Page 29 - Go Guide 12/3/15
P. 29
Allentown Band’s Pearl Harbor concert
By Steve Siegel CONTRIBUTED PHOTO attention nationally in high school and
university bands. The Coast Guard Band
Special to The Morning Call ‘The Singing Policeman,’ operatic tenor Daniel Rodriguez, performs Sunday with the Allen- has recorded it.
town Band as part of its annual Holiday/Pearl Harbor Remembrance Concert in Allentown.
Monday marks the 74th anniversary of Of course, there’ll be Leroy Anderson’s
the attack on Pearl Harbor, a portentous “Yankee Doodle,” and a World War I CONTRIBUTED PHOTO lively “Sleigh Ride” and “O Holy Night” in THE MORNING CALL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2015
event the Allentown Band has recognized medley by Kenneth Force. an arrangement by Reisteter. The grand
for years with its Holiday/Pearl Harbor Lehigh Philharmonic conductor Eugene finale will feature the “Battle Hymn of the
Remembrance Concert that honors our The World War II section of the Albulescu unveils a new work, ‘An Asa Fan- Republic” in which the band will be
fighting forces and celebrates the program features more than just great tasy,’ at a concert celebrating Lehigh Uni- joined by Rodriguez, the El Sistema
upcoming Christmas holiday. On Sunday, music and vocals by Rodriguez. During versity’s founding in 1865, on Friday and Chorus, and for the final verse, the
at Miller Symphony Hall in Allentown, John Williams’ “Hymn to the Fallen” from Saturday at Zoellner Arts Center. audience. “America the Beautiful” and
the band will again pay tribute to our the film “Saving Private Ryan,” Steffy will Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forever” will
current military and vets, but in a much read excerpts from Rick Atkinson’s book Although mostly a tribute to vets, the provide a rousing patriotic conclusion.
different and expansive way. “The Guns at Last Light.” Lehigh Valley program has a holiday component, ■ Allentown Band Holiday/Pearl
congressman Charles Dent will offer although not as extensive as in previous Harbor Remembrance Concert, 3 p.m.
“This year, the event will be a major remarks of recognition during Michael years. It will ring in the season’s cheer Sunday, Miller Symphony Hall, 23 N. Sixth
collaboration with the cities of Allentown Kamen’s score from the HBO miniseries starting with a Hanukkah song, the St., Allentown. Tickets: $10, free for
and Bethlehem, and especially meaningful “Band of Brothers.” holiday beginning at sundown the day of veterans. In addition to on-street parking,
since we will be honoring 16 Lehigh Valley the concert. Allentown Band clarinetist which is free on Sundays, and parking lots
World War II vets, two of whom are Pearl Accompanying James Christiansen’s and composer Steve Reisteter’s “Eighth and decks near Miller Symphony Hall, the
Harbor survivors,” says band conductor “The Homefront: Musical Memories of Candle: A Prayer and Dance for parking deck at Sixth and Walnut streets
Ronald Demkee. World War II” will be a slide show Hanukkah” has been getting a lot of is open. A special rate of $3 for the
narrated by Jill Youngken of the Lehigh “Government Parking Deck” at Fourth
The idea for this program came from Valley Heritage Museum and Muhlenberg and Hamilton streets is available and there
discussions Demkee had with James College librarian Susan Falciani. The slide will be a free shuttle to and from Miller
Steffy, a strategic planning consultant at presentation shows what was going on in Symphony Hall. 610-434-7026,
Muhlenberg College, and Mike Sewards, the local homefront during the war, and
who runs the Lehigh Valley Veterans touches on the role Muhlenberg College
History Project. “We wanted to find a way played in the war effort, when it turned its Lehigh Philharmonic
to really pay tribute to our World War II dorms into barracks for the young men
vets, especially since we’re losing so many enrolled there who were recruited by the celebrates 150 years
nearly every day,” Demkee says. “That’s Navy.
the focus, although all vets are invited to The Lehigh University Philharmonic
the concert free of charge.” Ray Huston’s “The Fighting Lady celebrates Lehigh University’s founding in
March” honoring the USS Yorktown will 1865 with works of special relevance to
Joining the band in the five-part be followed by the introduction of the America in that era in concerts Friday, and
program will be operatic tenor Daniel veteran honorees, presented by Sewards. Saturday at Zoellner Arts Center.
