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Alternative ways to afford college

                college education is                                                        which also includes free text-
               one of the largest                                                           books and practice questions,
               expenses you’re likely                                                       totally free.
        A to have in your life-                                                                “This is a great on-ramp to
        time, second only to buying a                                                       college and an opportunity to
        home. Unfortunately, the cost                                                       save both time and up to 25    EDUCATION
        has increased dramatically in                                                       percent of the rising cost of a
        recent years.                                                                       degree,” says Steve Klinsky,
           Tuition plus fees at four-                                                       founder and CEO of Modern
        year public colleges jumped 71                                                      States Education Alliance.
        percent over the last decade,                                                          To learn more, visit mod-
        forcing many would-be degree                                                               GUIDE
        seekers to delay or even forgo                                                      ■ Attending community col-
        attending college. For others,                                                      lege for the first two years and
        it’s meant heading to school                                                        then transferring to a four-year
        while taking on large amounts                                                       institution offers another op-
        of debt.                                                                            portunity to cut costs. Dual-
           Today, however, new solu-                                                StatePoint  enrollment programs, whereby
        tions are popping up to ad-  New solutions are popping up to address the college affordability crisis.  students take college courses
        dress the college affordability                                                     at a city or community college
        crisis. Most people know    money on tuition.           Alliance, a charity dedicated  while still in high school, are
        about grants and scholarships.  ■ The College Board’s CLEP,  to making a college degree  another great way to head to
        Students can now also con-  while not as well-known as  more affordable and attainable  college with some credits
        sider alternate paths to college  AP, is a 50-year-old credit-by-  for everyone. Students can use  under your belt.
        credit, helping them graduate  examination program accepted  Modern States’ 40+ tuition-  More than one-third of
        faster and more affordably, say  by more than 2,900 schools  free online courses — all  Americans ages 30 and young-  VIEW
        experts.                    and universities. Check to see  taught by top college profes-  er who haven’t attended col-
           Here’s what you need to  if the colleges you are consid-  sors — to prepare for the AP  lege attribute their decision to  SPECIAL
        know:                       ering accept CLEP credit, and  and CLEP exams.          the high cost, according to a  THIS
        ■ The average cost of a typi-  then work hard to succeed on  ■ One advantage of CLEP  Federal Reserve survey. In
        cal undergraduate college   one or more of the 32 CLEP  tests is that they are offered  fact, U.S. student loan debt
        course is $1,782. In high   exams. CLEP courses and     every day at thousands of   stands at an all-time high of
        school, take as many Ad-    exams are rigorous, but shorter  testing centers. AP exams can  $1.34 trillion. Don’t miss out  EDUCATION  ADVERTISING
        vanced Placement and College  and not as challenging as AP.  only be taken in high schools  on an education or let it saddle
        Level Examination Program   ■ Consider new programs     in May. Modern States is pay-  you with debt. Seek out alter-
        courses as you can handle,  such as “Freshman Year for  ing the AP and CLEP exam    native methods for earning
        increasing your opportunity to  Free,” an initiative developed  fees for the first 10,000 test-  college credits.  GUIDE   SECTION
        earn college credit and save  by Modern States Education  takers, making the program,  StatePoint                          OF

         Navigating the learning curve of college visits                                                                   ONLINE  THE


           Finding the perfect college is  strategy for visiting college  list can be pared down to a real-  can be dead zones for college  MORNING
        kind of like investigative journal-  campuses and getting the most  istic number of colleges to visit.  life, which won't give your stu-
        ism — you must do loads of  out of each tour. Prepare to be  ■ Get SAT/ACT prep sup-  dent a real glimpse of the cam-      CALL
        research, ask all the right ques-  schooled by Dr. Richard Bavar-  port. If some of the dream  pus. Call ahead to schedule
        tions and visit the scene to  ia, senior vice president of edu-  schools seem out of range due to  tours, and make sure college is
        gather first-hand knowledge and  cation outreach for tutoring  unsatisfactory test scores, get  in session and students are at-  SUNDAY,
        experience.                 authority Sylvan Learning.  your student SAT help from  tending classes so potential
           College visits should start  ■ Cast a wide net. If your  local tutoring experts. The level  applicants see the whole experi-
        percolating in the parental and  high-schooler hasn't done so  of competition to get into top  ence.               THEMORNINGCALL.COM/SPECIALSECTIONS
        student lobes toward the end of  already, help them compile a list  schools is more intense than  ■ Ask smart questions. En-
        junior year and the start of sen-  of potential universities. Ask  ever.            courage your kid to question           FEBRUARY 18,
        ior year. Road trips may be  what aspects of college life —  "The number of early admis-  everyone — students, profes-
        necessary, and several at that.  sports, extracurriculars, campus/  sion applications has increased  sors, advisors, librarians,
        The most comprehensive virtual  enrollment size, dorm life, reli-  dramatically, with some uni-  coaches and more. Ask the same
        tours, G-chats and online scour-  gious affiliations, academic  versities seeing double-digit  questions to compare answers.  2018
        ing simply cannot replace the  strengths and offerings — are  jumps. To begin the college  Parents, remember to hit key
        experience of seeing real dorm  important to them and use those  process, most students applying  topics that students might forget,
        rooms or eating in actual dining  criteria.             to competitive colleges now take  like financial aid and safety. You
        halls.                         Mark choices as dream, tar-  the SAT/ACT more than once,"  can usually trust them to inquire
           As any tooth-and-nails jour-  get and safety schools based on  says Bavaria.     about food selection and social
        nalist will tell you about a hot  your child's academic perform-  ■ Go while college is in ses-  activities.
        story, parents should have a  ance and test scores. The initial  sion. Weekends and holidays  NewsUSA                      11
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