Page 3 - FunSpots Summer 2015
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ummer of fun and learning Get moving, get creative,
awaits at Moravian Academy get healthy at Camp Rhythmo
Moravian Academy is strumental music students Spanish Immersion, Camp Rhythmo is very program culminates in the registration details. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
offering a variety of sum- interested in building their Writing Workshop, excited to return to the “CR Showcase” student Our faculty includes:
mer camps and workshops skills in the performance of Sports Medley, Field Lehigh Valley area for a performance, where family
for the community starting jazz, led by a faculty of Hockey Camp, Basket- second summer, hosting and friends are invited to Michael Bodnyk, a Lehigh
the week of June 8. professional musicians. ball Camp, and the Soc- two, two-week programs attend and view the CR Valley native who serves as
cer and Tennis Acade- starting on July 6: one in Gallery, a display of visual a staff musician at NYC’s
Students attending Additional new enrich- mies. In addition to Whitehall Township and the arts projects/activities St. Patrick’s Cathedral and
Green Pond Day Camp ment programs offered this Spanish Immersion for other in Allentown. Camp campers have created dur- as the director of music for
(for students entering pre- summer include: Full grades one through two, Rhythmo inspires young ing their Camp Rhythmo Saint Brigid School in New
kindergarten through sixth Steam Ahead, Wood- we are also offering a people to pursue lifelong experience. York City; Dr. Ciarán
grade) will take part in a working, Around the Latin Camp for grades health, build self-confi- Grant, a New York City-
variety of new themes World in Five Days, Vive six through nine. dence, and spark creativity Camp Rhythmo will based chiropractic physi-
offered this year: Anything la France, Medievalism, through music, science, return to Faith Lutheran cian; and Megan Flynn,
Goes, Best of the Best, Yoga, Storytelling Camp, Remember to sign up movement and visual arts. Church at 3355 MacArthur lecturer in dance at Muhlen-
Buggin’ Out, Moovin’ and Understanding the Star early — many programs Road from July 6-17, and berg College.
Groovin’, Mission Impos- Wars Universe, Lights! have limits on the num- Our two-week summer for the first time will be part
sible and more. Camera! Action!, Website ber of participants and camps include interactive of The Swain School’s In addition to summer
Design Camp, and Video are offered on a first- science workshops; a fully- Summers at Swain program programs, Camp Rhythmo
You can also sign up for Game Programming. come basis, so be sure to staged original musical from July 13-24. All pro- offers events and enrich-
Day-to-Day Camp, in get in on a summer of based on the science curric- grams cater to students ment programs in the area
which you may register Returning summer fun and learning in 2015! ulum; movement, dance, entering grades one through throughout the year.
your child for one day, two programs include: Outer yoga and visual arts seven, and run Monday
days, or all five days for Limits, Beyond the Outer For more information projects, and handbell/ through Friday from 9 a.m. Please visit www.campr-
each session. Limits, Digital Photogra- or to register, visit handchime ensembles. On to 3 p.m. Please visit; call us at 866-
phy, A Day in the Life of a www.moravianacade- the last day of camp, our for 430-0810; or send email to
New for this year is Roman, A Week with the or call for
Summer Jazz at the Acade- Masters, Math Camp, 610-691-1600. more information.
my, a day camp for in-
Ignite a love of learning that will last a lifetime.
We invite you to learn more about our unique learning experiences, SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015
including: our new Primer program for three year olds,
Spanish Immersion, global languages, STEAM programs, 3
1-1 technology, fine and performing arts, athletics, and more!
To view a calendar of upcoming Admissions events,
go to or call
610-691-1600 to schedule a personal visit.
awaits at Moravian Academy get healthy at Camp Rhythmo
Moravian Academy is strumental music students Spanish Immersion, Camp Rhythmo is very program culminates in the registration details. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
offering a variety of sum- interested in building their Writing Workshop, excited to return to the “CR Showcase” student Our faculty includes:
mer camps and workshops skills in the performance of Sports Medley, Field Lehigh Valley area for a performance, where family
for the community starting jazz, led by a faculty of Hockey Camp, Basket- second summer, hosting and friends are invited to Michael Bodnyk, a Lehigh
the week of June 8. professional musicians. ball Camp, and the Soc- two, two-week programs attend and view the CR Valley native who serves as
cer and Tennis Acade- starting on July 6: one in Gallery, a display of visual a staff musician at NYC’s
Students attending Additional new enrich- mies. In addition to Whitehall Township and the arts projects/activities St. Patrick’s Cathedral and
Green Pond Day Camp ment programs offered this Spanish Immersion for other in Allentown. Camp campers have created dur- as the director of music for
(for students entering pre- summer include: Full grades one through two, Rhythmo inspires young ing their Camp Rhythmo Saint Brigid School in New
kindergarten through sixth Steam Ahead, Wood- we are also offering a people to pursue lifelong experience. York City; Dr. Ciarán
grade) will take part in a working, Around the Latin Camp for grades health, build self-confi- Grant, a New York City-
variety of new themes World in Five Days, Vive six through nine. dence, and spark creativity Camp Rhythmo will based chiropractic physi-
offered this year: Anything la France, Medievalism, through music, science, return to Faith Lutheran cian; and Megan Flynn,
Goes, Best of the Best, Yoga, Storytelling Camp, Remember to sign up movement and visual arts. Church at 3355 MacArthur lecturer in dance at Muhlen-
Buggin’ Out, Moovin’ and Understanding the Star early — many programs Road from July 6-17, and berg College.
Groovin’, Mission Impos- Wars Universe, Lights! have limits on the num- Our two-week summer for the first time will be part
sible and more. Camera! Action!, Website ber of participants and camps include interactive of The Swain School’s In addition to summer
Design Camp, and Video are offered on a first- science workshops; a fully- Summers at Swain program programs, Camp Rhythmo
You can also sign up for Game Programming. come basis, so be sure to staged original musical from July 13-24. All pro- offers events and enrich-
Day-to-Day Camp, in get in on a summer of based on the science curric- grams cater to students ment programs in the area
which you may register Returning summer fun and learning in 2015! ulum; movement, dance, entering grades one through throughout the year.
your child for one day, two programs include: Outer yoga and visual arts seven, and run Monday
days, or all five days for Limits, Beyond the Outer For more information projects, and handbell/ through Friday from 9 a.m. Please visit www.campr-
each session. Limits, Digital Photogra- or to register, visit handchime ensembles. On to 3 p.m. Please visit; call us at 866-
phy, A Day in the Life of a www.moravianacade- the last day of camp, our for 430-0810; or send email to
New for this year is Roman, A Week with the or call for
Summer Jazz at the Acade- Masters, Math Camp, 610-691-1600. more information.
my, a day camp for in-
Ignite a love of learning that will last a lifetime.
We invite you to learn more about our unique learning experiences, SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015
including: our new Primer program for three year olds,
Spanish Immersion, global languages, STEAM programs, 3
1-1 technology, fine and performing arts, athletics, and more!
To view a calendar of upcoming Admissions events,
go to or call
610-691-1600 to schedule a personal visit.