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Tips for grads considering studying abroad

              tudy abroad programs                                                          only a handful of students.
              give students unique                                                          Large programs provide a built-
              opportunities to experi-                                                      in social network, and students
        S ence other cultures                                                               may feel safer exploring for-
        while pursuing their degrees.                                                       eign cities in large groups made
        Such programs appeal to stu-                                                        up of fellow students than go-  EDUCATION
        dents who want to see the                                                           ing it alone or traveling in small
        world without interrupting their                                                    groups.
        studies, and many students who
        study abroad develop an affin-                                                      Documentation
        ity for travel that remains with                                                       Students should speak with
        them for the rest of their lives.                                                   program directors about the    GUIDE
           When considering studying                                                        documentation they may need
        abroad programs or attending                                                        to make the most of their time
        college overseas, recent high                                                       overseas. CEA Study Abroad
        school graduates or current                                       Metro Creative Connection  recommends that students bring
        high school students should  Studying abroad can be a very rewarding experience for young students, who  photocopies of all important
        consider a few factors before  must consider a host of factors before committing to a program.  documents, including pass-
        committing to a program.                                                            ports, driver’s licenses, airline
                                    guage spoken in the country  term commitment to living and  tickets, health insurance cards,
        Language barrier            where they will be studying.  studying there.           and student identification cards,
           Students, particularly those                                                     with them when studying over-
        who are not fluent in a foreign  Life overseas          Program size                seas. This protects students
        language, may find it easier to  Students who want to attend  The safety in numbers phi-  should their wallets or back-
        live in countries where English  school full-time overseas may  losophy is applicable for all  packs be lost or stolen while
        is the primary language. While  benefit by first studying  travelers, but it can be espe-  they’re overseas. Students also  VIEW
        study abroad students can ex-  through a study abroad pro-  cially beneficial for young  should include a list of any
        pect to work with professors  gram before committing to a  students studying abroad. Stu-  medical conditions or medica-   SPECIAL
        who speak English regardless  two- or four-year program in  dents may feel more safe and  tions they take among their  THIS
        of where they go, life outside  another country. This gives  comfortable when signing up  documentation and include
        the classroom can be difficult  students a chance to get a feel  for programs that include many  their emergency contact infor-
        for young students who do not  for a country and its culture and  students as opposed to more  mation on this list.        ADVERTISING
        understand the primary lan-  lifestyle before making a long-  exclusive programs that include  Metro Creative Connection  EDUCATION
             Mobile devices and their place in the classroom

           Mobile phones are ubiqui-  cited boredom and staying  phones can hinder their ability                           GUIDE   SECTION
        tous. Most people would admit  connected to the outside world  to pay attention in school when                             OF
        that they’d rather leave home  as motivating factors.   phones are not being used in                               ONLINE
        without their wallets than with-  Until recently, many schools  conjunction with their lessons.                            THE
        out their phones. According to  implemented strict policies  Schools vary in their rules
        statistics provider Smart In-  regarding mobile phones in  regarding mobile phone usage                            AT
        sights, 80 percent of internet  school. Some forbade students  in the classroom. Some schools                              MORNING
        users own a smartphone, while  from carrying them on campus.  let teachers decide, while oth-
        more than 50 percent of mobile  Many schools are now realizing  ers have more liberal policies.
        phone users admit to reaching  the ways students can harness  The following are some ideas                                 CALL
        for their phones first thing  the technology of mobile  for broaching the subject.
        when they wake up.          phones in creative and innova-  ■ Research educational apps.
           Since more than 90 percent  tive methods. Plus, as smart-  A number of apps and websites   Metro Creative Connection    SUNDAY,
        of today’s teenagers own a  phone capabilities continue to  are educational. Whether stu-  Teachers can look at ways to harness
        phone, schools are forced to  evolve, educators are increas-  dents are connecting via a  the power of mobile phone technology
        find ways to include mobile  ingly recognizing the potential  phone, laptop or tablet, these  in the classroom.    THEMORNINGCALL.COM/SPECIALSECTIONS
        phones in the classroom with-  of educational apps and how  applications can encourage  stay on task while on mobile
        out having them overshadow  they can be used in the class-  class participation. Some apps  phones when the teacher roams  FEBRUARY 18,
        lessons or distract students.  room.                    can report students’ progress to  the classroom to keep an eye on
           A University of Nebraska-   Using mobile phones in the  teachers in real time. Re-  phone activity.
        Lincoln study of 777 students  classroom for educational pur-  mind101 is an app that can text  ■ Cut down on tech expenses.
        at six American universities  poses also may cut down on  reminders for assignments and  Not every school can afford to    2018
        found that the average respond-  how much the phones are used  tests to students.   give each student a laptop or
        ent used a digital device for  for nonschool purposes, such as  ■ Teachers can monitor dili-  have 20 to 30 tablets in the
        nonclass purposes 10.93 times  texting or checking social me-  gently. The image of teachers  classroom. When students
        during a typical school day.  dia. According to data pub-  standing in the front of the  embrace BYOT (Bring Your
        Students’ activities included  lished in the journal Computers  classroom lecturing is becom-  Own Technology), teachers can
        texting, social networking and  & Education, 80 percent of  ing more and more obsolete.  maximize resources.
        emailing. Many respondents  students admit that mobile  It’s easier to guide students to  Metro Creative Connection      25
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