Rodriguez, known as the “Singing These include Pearl Harbor vets Richard
Policeman” for his former role as a Schimmel, Army Signal Corps, and James LU Philharmonic conductor Eugene
National Anthem singer in the New York Murdy, Navy. The “In Memoriam” section Albulescu has chosen a program featuring
City Police Department; the El Sistema of the program includes a message from music by Copland, Beethoven and the
Children’s Chorus of Allentown, directed the Rev. William Seaman, former premiere of a new work by Albulescu, “An
by Kyle Keller, and the Freedom High executive director of the Lehigh Valley Asa Fantasy.”
School Fife and Drum Corps, directed by Conference of Churches, as well as the
Michael Moran. solemn “Navy Hymn,” “Echo Taps” and “I As Lehigh University began its 150-year
Believe,” sung by Rodriguez. history, America had just lost its 16th
The festivities begin as the audience is president, so it is appropriate the program
entering the hall. Images of local people opens with Copland’s epic work, “A
who have served or are currently serving Lincoln Portrait,” narrated by Lehigh’s
in the military, culled from ArtsQuest’s director of African studies and professor
“Hometown Heroes” project, will be of English, James Peterson.
projected onto three huge screens above
the stage before the concert begins. Albulescu composed “An Asa Fantasy”
for the university’s 150th anniversary.
Officially launching the concert will be Narrated by Lehigh’s newly installed
opening remarks by Allentown Mayor Ed president, John Simon, the piece is set to
Pawlowski, as well as a recorded audio the text of a new poem by Lehigh
message from Anna Mae V. Hays, Army professor of theater Darius Omar
brigadier general, an Allentown native and Williams, extolling the life of Lehigh
Allentown High School grad who entered founder Asa Packer.
the war in 1942 and went on to become
the first female general in the Army. Closing the program is Beethoven’s
mighty Symphony No. 5, since, Albulescu
Patriotism and solidarity will be says, “it not only was very popular in the
observed when the “Star Spangled U.S in the 1860s, but also because of its
Banner” is followed by “La Marseillaise,” powerful symbol of destiny and fate, of
in recognition of the recent terrorist struggle leading to triumph.”
attacks in Paris. The first part of the
concert proper begins with pre-World Please see CLASSICAL 32
War II tunes, including “American Patrol,”
Allentown Band’s Pearl Harbor concert
By Steve Siegel CONTRIBUTED PHOTO attention nationally in high school and
university bands. The Coast Guard Band
Special to The Morning Call ‘The Singing Policeman,’ operatic tenor Daniel Rodriguez, performs Sunday with the Allen- has recorded it.
town Band as part of its annual Holiday/Pearl Harbor Remembrance Concert in Allentown.
Monday marks the 74th anniversary of Of course, there’ll be Leroy Anderson’s
the attack on Pearl Harbor, a portentous “Yankee Doodle,” and a World War I CONTRIBUTED PHOTO lively “Sleigh Ride” and “O Holy Night” in THE MORNING CALL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2015
event the Allentown Band has recognized medley by Kenneth Force. an arrangement by Reisteter. The grand
for years with its Holiday/Pearl Harbor Lehigh Philharmonic conductor Eugene finale will feature the “Battle Hymn of the
Remembrance Concert that honors our The World War II section of the Albulescu unveils a new work, ‘An Asa Fan- Republic” in which the band will be
fighting forces and celebrates the program features more than just great tasy,’ at a concert celebrating Lehigh Uni- joined by Rodriguez, the El Sistema
upcoming Christmas holiday. On Sunday, music and vocals by Rodriguez. During versity’s founding in 1865, on Friday and Chorus, and for the final verse, the
at Miller Symphony Hall in Allentown, John Williams’ “Hymn to the Fallen” from Saturday at Zoellner Arts Center. audience. “America the Beautiful” and
the band will again pay tribute to our the film “Saving Private Ryan,” Steffy will Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forever” will
current military and vets, but in a much read excerpts from Rick Atkinson’s book Although mostly a tribute to vets, the provide a rousing patriotic conclusion.
different and expansive way. “The Guns at Last Light.” Lehigh Valley program has a holiday component, ■ Allentown Band Holiday/Pearl
congressman Charles Dent will offer although not as extensive as in previous Harbor Remembrance Concert, 3 p.m.
