether. “Most are opting for the party
flowers to candy on all guest tables,” Coleman, food and beverage di- bus because of the size and comfort.”
he said. rector at The View at Morgan Hill
restaurant in Easton. “We have a
VENUE lot of guests coming in now who
seem to be more food conscious
When looking for a venue, make these days. People are asking if
sure you understand what’s covered
and what’s included.
kilt. They’re both kind of universal “You want to make sure there our ingredients are organic, where
tartans,” he said. are no hidden costs,” says Joe Farda, they were purchased, if they were
Hideaway Hills Golf Club’s wedding locally sourced.”
JEWELRY planner. “There’s nothing wrong with
asking if there’s a charge for parking." BACHELORETTE
Lehigh Valley couples are sentimen- Couples should also find out if they
tal with their engagement and wed- have to use particular vendors. Whether it’s a reception, an after-
ding jewelry, with couples choosing to Some venues, like the Kresgeville party or a bachelorette party, the
use diamonds that are family heir- golf club, have all-inclusive packages, event should reflect the personality
looms in new settings for engagement as well as accommodations for out-of- of the guest or guests of honor.
rings in all metals, including rose gold. town guests. “One thing to keep in mind is the
Alyssa Berg, media marketing Couples are looking for ways to bachelorette or birthday girl you
manager with Werkheiser Jewelers in make their special day a unique expe- are throwing the party for,” said
Bethlehem, said halo rings are pop- rience for their guests to share. Brandon Stone from Steel City Studs
ular choices, with round diamonds “A ceremony or receptions using of Bethlehem. “Granted, most people
the favorite shape in stones, followed the balcony is something very unique do like to get crazy and go all out
closely by the cushion cut. to this area,” said Mark De Intinis of for special occasions, even the low-
“Things are more unique as well,” the Renaissance hotel in Allentown. key individuals, but there are those
she said. “We like taking on the more “The space has to sell itself. If the that do not ... the entertainment
challenging requests. It’s completely space is common, no matter how for a bachelorette party should
up to them what they end up with.” much decor is added, it tends to be centered around what the
For wedding sets, bands featuring remain rather common. Brides are bachelorette likes and what type of
intertwined strands of metal and looking for the wow factor, something personality she has.”
diamonds are popular. they cannot get anywhere else.”
“These rings can symbolize both Jacqueline Svrcek, the banquet TRANSPORTATION
infinite love and intertwining fates, sales and catering director of Fegley’s
making them a very romantic choice,” Allentown Brew Works, said couples Valley transportation companies
says Kristina Groetsch of Black Sea are looking for unique spaces for their are seeing a trend toward the wed-
Jewelers in Pennsburg. ceremony as well as reception. ding party traveling together on the
Those looking for something more “Since we’re a brewery, we tend big day.
traditional might consider looking to to get a very specific type of couple Before hiring a ride, make sure to
the Emerald Isle and Scotland. — often more laid back and many check out the company and its fleet
“There’s been a huge interest in incorporate beer into the theme or of vehicles, says Denise Sam Cali of
Celtic wedding and engagement decor of their wedding,” she said. J&J Luxury Transportation.
rings,” Gardner said. “The Celtic knot “Is it a full-service transportation
is probably the most popular design, FOOD company?” she said. “Is the fleet new
because it symbolizes infinity — and and large, offering you a wide range
if you think about it, it’s kind of a knot Reception food is also changing, of beautiful new equipment?”
within a knot, because it’s on a ring, with the trends going away from When looking for a transportation
which also symbolizes infinity.” a formal, sit-down dinner in favor company on your big day, also keep
of cocktail-style wedding featuring expectations in mind, said Bryan
DÉCOR hors d’oeuvres and food stations. Beale, general manager of A&A Limo.
Buffet service also is popular. “You want a company that cares
Bright pastels and DIY decor for “What I’m seeing definitely this about every customer and is willing
receptions have become popular year is that people are steering to customize your wedding service
choices, said Augustine Solivan, more away from the traditional according to your needs,” he said. A
director of sales for Comfort Suites sit-down dinner and going with popular request from couples is for
University in Bethlehem. a buffet, which gives their guests the entire wedding party to travel to-
The DIY decor “ranges from wild- more options,” said Aaron D. gether. “Most are opting for the party
flowers to candy on all guest tables,” Coleman, food and beverage di- bus because of the size and comfort.”
he said. rector at The View at Morgan Hill
restaurant in Easton. “We have a
VENUE lot of guests coming in now who
seem to be more food conscious
When looking for a venue, make these days. People are asking if
sure you understand what’s covered
and what’s included.