Page 22 - Education Guide
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How to save on college housing costs
College is expensive, However, there are ways tend to cost substantially dorms. Due to limited Metro Creative Connection
and the costs are for students and their fam- more than double rooms. space, many colleges insist
only rising. Schol- ilies to reduce those costs. s Sign up to be a resi- dorm residents live with One way to cut costs in college is to have a roommate.
arships and grants can help s Examine your dormi- dent adviser. Resident roommates. Upperclass-
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2017 mitigate the costs of higher tory options. Many advisers, or RAs, often men who are moving out so during the 2016-17 used to pay tuition or fi-
education, but even stu- schools assign students to receive free housing in of the dorms and into uni- school year might have nance postgraduate educa-
dents who receive such aid dormitories for their fresh- exchange for living in versity or off-campus saved nearly $11,000, or tions.
could find themselves man years, giving students dormitories when they are apartments can save money $44,000 in four years.
scrambling for ways to little say with regard to upperclassmen or graduate by continuing to live with That’s money that can be Metro Creative
make college more afford- where they will live. How- students. RAs help newly roommates. This can be Connection
able. ever, students might have enrolled or younger stu- especially beneficial to
more input in their housing dents adjust to campus life students who will be living
Housing is one of the come their sophomore, while also ensuring noth- in off-campus housing
more expensive costs for junior and senior years. ing untoward happens on where amenities such as
college students and their Some dorms might be the floors they’re tasked electricity, cable television
families. According to the more attractive and offer with looking after. Stu- and water are unlikely to
College Board, the average more amenities than oth- dents who may want to be included in the cost of
cost for room and board ers, but students and fam- apply for RA positions the rent.
during the 2016-17 school ilies looking to save money should first confirm if s Commute to school.
year was $10,440 at four- on housing costs should serving as an RA will While it might not be ideal,
year public schools and opt to live in the most affect their overall finan- commuting to school can
$11,890 at private colleges budget-friendly dorms cial aid package and how save college students and
and universities. And those available to them. In addi- great that impact might be. their families substantial
costs typically cover hous- tion, choose to live with a s Live with roommates amounts of money. Public
ing for just the school year, roommate rather than in a even after leaving the university students who did
which may last anywhere single room, as singles
from six to eight months.