Page 12 - Discover Lehigh Valley Official Visitors Guide 2015
P. 12
LargestA Rebirth of Borneoowfthne fields
in the United States
The shadows of Bethlehem Steel’s blast furnaces "Since SteelStacks™ opened in 2011, audiences have
hover over the campus and four floors of the ArtsQuest really come to love the outdoor concerts offered on
Center™ at SteelStacks™ in Bethlehem with a purpose. the site, with people from 40-plus states enjoying
performances at our outdoor stages and at festivals
The rugged, towering steel structures, a holdover like Musikfest,” says ArtsQuest™ Senior Vice President
from the Bethlehem Steel Corporation’s heyday in of Programming Patrick Brogan. "The combination
the late 1800s to late-1900s, provide the ArtsQuest of great, live music, coupled with the stunning
Center™ with a backdrop that reminds visitors of the backdrop of the former Bethlehem Steel furnaces,
history they are in the presence of, and reinforces makes for a concert experience unlike any other.”
the beautiful grandiosity of the campus itself.
Visitors are walking to SteelStack’s™ various Let’s take a look at what A
concerts, arts exhibits, independent films, and makes SteelStacks special.
group events within the shadows of the giants of
steel-making that came before them and made the • Over 200 live performances including 20 children's
city of Bethlehem proud and world-renowned.
concerts a year at Musikfest Café presented
And now, SteelStacks™ is making history of by Yuengling
its own by providing Lehigh Valley with the
idea that arts, culture, and entertainment can • Experimental programming in the Fowler Blast
be the nexus of a new Lehigh Valley.
Furnace Room
Since opening in 2011, the ArtsQuest Center™ at
SteelStacks™ has quickly become the epicenter • Al fresco dining on the Air Products Town
of an entertainment renaissance that has swept
the entire Lehigh Valley. It provides space for Square at SteelStacks™ at the base of the iconic
a variety of different types of entertainment, Bethlehem Steel Blast Furnaces
and others have definitely taken notice.
• The latest independent, foreign and documentary
After its construction, the Sands Bethlehem Event
Center opened less than a mile away to cater to films, 365 days a year in the Frank Banko
large shows and comedic acts. And PBS39 opened Alehouse Cinemas
right next door to the ArtsQuest Center™ which is
a community-owned public TV station that serves • Weekly Farmers / Arts & Antique Market
eastern Pennsylvania and western New Jersey.
on PNC Plaza
Even with those developments, however, the center
remains set apart from the rest of Lehigh Valley’s • 50 free, family-friendly outdoor concerts in the
entertainment landscape. The reason behind
that can be traced to the shadows it lies in. The Levitt Pavilion at SteelStacks™
SteelStacks™ is not only a venue for just music or
film or weddings or even outdoor sports viewing It’s true. The first thing anyone notices when coming
parties, it’s a place for all of them. And a place to the ArtsQuest™ Center at SteelStacks™ are the
where all of them happen nearly all of the time. blast furnaces in their stoic, knowing stances. And
while they may even be intimidating for a newcomer,
spending time on the campus inevitably results in
the words, “Wow. I can’t wait to come back.”
Underneath the watchful eye of the shadows,
which have already seen so much in their
lifetime, there’s so much more to come at
the ArtsQuest Center™ at SteelStacks™ in
Bethlehem. We hope you become a part of it.
To take part in what’s happening, visit
10 2015 Official Visitors Guide of Lehigh Valley, Pa.
LargestA Rebirth of Borneoowfthne fields
in the United States
The shadows of Bethlehem Steel’s blast furnaces "Since SteelStacks™ opened in 2011, audiences have
hover over the campus and four floors of the ArtsQuest really come to love the outdoor concerts offered on
Center™ at SteelStacks™ in Bethlehem with a purpose. the site, with people from 40-plus states enjoying
performances at our outdoor stages and at festivals
The rugged, towering steel structures, a holdover like Musikfest,” says ArtsQuest™ Senior Vice President
from the Bethlehem Steel Corporation’s heyday in of Programming Patrick Brogan. "The combination
the late 1800s to late-1900s, provide the ArtsQuest of great, live music, coupled with the stunning
Center™ with a backdrop that reminds visitors of the backdrop of the former Bethlehem Steel furnaces,
history they are in the presence of, and reinforces makes for a concert experience unlike any other.”
the beautiful grandiosity of the campus itself.
Visitors are walking to SteelStack’s™ various Let’s take a look at what A
concerts, arts exhibits, independent films, and makes SteelStacks special.
group events within the shadows of the giants of
steel-making that came before them and made the • Over 200 live performances including 20 children's
city of Bethlehem proud and world-renowned.
concerts a year at Musikfest Café presented
And now, SteelStacks™ is making history of by Yuengling
its own by providing Lehigh Valley with the
idea that arts, culture, and entertainment can • Experimental programming in the Fowler Blast
be the nexus of a new Lehigh Valley.
Furnace Room
Since opening in 2011, the ArtsQuest Center™ at
SteelStacks™ has quickly become the epicenter • Al fresco dining on the Air Products Town
of an entertainment renaissance that has swept
the entire Lehigh Valley. It provides space for Square at SteelStacks™ at the base of the iconic
a variety of different types of entertainment, Bethlehem Steel Blast Furnaces
and others have definitely taken notice.
• The latest independent, foreign and documentary
After its construction, the Sands Bethlehem Event
Center opened less than a mile away to cater to films, 365 days a year in the Frank Banko
large shows and comedic acts. And PBS39 opened Alehouse Cinemas
right next door to the ArtsQuest Center™ which is
a community-owned public TV station that serves • Weekly Farmers / Arts & Antique Market
eastern Pennsylvania and western New Jersey.
on PNC Plaza
Even with those developments, however, the center
remains set apart from the rest of Lehigh Valley’s • 50 free, family-friendly outdoor concerts in the
entertainment landscape. The reason behind
that can be traced to the shadows it lies in. The Levitt Pavilion at SteelStacks™
SteelStacks™ is not only a venue for just music or
film or weddings or even outdoor sports viewing It’s true. The first thing anyone notices when coming
parties, it’s a place for all of them. And a place to the ArtsQuest™ Center at SteelStacks™ are the
where all of them happen nearly all of the time. blast furnaces in their stoic, knowing stances. And
while they may even be intimidating for a newcomer,
spending time on the campus inevitably results in
the words, “Wow. I can’t wait to come back.”
Underneath the watchful eye of the shadows,
which have already seen so much in their
lifetime, there’s so much more to come at
the ArtsQuest Center™ at SteelStacks™ in
Bethlehem. We hope you become a part of it.
To take part in what’s happening, visit
10 2015 Official Visitors Guide of Lehigh Valley, Pa.