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Let some living color Shipping? Make sure
rev up the cheer factor gifts arrive on time

W hether you’re CTW Features C ome the holiday Metro Creative Connection
hosting a party A Christmas arrangement of amaryllis will be an eye-catcher any- season, shipping Despite delivery improvements, shippers advise ordering or mailing
or expecting where around your home companies work early.
lots of drop- around the clock to
ins, adding some festive squares or even teardrops. their own,” he says. ensure packages, merchan- ing addresses. Make sure brought to the post office
living color to your décor “Depending on how cre- Elhayani adds that, since dise and more make it to you have the correct ad- for shipping instead of
will help keep the holiday ative you’re willing to go, their destinations on time. dresses for all friends or mailing them from home.
cheer blooming all season [florists] can create wreaths they come in peaches and What would December family members you will Inadequate postage could
long. With the following in lots of different shapes,” reds, they’re the perfect holidays be without gifts be sending gifts to. An stall delivery of your items
flower and plant arrange- he says. holiday plant. “They can under the tree? incorrect address can re- and have them returned to
ments, your guests will easily be tied into your sult in packages being you.
appreciate the ambience Evergreen mixes, mag- holiday décor no matter In 2013, overtaxed returned to sender or float- ■ Research shipping
you add to their socializing nolia leaves and boxwood what else you have going carriers failed to meet ing around in shipping cut-off dates. Shipping
experience. leaves are options, says on,” she says. Christmas deadlines for limbo. All of this only carriers often list the “last
Prince. For more flair, add many packages. Some decreases the likelihood days to ship” for their
Perfect poinsettias glitter, berries, pine cones Flower favorites analysts say big retailers that gifts will arrive on services so that packages
A traditional plant of the and bows. Just because it’s the and carriers may have time. will arrive by the date you
underestimated consum- ■ Consider a ship-to-store need them. This way you
season, poinsettias are al- Elhayani says magnolia holidays doesn’t mean you ers’ growing reliance on option. A number of big can plan around the cut-
ways a good choice. How- and eucalyptus can last have to forgo your favorite online shopping — espe- retailers now offer various offs.
ever, think beyond the tradi- through both holidays. “You flower. “If you love roses or cially for last-minute options that allow custom- ■ Sign up for member-
tional colors for a unique can even keep it on the hydrangeas or narcissus, presents. ers to purchase items on- ship programs. Online
twist, says Ramsey Jay neutral side for Thanks- you can easily spruce them line and pick them up in a retailers offer expedited
Prince, wedding and event giving and then spruce it up up for the holidays with Since those mishaps, nearby store. In-stock shipping on many products
stylist at Ashland Addison afterwards with ornaments metallic or mercury festive carriers have spent mil- items may be available the as part of their member-
Florist in Chicago. “You or other details to make it vessels,” says Elhayani. “I’d lions on upgrades. More same day, while others ship programs. The added
don’t have to settle for the look more like Christmas.” look into adding ornaments, fuel-efficient planes, up- may have to be shipped to cost may be well worth the
same old red or white poin- bows or other décor, too.” grades to air-cargo net- the store for a later pickup. peace of mind fast ship-
settia in green foil,” he says. Artsy amaryllis works and improved infra- ■ Enter shipping param- ping provides.
“You can pick ones that While placing amaryllis Options abound, but if structure and ground ship- eters. For example, you
really go with your home coming up with the perfect ping operations have can request that packages An increase in online
décor. You can find ones in a holiday container can arrangement is adding more helped shipping companies be held at a delivery center shopping as well as fami-
with polka dots on them so make an impact, Prince says holiday stress to your life, better handle the increased or you can presign for lies living farther apart has
they look like speckles, or you should consider placing refer to a florist, Prince volume. deliveries. These perks can led to a high volume of
ones with peachy cream or them alone or grouped says. “Many professionals help limit some lost or gifts being shipped around
green.” together around your house. will even come to your As shipping companies delayed packages. the holidays. Plan accord-
“Because they have a big, home and give you ideas to work harder to ensure ■ Use proper postage. ingly so that gifts will
Stephanie Elhayani, tall stalk with a big flower spruce up your space.” holiday packages arrive at Bulky envelopes or large arrive on time.
owner and creative designer at the top, they’re kind of a their destinations on time, packages are better off
of SEED Floral Couture in showy presentation all on Cathy Cassata/ there also are things con- Metro Creative
West Hollywood, Calif., CTW Features sumers can do to increase Connection
agrees, adding that neutral- the chances that gifts make
colored poinsettias can get it under the tree before the
more holiday mileage. big day.
■ Shop as early as pos-
“By going with non-red sible. If you plan to buy
poinsettias, you can tie online or ship gifts to
them into your Thanks- family and friends, shop
giving decor and still keep early so the gifts have time
them around for Christmas, to make it to their destina-
too,” she says. tions. Make a list of all the
people whose gifts you
Rethink wreaths will need to mail, then
If having a wreath is a shop for their gifts first so
you will have ample time
must, Prince says ditch the for them to arrive on time.
circular ones for those ■ Double-check all mail-
shaped like triangles,

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