Page 3 - Education Guide
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What makes Perkiomen stand apart?
                                                              The Perkiomen School
It’s the way the school
    engages, supports and      For some, the right match                                                                                                                                                                        Photo courtesy of Perkiomen School  SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
    embraces the educa-        might be an Ivy League
tional experience of each      school such as Harvard or      With a challenging curriculum and project-based learning, the Perkiomen School prepares students with a truly individualized education.
individual student, as well    Cornell, while for others
as the way it emphasizes       the best match might be a      global community that                                                                                                                                                                                 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2017
creative thinking in prepar-   competitive school such as     includes domestic and
ing students with a toolkit    NYU or Cal-Berkley, an         international students from                                                                                             Tim Miller/Photo courtesy of The Perkiomen School                             3
of applicable skills in an     arts school like Parsons       30 countries, and a culture
ever-changing world.           School of Design, or any       of encouragement allows       Students have opportunities to explore interests in small classes.
                               of the other dozens of         students to thrive while
Risk becoming your best        schools you’ll find its        taking risks in learning and
                               alumni have attended.          achievement.
   Since 1875, Perkiomen       Many graduates end up in
School in Pennsburg,           business as entrepreneurs.        Nestled in a safe, fam-
Pennsylvania has been                                         ily-oriented town,
empowering its students –         Perkiomen’s Entrepre-       Perkiomen is a 20-minute
boarding and day, grades       neur Institute and dedi-       drive from the Lehigh
6-12 and PG – to risk be-      cated Innovation Center is     Valley. The school is ac-
coming their personal best.    additional educational         cepting applications for the
Led by headmaster and          track for any student inter-   2018-19 school year. For
Bethlehem native Mark A.       ested in applying their        more information, please
Devey, Perkiomen’s dy-         liberal arts education         visit its website at www-
namic college preparatory      through real-life practice,, or call
curriculum, which includes     resulting in a Certificate in  (215) 679-9511 to set up a
competitive athletic teams     Entrepreneurship at gradu-     visit and explore
for all students, a broad      ation. In fact, it has stu-    Perkiomen yourself.
fine arts department, 30       dents who have patented
AP courses, and project-       ideas and started busi-
based learning, provides       nesses before graduating.
students the opportunity to    The Center includes multi-
take control of their future   ple 3-D printers, a Mac
with a truly individualized    Lab, classrooms, confer-
educational experience.        ence rooms, and board-
                               rooms for use in graphic
   With 42 teams across 20     design, marketing, coding,
sports, there is a place for   engineering and 10 other
all students to experience     cross-listed courses.
athletics at both the intro-
ductory and competitive           Perkiomen has highly-
levels. The school also has    trained faculty and staff.
fine and performing arts       The school has faculty who
for interested students.       have worked to achieve
Perkiomen has 50+ clubs        their doctorates, many who
and activities, not to men-    have taught at the col-
tion local/regional trips,     legiate/ university level,
dances, dinners and inter-     and over 70 percent have
national travel. If a student  or are working toward their
is inspired by something,      master’s degree. Continu-
the school wants to know       ing education is something
more about it!                 encouraged and supported
                               for the faculty.
   As a college prep
school, the school’s three        Small classes that en-
dedicated college counsel-     sure every student is
ors work with students to      known, an exemplary fac-
find the right university.     ulty that lives on campus, a
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