Page 14 - Go Guide Street 12/3/2015
P. 14

Have an oddball Christmas COMMENTARY

with Murray and friends A-list actors headlined
the year’s biggest flops
By Maureen Ryan


To call “A Very Murray ALI GOLDSTEIN/NETFLIX By Stephanie Merry WARNER BROS. rather than dream up a
Christmas” trifling is not new story, the standard
necessarily an insult. Bill Murray, left, and Chris Rock sing a duet in the Netflix The Washington Post Even though “Our Brand Is thinking is to order a re-
There are probably quite a holiday special “A Very Murray Christmas.” boot with a fresh face.
few people who’ve won- Here’s an easy one: Crisis” stars Sandra Bull- When Matt Damon was
dered what it would be like THE MORNING CALL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2015 ‘A Very Murray end of the hour. What do George Clooney, done playing Jason Bourne,
to spend an evening in a Christmas’ “I’m so alone,” Murray Johnny Depp, Reese With- ock, one of Hollywood’s Jeremy Renner stepped in,
bar with Bill Murray, bask- erspoon, Adam Sandler, and the high-stakes world
ing in the actor’s off-kilter Available for streaming groans at one point, and Mila Kunis, Hugh Jackman biggest stars, the film of black-ops kept spinning.
sensibilities and listening there are a few faint echoes and Bradley Cooper have (And now Damon’s coming
to him and a few famous Friday on Netflix of the character he played in common? tanked at the box office. back.) When Tobey Ma-
friends sing karaoke. True, in “Lost in Translation” — guire aged out of playing
there is a self-congratula- the Bob Hope-Bing Crosby another man trapped in a They’re some of the our access to them was Spider-Man, Andrew Gar-
tory air to the entire proj- road pictures, in which hotel during a period of highest-paid hotshots in more limited. If we wanted field became Peter Parker,
ect, but at scarcely an hour, thin reasons were created existential doubt who Hollywood, of course. to get our Eddie Murphy and now — just moments
the special is so slender for personable performers turns to music for solace. fix, we had to see his new later, it seems — Tom Hol-
and slight that it doesn’t to hang out with each But most of the time, the But they’re members of movie, watch an old one on land is taking his place.
outstay its welcome. If the other. The wispy premise point of “A Very Murray another group too — para- VHS or maybe luck out
weather outside is frightful here is that Murray is Christmas” is to act as a gons of Tinseltown nobility with cable. (And not so If there’s one studio that
(or even if it’s tolerable), doing a cabaret set in the delivery system for Mur- who have headlined some long before that, cable and seems to understand the
there are worse ways to Carlyle Hotel, a perform- ray’s multilayered goofball of the biggest box-office VHS didn’t exist, so people shifting interests of movie-
spend a holiday-season ance that is also supposed charm. The attraction of flops of the year. And who wanted to see John goers, it’s Universal Pic-
hour than with Murray to go out as a live TV Murray’s vocal perform- they’re not the only A- Wayne or Marilyn Monroe tures, which is killing the
and his glamorous chums. broadcast. The weather ances, as was the case with listers who have failed to just had to buy a movie competition during its best
interferes with that plan, the great Hoagy Carmi- get moviegoers to theaters. ticket.) year ever (and without a
Viewers old enough to but it supplies an excuse chael, doesn’t have much single superhero movie).
remember Nick, the hilari- for Amy Poehler and Julie to do with perfect tech- A year of high-profile But our relationship to This is the studio that
ously jaded lounge singer White to turn up as stres- nique. Rather, the actor bombs that kicked off with celebrities has changed. brought us box-office jug-
Murray played in the early sed-out producers, for brings a unique blend of “Mortdecai” and “Jupiter We have more ways to see gernauts such as “Straight
days of “Saturday Night Chris Rock and Maya spontaneity, sadness and Ascending” has culminated stars than ever — and not Outta Compton” and “Fifty
Live,” will see only brief Rudolph to sing a song or screwball optimism to his in a few more failures in just because the paparazzi Shades of Grey,” neither of
flashes of that kind of two, for Rashida Jones to characters, and those the last couple of weeks. is supplying us with images which had household-
sarcastic bite in “A Very play a jilted bride, and for qualities infuse his singing of Robert Downey Jr. gro- name casts, plus “Jurassic
Murray Christmas.” The singer Jenny Lewis to play with a depth of feeling that “By the Sea” barely cery shopping. Big-time World,” “Pitch Perfect 2”
project is directed by Sofia a cocktail waitress with an bigger and better belters made a splash despite the actors still appear in mov- and “Trainwreck.” These
Coppola — her brother, exceptional voice. Murray, often can’t supply. star power of Angelina ies, but now the ads for movies didn’t star the
Roman, helped out — and in expansive Crosby mode, Jolie and Brad Pitt; “Our those movies bombard us highest-profile actors, nor
on and off screen, there are doesn’t quite have a Hope But don’t expect this Brand Is Crisis” tanked, on multiple fronts. did they cater to the audi-
other familiar names from to riff off, but Paul Shaffer artisanal bonbon to supply even though it starred ences that studios have so
the Coppola-Murray per- provides adept musical a full meal. “A Very Murray Sandra Bullock; and the And then there’s all the insistently aimed for —
sonal and professional accompaniment through- Christmas” is a slender combined wattage of Julia press. Who maintains their young white men.
universe: Sofia and Ro- out, and the star gets to diversion meant to be Roberts, Nicole Kidman mystique with so many
man’s cousin Jason vamp with George Clooney nibbled while wrapping and Chiwetel Ejiofor junkets and interviews, In recent months, the
Schwartzman pops up; and Miley Cyrus near the presents or sampling egg- wasn’t enough to get audi- answering the same ques- gender pay gap has domi-
Sofia’s husband’s band, nog — or, perhaps, drinking ences interested in “Secret tions again and again (and nated the conversation in
Phoenix, makes an appear- something stronger. in Their Eyes.” occasionally making a flub Hollywood. Actresses need
ance; and one of the writ- and starting a Twitter to be paid more, the think-
ers is Mitch Glazer, who Why do studios put so uprising)? Who can still ing goes, so they’re making
penned “Rock the Kasbah,” much faith in big-name fascinate us after swapping the same salary as their
a recent Murray film. actors when they clearly mouths with Jimmy Fal- male counterparts. But
When the special drags a aren’t reliable money- lon? maybe people are coming
bit, it feels as if Netflix, the makers? up with the wrong solution
anti-Scrooge of this free- Plus, studios themselves to the problem.
spending TV era, has paid . have made actors seem
Murray and Coppola to Not that long ago, actors replaceable. If one star Men and women should
film a Champagne-infused were enough to sell tickets. doesn’t succeed in a role, be making the same
holiday shindig with their People used to say they amount for the same work,
friends. Still, “A Very Mur- were heading to “the new of course, but what if
ray Christmas” has a Tom Hanks movie,” as if they’re all being paid too
sweetness to it that keeps it the star of a film trumped much? Why should a stu-
from lapsing fully into the subject matter. But we dio spend tens of millions
self-indulgence. don’t talk in those terms of dollars employing an
anymore. No one calls actor who can’t ensure a
14 At its best, the proceed- “Jurassic World” “that big-box office?
Chris Pratt movie.” If any-
ings keep alive the spirit of thing, it’s “the dinosaur That’s simple. It
movie.” shouldn’t.
Part of the shift is that
stars don’t have the mys-
tique they once did when
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