Page 38 - Inspire Health July/August 2016
P. 38
Fitness walks, festivals and fundraisers throughout the Lehigh Valley
JULY past streams and ponds and through small tree groves
on grassy paths. Keep your eyes open for wildlife. Sturdy
Ongoing footwear is recommended. The walk is appropriate for
The story of two children of all ages; leashed dogs are welcome. For more
Lenape rock shelters information or to register, call 610-965-4397, Ext. 136.
This exhibit at the Museum of Indian Culture in Saturday, July 30
Allentown presents a life-sized replica of Broomall Rock Corner Store Country Run
Shelters, discovered in 1942 near Broomall, Pa., and
includes some of the many items excavated from the The Corner Store Country Run is a farm-themed 5K
site. Archeologists found stone and bone tools, pendants, with a little something for everyone, from serious runners
decorated ceramics fragments and European trade goods. to leisurely strollers and from lone rangers to family herds.
Some stone points found at the site may date to more than Dress in your finest “country duds,” for the race and be
3,000 years ago. The museum is open Fridays, Saturdays sure to join in the fun afterward: A country fair with free
and Sundays from 10 to 4 p.m. Admission costs $5 for swag, live music, food, carnival games, face painting and
adults, $4 for children 12-17 and seniors over 60, and is two free beer tickets for adults. All proceeds benefit Big
free for children under 12. For more information, visit Brothers Big Sisters and local children’s charities. Run starts at 8:30 a.m. at Stabler Arena Lehigh University, 124
Goodman Drive, Bethlehem. For more information or to
Ongoing register, go to
Accrue for the zoo
The Lehigh Valley Zoo is raising money to bring two
Masai giraffes to the facility in 2016. The giraffes’ new home Saturday, Aug. 13
will feature opportunities for zoo guests to get up-close Trexler Nature Preserve Trek
and personal with the animals through feeding stations
that will be built into an elevated platform. You can help in This short, 1.2-mile walk starts at 10 a.m. and offers
three ways: By “adopting” a giraffe; through a dress-down a tour of the Trexler Environmental Center, as well as a
day initiative for local businesses called Jeans for Giraffes; review of the recreational opportunities at the nature
and through Jingle for Giraffes, in which participant will get preserve. After the walk, visit with one of the Wildlands
a collection jar to raise money. For more information, visit Conservancy’s naturalists to learn about their weekly or call 610-799-4171. programs. The 1,108-acre preserve, home of the Lehigh
Valley Zoo, was originally owned by General Harry C.
Every Wednesday Trexler. Trexler created the preserve to protect bison, elk
Children’s story time and white-tailed deer. The walk is appropriate for children
at the Moravian Book Shop of all ages, and leashed dogs are welcome. Sturdy footwear
and binoculars or a camera are recommended. For more
Bring the kids for a fun morning starting at 10:30. information or to register, call 610-965-4397 Ext. 136.
Children will have a half hour of story time followed by a
craft and a snack. Each child also gets a paper chocolate Saturday, Aug. 27
chip; one chip is filled in for each story time event. When Ringing Rocks Musical Clamber
all the chips are all filled in, the children get to redeem it for
a real cookie. For more information, call 610-866-5481 or Arrive at 10 a.m. and take the family on an adventure
send an email to through Ringing Rocks Park, which features a field of
boulders that ring like bells when struck — bring along a
Saturday, July 23 hammer. The hike will also include a trip to Bucks County’s
Woodland Hills Preserve walk largest waterfall, which is also in the park. Sturdy footwear
is recommended. The walk is appropriate for children of all
Meet at 10 a.m. for an easy, two-hour walk in the ages and leashed dogs are welcome. For more information
former Woodland Hills golf course in Lower Saucon or to register, call 610-965-4397 Ext. 136.
Township. Participants will stroll through grassy meadows,
Fitness walks, festivals and fundraisers throughout the Lehigh Valley
JULY past streams and ponds and through small tree groves
on grassy paths. Keep your eyes open for wildlife. Sturdy
Ongoing footwear is recommended. The walk is appropriate for
The story of two children of all ages; leashed dogs are welcome. For more
Lenape rock shelters information or to register, call 610-965-4397, Ext. 136.
This exhibit at the Museum of Indian Culture in Saturday, July 30
Allentown presents a life-sized replica of Broomall Rock Corner Store Country Run
Shelters, discovered in 1942 near Broomall, Pa., and
includes some of the many items excavated from the The Corner Store Country Run is a farm-themed 5K
site. Archeologists found stone and bone tools, pendants, with a little something for everyone, from serious runners
decorated ceramics fragments and European trade goods. to leisurely strollers and from lone rangers to family herds.
Some stone points found at the site may date to more than Dress in your finest “country duds,” for the race and be
3,000 years ago. The museum is open Fridays, Saturdays sure to join in the fun afterward: A country fair with free
and Sundays from 10 to 4 p.m. Admission costs $5 for swag, live music, food, carnival games, face painting and
adults, $4 for children 12-17 and seniors over 60, and is two free beer tickets for adults. All proceeds benefit Big
free for children under 12. For more information, visit Brothers Big Sisters and local children’s charities. Run starts at 8:30 a.m. at Stabler Arena Lehigh University, 124
Goodman Drive, Bethlehem. For more information or to
Ongoing register, go to
Accrue for the zoo
The Lehigh Valley Zoo is raising money to bring two
Masai giraffes to the facility in 2016. The giraffes’ new home Saturday, Aug. 13
will feature opportunities for zoo guests to get up-close Trexler Nature Preserve Trek
and personal with the animals through feeding stations
that will be built into an elevated platform. You can help in This short, 1.2-mile walk starts at 10 a.m. and offers
three ways: By “adopting” a giraffe; through a dress-down a tour of the Trexler Environmental Center, as well as a
day initiative for local businesses called Jeans for Giraffes; review of the recreational opportunities at the nature
and through Jingle for Giraffes, in which participant will get preserve. After the walk, visit with one of the Wildlands
a collection jar to raise money. For more information, visit Conservancy’s naturalists to learn about their weekly or call 610-799-4171. programs. The 1,108-acre preserve, home of the Lehigh
Valley Zoo, was originally owned by General Harry C.
Every Wednesday Trexler. Trexler created the preserve to protect bison, elk
Children’s story time and white-tailed deer. The walk is appropriate for children
at the Moravian Book Shop of all ages, and leashed dogs are welcome. Sturdy footwear
and binoculars or a camera are recommended. For more
Bring the kids for a fun morning starting at 10:30. information or to register, call 610-965-4397 Ext. 136.
Children will have a half hour of story time followed by a
craft and a snack. Each child also gets a paper chocolate Saturday, Aug. 27
chip; one chip is filled in for each story time event. When Ringing Rocks Musical Clamber
all the chips are all filled in, the children get to redeem it for
a real cookie. For more information, call 610-866-5481 or Arrive at 10 a.m. and take the family on an adventure
send an email to through Ringing Rocks Park, which features a field of
boulders that ring like bells when struck — bring along a
Saturday, July 23 hammer. The hike will also include a trip to Bucks County’s
Woodland Hills Preserve walk largest waterfall, which is also in the park. Sturdy footwear
is recommended. The walk is appropriate for children of all
Meet at 10 a.m. for an easy, two-hour walk in the ages and leashed dogs are welcome. For more information
former Woodland Hills golf course in Lower Saucon or to register, call 610-965-4397 Ext. 136.
Township. Participants will stroll through grassy meadows,