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NHTSA proposes tougher five-star crash rating criteria

The National Highway Shutterstock detection tests. Exactly
Traffic Safety Adminis- By 2018, it’s going to be a lot tougher to get a five-star rating. Ratings will be revamped, a test will be added and dummies will be updated. what those scores will be
tration’s five-star safety hasn’t yet been decided.
rating program focuses on the current front and side male dummy will be used New ratings compo- vehicle. NHTSA will also
how a vehicle performs in a impact tests as well as the in crash tests to determine nents: Earlier this year, rate the performance of Right now, the plan is in
crash, but the agency is rollover test. According to how injuries affect some- NHTSA announced plans emergency braking systems its early stages. The public
shifting its focus to also Gordon Trowbridge, one that size, and specifi- to add more collision- with pedestrian detection. will have 60 days to submit
rate how a vehicle prevents NHTSA communications cally in the backseat. Other mitigation technologies to feedback, and NHTSA
a crash. Starting in 2018, director, front crashes are test dummies are also being its list of recommended Five stars will still be intends to analyze public
it’s going to be a lot tough- still killing many motorists enhanced; NHTSA will features, but now it’s going NHTSA’s highest rating, comments and issue a final
er to get five stars. NHTSA despite the rise in seat belt begin using the Test device one step further by devel- but half-stars will join the decision by the end of
announced a proposal for usage and the prevalence of for Human Occupant Re- oping a ratings system for report card; Trowbridge 2016. The agency hopes to
guidelines that factor in a advanced safety systems straint dummy (THOR), grading the efficacy of says this change should have the new system imple-
new crash test, updated and airbags. The new test which uses more sensors to front and rear automatic help consumers better mented in 2018 for model-
crash-test dummies and aims to mimic what hap- better assess how crash braking systems. Similarly, differentiate between levels year 2019 vehicles.
additional ratings for safety pens when two cars collide forces impact organs. a new pedestrian safety of equipment. In order to
features like pedestrian at an angle similar to a Trowbridge said the new rating will use tests that get a five-star rating under Trowbridge said the
detection and front crash left-turn collision that im- dummy is much more assess how well vehicles the new guidelines, a vehi- goal of the new system is
prevention systems. pacts both vehicles. advanced and will be able protect pedestrians from cle will have to excel in the to raise the bar for auto-
to assess damage with head, leg and pelvic in- crash tests as well as score makers to make safer vehi-
“These proposed chang- Updated dummies: For greater depth and accuracy. juries when struck by a high on the front crash cles and to arm motorists
es will give consumers the first time, a small fe- prevention and pedestrian with as much information
even better information to as possible.
help them choose a safe
vehicle, and will encourage “For their vehicles to
manufacturers to produce achieve high 5-Star Safety
vehicles with better crash Ratings, manufacturers will
protection and new tech- need to account for more
nology innovations that types of crashes, more
will save lives,” NHTSA kinds of potential injuries
said in a statement. to vehicle occupants as
well as pedestrians, and
Much like it did during technological approaches
its last safety rating over- to avoiding or mitigating
haul in 2010, the changes crashes in the first place.
are sweeping. Here’s what The result will be new
will impact consumers the incentives for vehicle
most: manufacturers to produce
safer vehicles,” NHTSA
A new crash test: A said in a statement.
new front oblique test joins

Top tips to maintain your car in the winter

Ice, rain, snow and throughout the winter: the manufacturer’s manual ture rises and falls below you by visiting www.wash- 4. Update engine cool-
freezing temperatures can 1. Switch engine oil: for more insight. freezing. The International ant: Just because it’s chilly
wreak havoc on your car. Carwash Association rec- doesn’t mean your engine
To keep your family safe Oil lubricates the engine so 2. Maintain a car wash ommends finding a car 3. Check the battery: can’t overheat. To protect
on the slippery roads this it can function properly, routine: Due to the pres- wash that is part of the Cold weather can take a your engine against corro-
winter, it’s important to but not all automobile oil ence of ice, salt and sand WaterSavers program. toll on your car’s battery. sion and to help ensure it
take a few simple winter- is the same. If you live in a on the roads, washing your There are more than 1,500 Don’t get stranded — give doesn’t overheat, ask your
ization steps. cold climate, consider vehicle in the winter is environmentally friendly your battery a once-over to car technician to change to
switching to a thinner, less even more important than car washes worldwide make sure it’s in tip-top a coolant with ethylene
According to the Inter- viscous oil. For example, a the summer. Getting a car enrolled in the program shape. Check the cables, glycol which has antifreeze
national Carwash Associa- 10W-30 might be ideal for wash and a fresh coat of that meet water quality and terminals and fluid and properties. While replacing
tion, proper maintenance hot summer weather, but a wax before the temperature usage standards. These car look for anything abnor- coolants, ask the technician
can also go a long way in thicker 5W-30 is better for begins to drop can be your washes use 40 gallons mal. Some battery retailers to make sure all fluids are
helping preserve the in- when temperatures dip first line of defense against (151.5 liters) or less of will conduct a complemen- topped off, including win-
vestment in your vehicle. below freezing. Ask your winter elements. Vehicular fresh water per car. Find a tary car battery assessment dow washer solution.
Follow these tips to keep auto mechanic what is corrosion occurs most participating car wash near if you’d prefer an expert
your vehicle in top shape recommended and refer to quickly when the tempera- analysis. Brandpoint

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