Page 22 - Education Guide
P. 22
Risk becoming your best
The Perkiomen School
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2017 Since 1875, The tute and dedicated Innova- lives on campus, a global of Perkiomen School
Perkiomen School tion Center, an additional community that includes
in Pennsburg, Penn- educational track for any domestic and international Perkiomen students are challenged with educational opportunities such as building a drone.
sylvania has been empow- student interested in ap- students from 30 coun-
ering its students – board- plying their liberal arts tries, and a culture of
ing and day, grades 6-12 education through real- encouragement allows
and PG – to risk becoming life practice, resulting in a students to thrive while
their personal best. Certificate in Entrepre- taking risks in learning
Perkiomen’s comprehen- neurship at graduation. and achievement.
sive curriculum, which The center includes multi-
includes competitive ath- ple 3-D printers, a Mac A short drive from the
letic teams for all stu- Lab, classrooms, confer- Lehigh Valley, The
dents, a broad fine arts ence rooms, and board- Perkiomen School is ac-
department, 30 AP rooms for use in graphic cepting applications for
courses, and project-based design, marketing, coding, the 2017-18 school year,
learning, provides stu- engineering and 10 other as well as for its summer
dents the opportunity to cross-listed courses. programming. For more
take control of their future information, please visit
with a truly individualized Small classes that en- our website at www-
educational experience. sure every student is, or call
known, a dedicated office (215) 679-9511 to set up a
New in 2016-17 is of college counseling, an visit and explore
Perk’s Entrepreneur Insti- exemplary faculty that Perkiomen yourself.