Page 24 - Education Guide
P. 24
S ome youngsters Strategies to help children completed. Checking items
experience difficulty focus on their schoolwork off can give students a
when the time with concentrating, paying neurologists, psychologists, may want to speak to their away. sense of accomplishment,
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 comes to focus on attention, staying organ- and certain licensed coun- children’s teachers to solve During homework time, which can motivate them to
their schoolwork. ized, and remembering selors or therapists are the problem. Educators stay focused on their
details. But not all children qualified to diagnose have significant experience allow them to use their schoolwork.
Such difficulties may be struggling to focus on their ADHD. Determining if a dealing with students who computers only for their ■ Encourage breaks: A
linked to a variety of fac- studies have ADHD. Par- child has ADHD is a great have trouble focusing, and lessons and not to connect breather every so often can
tors, and parents can be ents who want to help their first step toward helping they may be able to make with friends via social help children to avoid
overwhelmed as they at- kids overcome their issues that youngster overcome certain suggestions to help media. Parents also should growing tired. Make sure
tempt to identify the root with regard to focusing can his or her struggles in the kids focus on their work. make sure they aren’t the they don’t take up another
cause of their youngsters’ consider a host of ap- classroom. A qualified ■ Minimize distractions distraction. Let kids do task, such as playing video
struggles in the classroom. proaches and strategies. healthcare professional can at home: Some kids may their work in peace and games or watching televi-
■ Speak with a qualified help develop a strategy to do well in class but find it quiet, offering to help if sion, during their breaks.
According to the Cen- healthcare professional: improve focus, and that hard to focus once they need be, but steering clear But keep in mind that
ters for Disease Control Because ADHD is so com- may include prescribing arrive home. That’s because of their work areas so they standing up every so often
and Prevention, roughly 6.4 mon, parents should seek medication to improve the home often has far more are encouraged to focus to walk around or get a
million American children the opinion of a licensed child’s ability to concen- distractions than the class- and not strike up conversa- glass of water can help
between the ages of 4 and healthcare professional to trate. room. Once the time comes tions with mom or dad. them to stay sharp and
17 have been diagnosed determine if their child has ■ Speak with your for your child to do his or ■ Make lists: Some kids energized over the long
with attention deficit hyper- the disorder. According to child’s teacher: Students her homework, minimize focus better when they haul.
activity disorder, or ADHD. the National Resource who don’t have ADHD can distractions that can com- know exactly what they
ADHD most often occurs Center on ADHD still have trouble focusing promise his or her ability to have to do. Encourage such Metro Creative
in children, and these chil- (, on their schoolwork, and focus. Turn off the televi- youngsters to make lists of Connection
dren may have difficulty psychiatrists, pediatricians, parents of such students sion and take kids’ phones their assignments and
check items off as they are

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