“This year, the event will be a major remarks of recognition during Michael years. It will ring in the season’s cheer Sunday, Miller Symphony Hall, 23 N. Sixth
collaboration with the cities of Allentown Kamen’s score from the HBO miniseries starting with a Hanukkah song, the St., Allentown. Tickets: $10, free for
and Bethlehem, and especially meaningful “Band of Brothers.” holiday beginning at sundown the day of veterans. In addition to on-street parking,
since we will be honoring 16 Lehigh Valley the concert. Allentown Band clarinetist which is free on Sundays, and parking lots
World War II vets, two of whom are Pearl Accompanying James Christiansen’s and composer Steve Reisteter’s “Eighth and decks near Miller Symphony Hall, the
Harbor survivors,” says band conductor “The Homefront: Musical Memories of Candle: A Prayer and Dance for parking deck at Sixth and Walnut streets
Ronald Demkee. World War II” will be a slide show Hanukkah” has been getting a lot of is open. A special rate of $3 for the
narrated by Jill Youngken of the Lehigh “Government Parking Deck” at Fourth
The idea for this program came from Valley Heritage Museum and Muhlenberg and Hamilton streets is available and there
discussions Demkee had with James College librarian Susan Falciani. The slide will be a free shuttle to and from Miller
Steffy, a strategic planning consultant at presentation shows what was going on in Symphony Hall. 610-434-7026,
Muhlenberg College, and Mike Sewards, the local homefront during the war, and
who runs the Lehigh Valley Veterans touches on the role Muhlenberg College
History Project. “We wanted to find a way played in the war effort, when it turned its Lehigh Philharmonic
to really pay tribute to our World War II dorms into barracks for the young men
vets, especially since we’re losing so many enrolled there who were recruited by the celebrates 150 years
nearly every day,” Demkee says. “That’s Navy.
the focus, although all vets are invited to The Lehigh University Philharmonic
the concert free of charge.” Ray Huston’s “The Fighting Lady celebrates Lehigh University’s founding in
March” honoring the USS Yorktown will 1865 with works of special relevance to
Joining the band in the five-part be followed by the introduction of the America in that era in concerts Friday, and
program will be operatic tenor Daniel veteran honorees, presented by Sewards. Saturday at Zoellner Arts Center.
Rodriguez, known as the “Singing These include Pearl Harbor vets Richard
Policeman” for his former role as a Schimmel, Army Signal Corps, and James LU Philharmonic conductor Eugene
National Anthem singer in the New York Murdy, Navy. The “In Memoriam” section Albulescu has chosen a program featuring
City Police Department; the El Sistema of the program includes a message from music by Copland, Beethoven and the
Children’s Chorus of Allentown, directed the Rev. William Seaman, former premiere of a new work by Albulescu, “An
by Kyle Keller, and the Freedom High executive director of the Lehigh Valley Asa Fantasy.”
School Fife and Drum Corps, directed by Conference of Churches, as well as the
Michael Moran. solemn “Navy Hymn,” “Echo Taps” and “I As Lehigh University began its 150-year
Believe,” sung by Rodriguez. history, America had just lost its 16th
The festivities begin as the audience is president, so it is appropriate the program
entering the hall. Images of local people opens with Copland’s epic work, “A
who have served or are currently serving Lincoln Portrait,” narrated by Lehigh’s
in the military, culled from ArtsQuest’s director of African studies and professor
“Hometown Heroes” project, will be of English, James Peterson.
projected onto three huge screens above
the stage before the concert begins. Albulescu composed “An Asa Fantasy”
for the university’s 150th anniversary.
Officially launching the concert will be Narrated by Lehigh’s newly installed
opening remarks by Allentown Mayor Ed president, John Simon, the piece is set to
Pawlowski, as well as a recorded audio the text of a new poem by Lehigh
message from Anna Mae V. Hays, Army professor of theater Darius Omar
brigadier general, an Allentown native and Williams, extolling the life of Lehigh
Allentown High School grad who entered founder Asa Packer.
the war in 1942 and went on to become
the first female general in the Army. Closing the program is Beethoven’s
mighty Symphony No. 5, since, Albulescu
Patriotism and solidarity will be says, “it not only was very popular in the
observed when the “Star Spangled U.S in the 1860s, but also because of its
Banner” is followed by “La Marseillaise,” powerful symbol of destiny and fate, of
in recognition of the recent terrorist struggle leading to triumph.”
attacks in Paris. The first part of the
concert proper begins with pre-World Please see CLASSICAL 32
War II tunes, including “American Patrol,”