Page 31 - Education Guide
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Setting a standard for academic excellence

                       Allentown Central Catholic High School

              or more than 90 years,  our personalized student-
              Allentown Central Cath-  teacher interaction. Through its
              olic High School (AC-  community service organiza-                                                           EDUCATION
        F CHS) has provided stu-    tion, the Central City Project,
        dents with a quality, faith-based  the school teaches students the
        education. ACCHS continues to  importance of giving back to
        be a highly regarded leader in  the community. As a school, we
        the academic development of its  perform over 18,000 hours of
        students, who demonstrate that  community service each school                                                      GUIDE
        excellence in their performance  year.
        on national standardized tests.  Recently, ACCHS has in-
        As a result, students scored an  vested more than a million
        average of 1657 on the SATs in  dollars in facility upgrades to
        2016. In addition, 99 percent of  the campus. Seven new state-of-
        its 2017 graduates have contin-  the-art science labs, including
        ued their education in institu-  an engineering classroom, are
        tions of higher learning.   designed to promote our STEM           Angela Catano/Photo courtesy of Allentown Central Catholic High School
           Allentown Central Catholic  program which features 3D  ACCHS has invested more than a million dollars in campus facility upgrades.
        has earned an esteemed reputa-  printers and Project Lead the
        tion as a Christ-centered, qual-  Way curriculum.          The student body reflects the  istration provides a continued
        ity academic institution, which  This school year the school  economic and cultural diversity  commitment to excellence in
        fosters mutual respect and con-  introduced its new Technology  of the communities it serves.  education.
        cern for others. The staff and  Enhanced Academics in the  This is a reflection of Allen-  For more information about  VIEW
        faculty live its mission to devel-  Classroom and Home initiative  town Central Catholic’s high  Allentown Central Catholic
        op the academic, emotional,  (TEACH 1:1) which provides  standards for inclusion where  High School, please visit          SPECIAL
        physical and spiritual dimen-  iPads for each student and  everyone is welcome. The dedi- or call 610-  THIS
        sions of each student through  teacher.                 cation of its faculty and admin-  437-4601.                EDUCATION  ADVERTISING


                                                                      ALLENTOWN CENTRAL                                    ONLINE  OF
                                                                   CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL                                            CALL

                                                                    Apply Now for the 2018-2019 School Year!

                                                                   FAITH | TRADITION | EXCELLENCE                                  SUNDAY,
                                                                          301 N Fourth Street, Allentown, PA 18102         THEMORNINGCALL.COM/SPECIALSECTIONS
                                                                    | 610-437-4601                         FEBRUARY 18,

                       1657                              99%                                18K+                                   2018

                    Average SAT score            Accepted to a college/university  Student community service hours

   26   27   28   29   30   31   32