Page 5 - Education Guide
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Perkiomen School: inspiring students

                        to risk becoming their best

               erkiomen School’s
               rigorous academic                                                                                           EDUCATION
               program is imple-
        P mented through an
        innovative educational model
        combining the best of tradi-
        tional education with practical
        skills to thrive in a global com-                                                                                  GUIDE
        munity. We inspire our stu-
        dents to risk becoming their
        best, while providing the sup-
        port of dedicated faculty,
        unique experiences, and access
        to advanced technology, both
        in and out of the classroom.
        With the freedom to explore
        their personal identities and
        interests, Perkiomen students                                                                           Tim Miller
        develop the character, intellect,  Mindy Irven, Director, and Carol Dougherty, Associate Headmaster/External Director for Medical Institute, with Perkiomen
        and courage needed to make  School’s Medical Institute candidates.
        their individual goals a reality.
           The launch of the Entrepre-                                                                                     VIEW
        neur Institute in 2017 provided
        the opportunity for students to                                                                                            SPECIAL
        dive into this refocused way of                                                                                    THIS
        learning. Thus, it makes sense
        that this model of learning
        expands beyond entrepre-                                                                                                   ADVERTISING
        neurship.                                                                                                          EDUCATION
           This fall, the bold vision
        continues as the Medical Insti-
        tute will formally launch.
        Students interested in earning                                                                                     GUIDE   SECTION
        Medical Distinction will take
        traditional course work, com-                                                                                              OF
        plete at least 10 hours of exter-                                                                                  ONLINE  THE
        nal experience, and conclude
        their work with a practicum.                                                                                       AT
        The practicum is designed to                                                                                               MORNING
        be customized to student inter-
        ests and can take the shape of
        a literature review, research, or                                                                       Tim Miller         CALL
        field work. Seventeen mem-  Perkiomen graduates have a range of experiences, transferable skills, a thirst to learn, grit, and resilience.
        bers of the Class of 2019 have
        been accepted as candidates
        for the Medical Institute. Their  results materialize only when  “Programs like the Entre-  School in Pennsburg, Pennsyl-  SUNDAY,
        practicum topics range from  theory meets application.  preneur Institute and the Medi-  vania has been empowering its
        mental health to veterinary  Without the space to brain-  cal Institute give our students  students — boarding and day,
        science.                    storm, to build, to design, to  an edge,” says Perkiomen’s  grades 6-12 and PG — to risk  THEMORNINGCALL.COM/SPECIALSECTIONS
           Perkiomen School is mov-  boldly fail and try again —  Headmaster Mark A. Devey.  becoming their best.                  SEPTEMBER
        ing forward, leading and chal-  these skills are just theoretical.  “They have academic experi-  Perkiomen’s dynamic college
        lenging our students to build  Our on-campus Innovation  ences that are grounded in  preparatory curriculum, which
        competency and confidence.  Center and off-site experience  excellent classroom studies  includes competitive athletic     9,
        More than ever, today’s stu-  partners provide the spaces  and real-world work.     teams for all students, a broad
        dents need to be lifelong learn-  and places for student discov-  Perkiomen graduates have a  fine arts department, 30 AP®  2018
        ers with strong core skills like  ery. The institutes are an evo-  range of experiences, transfer-  courses, and project-based
        adaptability, creativity, and the  lution of fulfilling our school  able skills, a thirst to learn,  learning, provides students the
        ability to recognize opportuni-  mission and a launch point to  grit, and resilience. These are  opportunity to take control of
        ties. Our students are inspired  apply students’ knowledge to  the tools that transform stu-  their future with a truly indi-
        to learn and practice these  both solve problems and add  dents into leaders who will  vidualized educational experi-
        skills within our Entrepreneur  value in today’s changing  make a global difference.”  ence. Learn more at www-
        and Medical Institutes. But  world.                        Since 1875, Perkiomen                        5
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