Page 6 - Inside Lehigh Valley Real Estate November 4 2015
P. 6
Top five renovations to create more space
A s real estate prices
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2015 continue to climb, in your existing home. can encourage light to vert your garage (or a por- and accessories carefully. More
the cost to trade 1. Finish an unfinished travel more freely, creating tion of it) into another Adopt a minimalist’s eye. Americans
up to a larger the illusion of space. Like- living space, guest bed- Begin looking around your are choosing
home is on the upswing basement. A basement wise, choosing a paint room or home office. In- home for furniture or ac- to renovate
across the country, espe- renovation can hold lim- color for walls, trim and stall carpet and quality cessories that overwhelm their current
cially as markets remain itless potential and increase moldings that is lighter and thermal insulation to block the space. Interior design- homes
hampered by tight inven- the resale value or income cooler in tone (think soft outdoor noise and keep in ers recommend choosing instead of
tory levels. potential of your home. grays or blues) will help to warmth. low-profile or small-scale relocating.
Think about the possibil- reflect light and give the furniture for rooms with
As a result, more and ities: a home theater, office, room a more open feel. 5. Choose furniture Metro Creative
more Americans are choos- spare bedroom, basement Connection
ing to renovate their cur- apartment or recreation 3. Remove non-load-
rent homes instead of relo- room. The key to doing it bearing walls. Homeown- less square footage. Dual-
cating. In fact, some fore- successfully is to focus on ers have the opportunity to purpose items, such as
casts predict that 2015 what’s behind the walls, rethink the layout of their ottomans with storage
renovation spending could especially since moisture is home by removing non- chests inside, are a budget-
exceed the record of $324 a common issue in base- load-bearing walls. Re- friendly way to save on
billion set during the peak ments. Choosing the right moving structurally unnec- space while staying organ-
of last decade’s housing insulation is critical. Look essary walls can make your ized.
boom. While the hunt for for products that are vapor whole home feel larger,
more square footage can be permeable, dimensionally improve flow, lighting and Metro Creative Connec-
challenging, homeowners stable and mold and mois- the function of your home. tion
shouldn’t feel like a costly ture resistant.
second story or complete 4. Convert your garage
addition are the only op- 2. Create a more open- into usable living or work
tions. concept feel with light space. For many home-
and color. If your home owners, the garage be-
Here are five great ways wasn’t blessed with tower- comes an overflow room
to create or optimize space ing windows, installing for storage — and is often
French doors and pot lights a walk-in headache. Con-

Get a new look in the bathroom for less

A bathroom remodel is SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL they can each be accom- Brandpoint while providing a placid chrome, oil rubbed bronze
one of the most valuable plished in just one day! Just updating the faucets can give a bathroom a whole new look. backdrop for pops of color and satin brass.
home improvement projects in your accessories and
you can undertake. Ac- 1. Replace faucets. virtually every list of When choosing paint linens. 4. Upgrade your
cording to Remodeling Faucets are more than just a “must-do” home improve- colors for a mini-remodel, shower. Sure, a single
Magazine’s 2015 Cost vs. functional bathroom ele- ments — it’s a fast, easy remember that the bath- 3. Swap out hardware. spray showerhead that’s 10
Value Report, a mid-range ment — they are the “jew- and economical way to room is an oasis of relax- If the faucet is the crown years old can be adequate
bathroom remodel of elry” of a bathroom. A new completely change how a ation, not just a place to jewel of your bathroom, the to get you clean. But a
$16,000 recoups 70 percent faucet can redefine the room looks and feels. Most shower and brush your cabinet and drawer hard- shower should be an expe-
of its value at resale. complete appearance of a bathrooms will require only teeth. Soothing, neutral ware are lovely accents to rience — a satisfying and
vanity, and evoke the feel- a single gallon of paint and tones on the walls will help tastefully complement it. relaxing one. Replacing a
But what if you want a ing of a whole new design one day to repaint. inspire this sense of calm, Once you’ve replaced that single spray showerhead
great bathroom on a smaller for the bathroom. Manufac- tired old faucet, it’s time to with a multi-function mod-
budget? Or crave better turers offer styles that fit look at cabinet knobs and el can provide varied spray
efficiency and function, but with virtually any bath drawer pulls. Look for patterns for different pur-
aren’t willing to lose the decor: classic to contempo- options that match the style poses — and help create a
use of your bathroom dur- rary, cosmopolitan to coun- statement made with your more spa-like experience in
ing weeks of renovation? try, refined to rustic. faucet — traditional, transi- your bathroom.
Fortunately, a bathroom can tional, contemporary, eclec-
get a fresh look with im- Replacing faucets can tic and more. Plus, a new showerhead
proved function and effi- also make your bathroom can save you money in the
ciency, without the hassle more water efficient. Older Keep in mind that coor- long run, especially if your
and expense of a full re- faucets generally have a dinating the knob finish to current one is dated and
model. higher flow rate than newer the faucet will create a inefficient. Water-saving
models, so more water goes pleasing, cohesive look for models use significantly
Here are four easy im- down the drain. your overall bathroom less water than traditional
provements that can rejuve- design. Popular finishes are models.
2. Repaint. There’s a brushed nickel, polished
6 nate your bathroom — and reason why painting is on Brandpoint
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