Page 13 - Indulge October/November 2015
P. 13
e collect for the memories categories are The biggest part of
the items evoke, others for the perennial favorites
investment potential. among collectors
Teri Miller, a sales associate at and tend to hold
Weil Antiques Center in Allentown, is their value well, it is that connection
pragmatic when it comes to defining she said. Firearms
what people collect. and toys are also
“It’s anything that someone’s gaining in popularity. with history…
attracted to,” she said. “Maybe it’s Nostalgia drives some
something their grandmother had. collectors — maybe they
... Pretty much your collections are grew up playing with a particular
dictated by the space you have.” toy or doll and want to pass the fun
Miller pointed out that small they had with it on to their children.
items like figurines can go in curio “A lot of it is nostalgia I think,”
cabinets, whereas a collection of said Joe Freeman, owner of Tin Toy
wicker baskets would need more Works in Allentown. “Or they see
space to display. other people have them and it sparks
Others collect as an investment an interest.”
and carefully select the pieces and Tin Toy Works specializes in
artist — and they should do their manufacturing toy parts and restoring
homework before they buy, said Santa antique tin toys and its shop
Bannon-Shillea, owner of Santa resembles Santa’s workshop with
Bannon Fine Art Gallery in Bethlehem. toys, tools and toy parts packed into
“If they are looking for an its building. Freeman has been in
investment, look for something that business for 45 years, first operating
will increase in value,” she said, a train, toy and hobby shop in the
advising potential art collectors to 1960s and ’70s before opening up
check into an artist’s education and the Tin Toy Works in the early 1980s.
awards as a start when looking for art In general, Freeman said,
in which to invest. collecting is a good investment.
When buying antiques, always “It generally goes up (the value
go for the piece in mint condition to of items),” he said. “On really good
protect your investment. Regardless items it has never come down in
of the category of antique, the pieces price.…Anything good is going to sell
in the best condition retain their for a lot of money.”
value and can even go up in value, In the world of tin toys, European-
says Jennifer Belz, marketing director manufactured toys usually hold the
for Morphy Auctions in Denver, most value. Freeman said the toys
Lancaster County. made between World War I and the
Morphy has been the site of some 1950s are the ones most desirable
very high-end auctions, including one and fetch the most at sale time,
slated for Oct. 11 of antique cars. especially those made in Germany.
The star of that auction is the most Freeman is also a collector. He
original 1929 Duesenberg Model focuses on early animated tin toys. october/november 2015 • indulge | 13
J Convertible Coupe in existence. His wife collects tin Easter décor.
Belz said the sleek, black coupe is For them, it’s more about the history
expected to bring in $2 million. behind the items.
Another item that brought in a hefty “The biggest part of it is that
price at its auction was a Coca-Cola connection with history,” Freeman said.
calendar from 1902. Belz said that “A small part is the monetary benefit.”
piece of advertising sold for $210,000. If you don’t know makes a good
Advertising like that Coca‑Cola investment, experts like Bannon-
calendar, as well as coins, Shillea and Morphy’s staff are ready
automobiles and other collectible to assist.
— continued on page 14 —
the items evoke, others for the perennial favorites
investment potential. among collectors
Teri Miller, a sales associate at and tend to hold
Weil Antiques Center in Allentown, is their value well, it is that connection
pragmatic when it comes to defining she said. Firearms
what people collect. and toys are also
“It’s anything that someone’s gaining in popularity. with history…
attracted to,” she said. “Maybe it’s Nostalgia drives some
something their grandmother had. collectors — maybe they
... Pretty much your collections are grew up playing with a particular
dictated by the space you have.” toy or doll and want to pass the fun
Miller pointed out that small they had with it on to their children.
items like figurines can go in curio “A lot of it is nostalgia I think,”
cabinets, whereas a collection of said Joe Freeman, owner of Tin Toy
wicker baskets would need more Works in Allentown. “Or they see
space to display. other people have them and it sparks
Others collect as an investment an interest.”
and carefully select the pieces and Tin Toy Works specializes in
artist — and they should do their manufacturing toy parts and restoring
homework before they buy, said Santa antique tin toys and its shop
Bannon-Shillea, owner of Santa resembles Santa’s workshop with
Bannon Fine Art Gallery in Bethlehem. toys, tools and toy parts packed into
“If they are looking for an its building. Freeman has been in
investment, look for something that business for 45 years, first operating
will increase in value,” she said, a train, toy and hobby shop in the
advising potential art collectors to 1960s and ’70s before opening up
check into an artist’s education and the Tin Toy Works in the early 1980s.
awards as a start when looking for art In general, Freeman said,
in which to invest. collecting is a good investment.
When buying antiques, always “It generally goes up (the value
go for the piece in mint condition to of items),” he said. “On really good
protect your investment. Regardless items it has never come down in
of the category of antique, the pieces price.…Anything good is going to sell
in the best condition retain their for a lot of money.”
value and can even go up in value, In the world of tin toys, European-
says Jennifer Belz, marketing director manufactured toys usually hold the
for Morphy Auctions in Denver, most value. Freeman said the toys
Lancaster County. made between World War I and the
Morphy has been the site of some 1950s are the ones most desirable
very high-end auctions, including one and fetch the most at sale time,
slated for Oct. 11 of antique cars. especially those made in Germany.
The star of that auction is the most Freeman is also a collector. He
original 1929 Duesenberg Model focuses on early animated tin toys. october/november 2015 • indulge | 13
J Convertible Coupe in existence. His wife collects tin Easter décor.
Belz said the sleek, black coupe is For them, it’s more about the history
expected to bring in $2 million. behind the items.
Another item that brought in a hefty “The biggest part of it is that
price at its auction was a Coca-Cola connection with history,” Freeman said.
calendar from 1902. Belz said that “A small part is the monetary benefit.”
piece of advertising sold for $210,000. If you don’t know makes a good
Advertising like that Coca‑Cola investment, experts like Bannon-
calendar, as well as coins, Shillea and Morphy’s staff are ready
automobiles and other collectible to assist.
— continued on page 14 —