Page 26 - Indulge June/July 2015
P. 26
Vacations mean
By Jack Romig pampering for
When booking your vacation, you
pets, too
may fret about where one family Fanok has a silent partner: the alpha male of her
pack, Ben, who checks out new arrivals and “lets me
member will spend the week. know if they don’t have a stable energy. Dogs respect
other dogs, they see and respond to subtle signals that
What to do with the dog? we may not recognize.”
For those who’d rather not board their animals in Camp Bow Wow, a franchise operated near Coca-
standard kennels, alternatives abound. Luxury at Cola Park by Ken Doyle, also emphasizes an open-
these places is defined less by bubble baths and toys, more plan environment, with indoor and outdoor play yards
by caring human attention and romps with canine pals. available to the dogs throughout the day. Doyle’s staff
will administer medicines, and his boarders receive
Dedicated lodgings are available for cats, too. Nancy “comfy cots, fuzzy fleece blankets, tasty campfire treats,”
Kapanka reserves the second floor of her Homestead and more. Owners who want to can even use an app to
Kennels and Cattery, Nazareth — reachable by a remotely track their animals via live video.
private stair out of sight of canine visitors — for her
feline guests. There are roomy individual quarters, an OR, TAKE ‘EM ALONG
ample playroom with two well-used resting benches,
administration of medicines as needed and constant Of course, you may want your dog to get away with
human supervision. you. Ali Brown, owner of the Great Companions dog
training facility near Slatington, has brought her pets on
MAKING FRIENDS family adventures for years.
Many doggie resorts emphasize the affinity of these “It’s important to plan the dog into the vacation,”
highly social critters with others of their own kind. Brown said. Figure on stops every couple of hours, and
Everyone who spoke to us emphasized that dogs must limit the number of destinations. Animals may do better
be individually evaluated before they’re admitted to this if the route sticks to relatively straight interstates. Access
fellowship. Some animals may not be accepted if their for dogs is usually restricted in national parks, Brown
temperaments aren’t right. Other requirements include said, but state and local parks are often more welcoming.
being current on vaccinations and being spayed or
neutered if above a certain age. “We’ve seen awesome parks and events that we
would never have found if not for our dogs,” she said.
“If a dog enjoys being with other dogs, that’s what
we do,” said Lisa McDonald of Leader of the Pack Traveling in an RV can make the experience easier.
Canine Institute, Allentown. “Being pack animals, Many hotels and motels accept pets, but rules often
most of them do like it.” change. Check in advance, even if your
animal has stayed at
With activities that include agility work, ball playing, another location in the
walking and treadmill time, her emphasis, McDonald same chain.
says, is making sure dogs are safe and fulfilled.
Megan Brown, a partner at Woof World, Allentown,
says she “tries to provide the safest environment for
pups while letting them have fun.”
Dogs at Woof World are always supervised — even
at bed time, when they can sleep if they want with
members of the staff, their Bed Buddies.
At Susan Fanok’s Priority Dog facility near New
Tripoli, boarding animals are turned loose on a nine-
acre farm. Guests have 24-hour run of the whole
fenced property, which they enjoy in the company of
other footloose pooches and staff.
Vacations mean
By Jack Romig pampering for
When booking your vacation, you
pets, too
may fret about where one family Fanok has a silent partner: the alpha male of her
pack, Ben, who checks out new arrivals and “lets me
member will spend the week. know if they don’t have a stable energy. Dogs respect
other dogs, they see and respond to subtle signals that
What to do with the dog? we may not recognize.”
For those who’d rather not board their animals in Camp Bow Wow, a franchise operated near Coca-
standard kennels, alternatives abound. Luxury at Cola Park by Ken Doyle, also emphasizes an open-
these places is defined less by bubble baths and toys, more plan environment, with indoor and outdoor play yards
by caring human attention and romps with canine pals. available to the dogs throughout the day. Doyle’s staff
will administer medicines, and his boarders receive
Dedicated lodgings are available for cats, too. Nancy “comfy cots, fuzzy fleece blankets, tasty campfire treats,”
Kapanka reserves the second floor of her Homestead and more. Owners who want to can even use an app to
Kennels and Cattery, Nazareth — reachable by a remotely track their animals via live video.
private stair out of sight of canine visitors — for her
feline guests. There are roomy individual quarters, an OR, TAKE ‘EM ALONG
ample playroom with two well-used resting benches,
administration of medicines as needed and constant Of course, you may want your dog to get away with
human supervision. you. Ali Brown, owner of the Great Companions dog
training facility near Slatington, has brought her pets on
MAKING FRIENDS family adventures for years.
Many doggie resorts emphasize the affinity of these “It’s important to plan the dog into the vacation,”
highly social critters with others of their own kind. Brown said. Figure on stops every couple of hours, and
Everyone who spoke to us emphasized that dogs must limit the number of destinations. Animals may do better
be individually evaluated before they’re admitted to this if the route sticks to relatively straight interstates. Access
fellowship. Some animals may not be accepted if their for dogs is usually restricted in national parks, Brown
temperaments aren’t right. Other requirements include said, but state and local parks are often more welcoming.
being current on vaccinations and being spayed or
neutered if above a certain age. “We’ve seen awesome parks and events that we
would never have found if not for our dogs,” she said.
“If a dog enjoys being with other dogs, that’s what
we do,” said Lisa McDonald of Leader of the Pack Traveling in an RV can make the experience easier.
Canine Institute, Allentown. “Being pack animals, Many hotels and motels accept pets, but rules often
most of them do like it.” change. Check in advance, even if your
animal has stayed at
With activities that include agility work, ball playing, another location in the
walking and treadmill time, her emphasis, McDonald same chain.
says, is making sure dogs are safe and fulfilled.
Megan Brown, a partner at Woof World, Allentown,
says she “tries to provide the safest environment for
pups while letting them have fun.”
Dogs at Woof World are always supervised — even
at bed time, when they can sleep if they want with
members of the staff, their Bed Buddies.
At Susan Fanok’s Priority Dog facility near New
Tripoli, boarding animals are turned loose on a nine-
acre farm. Guests have 24-hour run of the whole
fenced property, which they enjoy in the company of
other footloose pooches and staff.