Page 10 - Indulge September 2017
P. 10


The mental and physical benefits of following a
healthy lifestyle are significant. The following
pages show how consistently healthy choices
lead to a longer life.

Prep your bodY To beat the

                               By Shannon Sigafoos

Every year as the fall and winter              squash, cranberries, Brussels sprouts,     routine to something both indoors and
         seasons approach, we tend to act
 as if the cold weather and winter blahs       pomegranate, collard greens, Asian pears, different — a climbing gym, a fitness
 are unexpected. But just like you would
 winterize anything else — car tires, outdoor  sweet potatoes, winter squash, and more.” class you haven’t tried before, or at-home
 plumbing, windows — you should consider
 winterizing your own body to stay healthy     “Make an effort to eat the season’s        workout routine you put together that is
 throughout the changing of the seasons.
                                               freshest produce. With the abundance of varied and will keep you invested.
     While days are shorter and
 opportunities for outdoor activity are        farms and farmers markets in the Lehigh    “Sometimes during the fall and winter,
 decreased, there are simple things you can
 do to compensate for what may feel like       Valley, you’re in the perfect place to do it,” you have to create a plan or schedule
 loss of energy or overall sluggishness. The
 most important thing to remember is that      says Nina Elias of Live Well Lehigh Valley, for yourself because exercise isn’t
 the way your body feels is most tied to
 what you put into it. This not only means     a blog devoted to highlighting local health, incorporated as much into your daily
 what you’re eating and drinking, but also
 what you put into your daily efforts to give  food, and fitness happenings. “Fall veggies activities. Plan out your exercise,” says
 your body both exercise and rest.
                                               are naturally starchier to provide your body Jeanine Lilly of the Capital Blue Store
     Start by considering how clean your
 eating patterns are. We should be putting     with the energy it needs.”                 at Saucon Valley, where the public can
 80 percent of clean foods into our daily
 diets. While we can’t eat cleanly all the          It’s also important to consider your  attend seminars, workshops, and classes.
 time, if eighty percent of the time you are
 balancing a clean, organic diet at home       hydration levels and make an attempt to “Scheduling that exercise will increase your
 while the other 20 percent, you’re eating
 out and indulging, you’ll get into a rhythm   increase your water intake during cooler energy, reduce stress, and even help you
 of keeping your body detoxified and
 feeling energized.                            months. Due to higher temperatures, we fend off food cravings.”

    “Eating with the seasons is always         tend to naturally remember to drink a      “When the cool weather starts to creep
 best. Nature provides you with the proper
 nutrients needed. I suggest buying            lot of fluids throughout the spring and    in, don’t think your hiking and walking
 organic berries in bulk and freezing them
 to use over the fall/winter months,” says     summer. The fall and winter seasons,       options are gone. In fact, some of the
 Lisa Drew, certified nutritionist, CPT
 and wellness coach of Emmaus. “Make           however, are already dehydrating, as the best trails in the Lehigh Valley are trekked
 big batches of organic soup to help
 keep you healthy. Some fall and winter        lower humidity dries your skin and the     when the heat and humidity of summer
 foods include acorn squash, butternut
                                               membranes of your ears, nose, throat and have died down,” says Siobhan DeRemer

                                               lungs. You may want to consider having a of Live Well Lehigh Valley. “Some of my

                                               humidifier in your home.                   favorite trails in the area are The Border

                                               “I make a point to add more sources        Trail at Trexler Nature Preserve and the

                                               of high-quality fats into my diet,” says   North Lookout at Hawk Mountain.”

                                               Stephanie Eckelkamp of Live Well Lehigh    Finally, consider your mental state

                                               Valley. “This not only helps keep skin     of mind from day to day. Cooler months

                                               naturally hydrated and moisturized, but it sometimes mean less socializing for many

                                               offers mood-boosting perks as well.”       of us, and social interactions can go a long

                                                    Our next tip is to stay as active as  way toward avoiding “cabin fever” and

                                               possible. While there is less daylight as  feeling like you’re a bit isolated. Look at

                                               the seasons shift toward the winter, many your calendar for the next few months and

                                               who depend on running or walking for their then reach out to your friends to pre-plan

                                               daily exercise actually tend to prefer cooler activities that will bring people together.

                                               weather. Dressing in warmer, moisture-     You may also consider exercise for the

                                               wicking layers can help you get through    mind, including quiet time or meditation

                                               a seasonal outdoor run. If the weather     to gather your thoughts and focus on a

                                               is inclement, consider switching up your healthier you.

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