Page 23 - Indulge June/July 2016
P. 23
E TOGETHER: in Allentown, it is important to take favorite memories from when they
time to listen to the stories our friends were growing up. It will amaze you the
Collecting family memories and family have to share. Not only can stories they will have to share.”
builds bonds that last a lifetime these stories make for an enjoyable July
evening; but also, they will allow us to Finding out about a family
Countless stories will be shared look back fondly as we celebrate the members’ past can tell you a lot about
this summer as families come lives of those we love most and preserve yourself, too, says Stephens. Asking a
together down at the shore or up in our family’s story for future generations. parent about a first date, where they
the mountains, at holiday picnics and first lived after leaving their parents’
birthday celebrations. Some of these The process of collecting stories house or what they remember most
stories are comical and endearing, is as simple as asking a question and clearly about their wedding can help
others tell tales of triumph over life’s listening to the tales your loved ones you get a sense of where you come
more trying moments. For many of us, it have to tell. Learning about your loved from or why you care about the things
is these stories that help bind our family ones’ past can be as easy as striking you do.
together and create a sense of “home.” a conversation about any one of their
past experiences, Stephens says. “Here at the Stephens Funeral
Stories, many passed from Home, our family believes by asking
generation to generation, form the “I like to encourage families to questions and listening we can
core of our family history and sense of start with simple questions,” explains help individuals and families create
identity. According to Matthew Stephens, Stephens. “For example, you can meaningful funerals that tell their
owner of Stephens Funeral Home, Inc. ask your loved one about one of loved ones’ life stories,” Stephens
their favorite hobbies, a few of their says. “I strongly believe that
favorite things (books, movies, foods, everyone’s funeral should tell their life
restaurants), an activity or event they story, because a life well lived truly is
will always cherish or one of their a story worth sharing.”

Each of us has a life story to share.

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