Page 20 - Education Guide
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Discover Your Talents.

                              Find Your MORE

                    guide      When you come to       for the first-ever GIPHY Film  entire time in film school.”  tenure at Snap, Inc. (the tech
                                       at Moravian.

                    education  Moravian Academy, you join  Fest. “Washed Up,” which was  of filmmaking at Moravian  company behind the popular
                                                                                   After finding her love
                            hundreds of others who enjoy
                                                      filmed by drone in Reynisfjara,
                                                                                                          app Snapchat) Carlos and his
                                                                                                          team took Matty’s private jet
                                                      Iceland, tells a story in 18
                            learning and aren’t afraid
                                                                                Academy and going on to
                            to show it. Here students
                                                      seconds or less and took
                                                                                graduate from film school,
                                                                                                          installation for snapping luxe
                                                      home the grand prize.
                                                                                Ani now works in the creative
                            uncover their talents and
                                                                                                          selfies from a single-store to
                                                                                                          viral sensation.
                                                                                industry and has produced
                                                         “The classes I took with
                            pursue them with gusto.
                                                                                                             Carlos credits his passion,
                            They develop a zest for
                            learning they will take with
                                                      12th grade were super
                                                                                profile brands.
                            them as they become their  Mrs. Woodruff in 11th and  short films for many high-  ability to constantly adapt to
                                                      formative because I had
                                                                                                          new technology, and ways
                            own life’s teacher.       never shot on film before or  Carlos Estrada ’08    of thinking to his years at
                               Here, two of our recent  had someone push me to     Snap Accelerator Senior  Moravian Academy.
                            graduates tell us in their own  create better work. I was  Designer, Carlos Estrada ’08  “My experience at
                            words how they discovered  more passionate about the  recently teamed up with “The  Moravian – the intensity of
                            their more at Moravian.   assignments in her classes  Most Famous Artist” Matty  the courses, the culture that
                                                      than any other homework   Mo and SelfieCircus to install  was fostered there – has
                            Filmmaker Ani Acopian ’12  I’d ever had, which was a  and launch The Private Jet  led me to where I am now.
                               Ani Acopian ’12 discovered sure sign that I had found  Experience at Fred Segal in  Moravian taught me to follow
            2019            her photography and video  something special,” said  Los Angeles and Art Basel  my curiosity, to constantly
            8,              talents while in high school  Ani. “I experimented more  2018 in Miami. Using his  be learning and striving to
                                                                                natural creativity and the
                            at Moravian Academy, and
                                                      in her senior filmmaking
                                                                                                          become an expert in whatever
                                                                                                          subject I’m pursuing.”
                                                                                expertise gained from his
                            later applied them to her entry
                                                      class than I did during my
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