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Taking women’s education to the next level for 150 years
Cedar Crest College
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2017 Since 1867, Cedar to build a customized port- high-tech collaboration come. president of Cedar Crest Cedar Creat
Crest College has folio of skills based on their spaces to state-of-the-art “We enter our 150th year College. “From academic College is commit-
taken a bold ap- personal and professional fitness equipment, students programs, to student life, to ted to giving
proach to education by goals that meets leadership will have every resource as a leader in women’s facilities, Cedar Crest is students a global
creating a college and a criteria set and validated by needed to create a balanced higher education poised for committed to providing a learning experi-
curriculum designed for the college with digital college lifestyle for years to an exciting future,” said transformational experience ence.
women who want to badges. The skill-building Carmen Twillie Ambar,
achieve at the highest levels. activities fall within five Courtesy of Cedar
Recognizing the multi- categories that demonstrate Crest College
dimensional nature of stu- the value of a Cedar Crest
dents, Cedar Crest is dedi- College education: EXperi- for our students.”
cated to educating the next ence, EXpedition (a fully- Schedule an appoint-
generation of leaders by funded study abroad experi-
preparing the whole student ence), EXemplify, EXpo- ment to visit Cedar Crest
for life in the global com- sure and EXcel. today. Call 610-740-3780 or
munity. email admissions@cedar-
The college recently
As it celebrates its 150th invested $4.8 million in
anniversary, Cedar Crest is major renovations to en-
moving forward with a hance the student learning
pioneering program that experience across campus,
takes the college experience and will soon break ground
to the next level. Cedar on the $3 million Falcon-
Crest nEXt allows students Plex athletic facility. From