Page 21 - Inspire Health May/June 2016
P. 21
a management consultant, cover story •
Vani Hari was recognized
as a successful, motivated In the midst of planning a new Food Babe campaign from her home
professional. She guided her clients to base of North Carolina, Hari took time out to share her experiences
perform efficiently and effectively. She and passion with Inspire Health readers.
burned the midnight oil to ensure, she
thought, her position at the top of the when you made the commitment been active too. I love taking classes with
game. It wasn’t unusual to find her at to eat healthier? challenging instructors — Barre Class,
her desk fueling a few extra hours with Hot Yoga, Fly Wheel and Soul Cycle are
takeout dinners or on the road with When I started eating organically my current favorites.
three restaurant meals a day. something dramatic happened — it took How has your management
time, but all the issues I had as a child experience transferred to your
The result: A highly successful — asthma, eczema, allergies went away. Food Babe success?
professional was slowly becoming a very I was on several different prescription
unhealthy female. “During the holiday drugs depending on the season and I’m I was trained to quickly help giant
season over 10 years ago, I found myself on zero today. My weight normalized, corporations shift their policies,
in a hospital bed. I was sick, overweight and I actually lost another 5 pounds (on develop new strategies and implement
and I was ready to change!” she vividly top of the other 30+ pounds I gained!) change within their organizations. This
recalls. “I made a personal promise from I began to have more energy. The way experience has allowed me to quickly
that point on to make health my number you treat yourself, the way you treat understand how the food industry
one priority in my life, above anyone your body, what you put in it, can make a works and how to make it change for
else’s priorities including my boss at HUGE life changing difference. the better.
work! Putting myself first was the key to After you decide to investigate a
finally stop shortchanging my health.” The way you treat specific ingredient or company,
yourself, the way how do you begin your research?
The same energy and determination you treat your body,
Hari put into project management was what you put in it, I talk to many experts, read scientific
soon evidenced in her pursuit of healthy can make a HUGE life studies and consult with consumer
living. Feeling better, looking better and changing difference. advocacy organizations and farmers.
learning more about food, additives and Sometimes I’ll go to a specific restaurant
exercise, she transformed and grew a Can you tell us about the first weeks and ask employees about the ingredients.
business changing lives. of living a healthier life and the daily That’s what happened with Chipotle.
challenges you experienced? After visiting three different Chipotles,
Today, Vani Hari, the Food Babe, I finally got one of their employees to
is known throughout the world as a In “The Food Babe Way,” I show me the boxes their food was
revolutionary food activist, creator of methodically take someone through the, author of the No. 1 healthy changes he or she can make to — continued on page 22 —
selling book, “The Food Babe Way” live a more energetic and vibrant life. I
and was named one of the Most share the life‑changing habits that have Photo by: Murray Close/Netflix
Influential People On The Internet by allowed me to maintain my weight for
Time Magazine. over a decade after losing the extra
pounds I had been holding onto for
In her work, Hari has influenced years. For instance, I drink warm lemon
how food giants like Kraft, Subway, water with cayenne pepper as soon as
Chipotle, Chick‑fil‑A and Starbucks I get up in the morning. Starting my day
create their products, steering them with this simple habit sets me up for
toward more healthful policies. She success for the rest of the day and is a
teaches people how to make the right reminder that my health comes first.
purchasing decisions at the grocery What do you do for yourself to
store, how to live an organic lifestyle maintain your physical wellness,
and how to travel healthfully around or is it all in the food?
the world. Her uncanny investigative
ability to find the food truth is well Exercise for me is more about stress
documented by the response she relief. It is easier for me to make healthy
generates from major industries. food choices during a day when I have
Your before and after photos are
incredible. How long did it take
for you to look and feel healthier

May | June 2016 INSPIRE HEALTH 21
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