Page 38 - Inspire Health November/December 2014
P. 38
nhill?Exercise going
D By: Patrick O’Donnell, Editor invigorating; people are stimulated by the
oes your exercise routine fresh air and sunshine.”
plunge along with the Sharon Friedel of Whitehall Township
Finding the inspiration to work out in says her favorite way to stay fit is by
the fall and winter months can be a losing skiing. A member of the ski patrol at Blue
battle, even though you know getting up Mountain Ski Area, she hits the slopes
off the couch and exercising can boost at least three or four times a week. “I’ve
your physical health and mental well-being. been skiing since I was 12 years old,” she
The colder months bring with them not says. “Of course, it’s always fun to do the
only holiday treats that can cause waistlines sport as a kid, but when you get older,
to grow, but shorter days that can trigger it’s easier to stay home; sometimes doing
depression-inducing seasonal affective the same sport can get boring. A friend
disorder, or SAD. suggested I join the ski patrol … it sort of
One way to solve both problems is by forced me to get out and enjoy the activity.”
getting outdoors to exercise. Some doctors She counts snow shoveling as exercise,
say heading out early in the morning will too. “I’d rather not have to do it, but
help you maximize your exposure to nonetheless it can be a short, vigorous,
sunlight — the lack of which is thought to cardiac workout,” she says.
help trigger SAD. Friedel says another fun way to stay
Chrissy Thomas of Allentown, a trainer active is sledding. “It isn’t just for kids. I enjoy
at The Fitness Plaza in Fogelsville, says SAD sledding with my nieces and nephews. Just
affects many of her clients. “I tell [them] remember, you have to go up in order to
to try to remain positive; try to maintain a go back down! Good uphill walking in snow
lifestyle change ... get outside for 20 minutes is like running in the sand on the beach!”
a day. Exercise does release different Winter fitness, of course, brings a
hormones throughout the body that make different set of challenges than summer
you feel better.” routines. As Friedel points out, it’s easy to
However, she says, “if you’re having just go outside and go for a bike ride or
trouble getting out of bed -- if it becomes a even a walk when the weather is warm. In
bigger problem -- it’s time to see a doctor.” winter, though, “you have to really dress
Thomas says one of the best outdoor for the weather,” she says. “You have to
exercises is skiing. That’s because it mentally prepare yourself first.”
combines different fitness elements, uses Thomas echoes Friedel’s concerns.
a wide variety of muscles and provides a “With my own clients, they tend to drink
good cardio workout. less because it’s cold, and that’s the worst
But it may be harder to train outside thing you can do to your body. Headaches,
because the conditions aren’t controlled like dizziness, feeling tired can all be symptoms
they are in a gym. of dehydration.”
“We’re talking about facing changing According to the American Red
elements like snow and sleet,” Thomas Cross, the idea that you need to hydrate
says. “Still, colder weather can be more less during the winter is a common
38 INSPIRE HEALTH November § December 2014
D By: Patrick O’Donnell, Editor invigorating; people are stimulated by the
oes your exercise routine fresh air and sunshine.”
plunge along with the Sharon Friedel of Whitehall Township
Finding the inspiration to work out in says her favorite way to stay fit is by
the fall and winter months can be a losing skiing. A member of the ski patrol at Blue
battle, even though you know getting up Mountain Ski Area, she hits the slopes
off the couch and exercising can boost at least three or four times a week. “I’ve
your physical health and mental well-being. been skiing since I was 12 years old,” she
The colder months bring with them not says. “Of course, it’s always fun to do the
only holiday treats that can cause waistlines sport as a kid, but when you get older,
to grow, but shorter days that can trigger it’s easier to stay home; sometimes doing
depression-inducing seasonal affective the same sport can get boring. A friend
disorder, or SAD. suggested I join the ski patrol … it sort of
One way to solve both problems is by forced me to get out and enjoy the activity.”
getting outdoors to exercise. Some doctors She counts snow shoveling as exercise,
say heading out early in the morning will too. “I’d rather not have to do it, but
help you maximize your exposure to nonetheless it can be a short, vigorous,
sunlight — the lack of which is thought to cardiac workout,” she says.
help trigger SAD. Friedel says another fun way to stay
Chrissy Thomas of Allentown, a trainer active is sledding. “It isn’t just for kids. I enjoy
at The Fitness Plaza in Fogelsville, says SAD sledding with my nieces and nephews. Just
affects many of her clients. “I tell [them] remember, you have to go up in order to
to try to remain positive; try to maintain a go back down! Good uphill walking in snow
lifestyle change ... get outside for 20 minutes is like running in the sand on the beach!”
a day. Exercise does release different Winter fitness, of course, brings a
hormones throughout the body that make different set of challenges than summer
you feel better.” routines. As Friedel points out, it’s easy to
However, she says, “if you’re having just go outside and go for a bike ride or
trouble getting out of bed -- if it becomes a even a walk when the weather is warm. In
bigger problem -- it’s time to see a doctor.” winter, though, “you have to really dress
Thomas says one of the best outdoor for the weather,” she says. “You have to
exercises is skiing. That’s because it mentally prepare yourself first.”
combines different fitness elements, uses Thomas echoes Friedel’s concerns.
a wide variety of muscles and provides a “With my own clients, they tend to drink
good cardio workout. less because it’s cold, and that’s the worst
But it may be harder to train outside thing you can do to your body. Headaches,
because the conditions aren’t controlled like dizziness, feeling tired can all be symptoms
they are in a gym. of dehydration.”
“We’re talking about facing changing According to the American Red
elements like snow and sleet,” Thomas Cross, the idea that you need to hydrate
says. “Still, colder weather can be more less during the winter is a common
38 INSPIRE HEALTH November § December 2014