Page 36 - Inspire Health January/February 2016
P. 36
Cold&Flu Season
By Michele Robert Poche
Feeling congested, drowsy and brave? Many swear by eating chili them smart choices for much‑needed
just generally run down? It’s not peppers. It’s a surefire way to clear your sustenance when battling intestinal issues.
uncommon this time of year. sinuses quickly. Decaffeinated herbal teas infused with
According to, the incidence Upset Stomach Bananas and rice are ginger and peppermint can also help
of colds and flu peaks in January and both known stomach settlers, making soothe stomach upset.
February. You and your family could
be the next victims. Instead of running 5 HEALING SUPPLEMENTS
to the drugstore for medicines that
often come with hefty price tags and 1. Echinacea • Usage: Dosage varies depending on
bothersome side effects, why not try • Purpose: Fights colds and infection and factors such as age and health.
one of these all‑natural home remedies
for relief? Chances are you’ve already got reduces duration and symptoms of illness. • Caution: There are no known side
some or all of the ingredients necessary • Usage: Begin at first sign of illness and effects associated with it.
in your pantry or medicine cabinet. 4. Vitamin C
Sore Throat For minor irritation, try use up to four times daily for up to 10 days.
gargling with a warm saltwater solution. • Caution: Should not be administered • Purpose: Reduces duration and
It gently eases the discomfort and symptoms of illness.
washes away mucus. For more severe to ragweed allergy sufferers or used
pain, mix honey and apple cider vinegar for more than eight weeks as it can be • Usage: Should be administered at
for a thicker, more viscous gargling damaging to the immune system. first sign of illness via supplements, juices,
solution that will coat the throat. Neither 2. Elderberry lozenges and/or foods, especially citrus.
should be ingested, and both can be
used as needed. • Purpose: Boosts immunity and • Caution: Follow dosages, as
Congestion Hot liquids, whether reduces swelling and inflammation. excessive quantities can cause side
inhaled (via steam from a bath or effects such as nausea and diarrhea.
shower) or ingested (by drinking • Usage: Should be administered in first 5. Zinc
fluids like tea or chicken broth), can 24‑48 hours of symptoms for up to five days.
work wonders to open clogged nasal • Purpose: Fights infection, keeps
passages. Bonus: Ingested liquids can • Caution: Can counteract other the immune system strong and reduces
also prevent dehydration issues often medications, so consult your doctor duration of illness.
associated with these illnesses. Feeling before using.
3. Oscillococcinum • Usage: Should be administered
36 INSPIRE HEALTH January § February 2016 within 24 hours of symptom onset. Take
• Purpose: Reduces duration and with food to avoid stomach upset.
severity of symptoms. Note: It’s the No. 1
over‑the‑counter flu remedy in France, where • Caution: Can counteract other
it has been sold for more than 60 years. supplements or antibiotics.
Up to 20 percent of the U.S. population
gets the flu annually. Be prepared!
Cold&Flu Season
By Michele Robert Poche
Feeling congested, drowsy and brave? Many swear by eating chili them smart choices for much‑needed
just generally run down? It’s not peppers. It’s a surefire way to clear your sustenance when battling intestinal issues.
uncommon this time of year. sinuses quickly. Decaffeinated herbal teas infused with
According to, the incidence Upset Stomach Bananas and rice are ginger and peppermint can also help
of colds and flu peaks in January and both known stomach settlers, making soothe stomach upset.
February. You and your family could
be the next victims. Instead of running 5 HEALING SUPPLEMENTS
to the drugstore for medicines that
often come with hefty price tags and 1. Echinacea • Usage: Dosage varies depending on
bothersome side effects, why not try • Purpose: Fights colds and infection and factors such as age and health.
one of these all‑natural home remedies
for relief? Chances are you’ve already got reduces duration and symptoms of illness. • Caution: There are no known side
some or all of the ingredients necessary • Usage: Begin at first sign of illness and effects associated with it.
in your pantry or medicine cabinet. 4. Vitamin C
Sore Throat For minor irritation, try use up to four times daily for up to 10 days.
gargling with a warm saltwater solution. • Caution: Should not be administered • Purpose: Reduces duration and
It gently eases the discomfort and symptoms of illness.
washes away mucus. For more severe to ragweed allergy sufferers or used
pain, mix honey and apple cider vinegar for more than eight weeks as it can be • Usage: Should be administered at
for a thicker, more viscous gargling damaging to the immune system. first sign of illness via supplements, juices,
solution that will coat the throat. Neither 2. Elderberry lozenges and/or foods, especially citrus.
should be ingested, and both can be
used as needed. • Purpose: Boosts immunity and • Caution: Follow dosages, as
Congestion Hot liquids, whether reduces swelling and inflammation. excessive quantities can cause side
inhaled (via steam from a bath or effects such as nausea and diarrhea.
shower) or ingested (by drinking • Usage: Should be administered in first 5. Zinc
fluids like tea or chicken broth), can 24‑48 hours of symptoms for up to five days.
work wonders to open clogged nasal • Purpose: Fights infection, keeps
passages. Bonus: Ingested liquids can • Caution: Can counteract other the immune system strong and reduces
also prevent dehydration issues often medications, so consult your doctor duration of illness.
associated with these illnesses. Feeling before using.
3. Oscillococcinum • Usage: Should be administered
36 INSPIRE HEALTH January § February 2016 within 24 hours of symptom onset. Take
• Purpose: Reduces duration and with food to avoid stomach upset.
severity of symptoms. Note: It’s the No. 1
over‑the‑counter flu remedy in France, where • Caution: Can counteract other
it has been sold for more than 60 years. supplements or antibiotics.
Up to 20 percent of the U.S. population
gets the flu annually. Be prepared!