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Susan Bocian of Catasauqua, the principal of Dieruff High School in Allentown, with students at the school. She says, ‘I was overwhelmed with the love I got’ during her recovery.

Support, positivity and humor

Family and friends help two Lehigh Valley women
get through their battles with breast cancer.

Of The Morning Call Breast cancer survivor Kim Khoury of Allentown and her mother, Terry Khoury of Emmaus, exercise in Lehigh
Parkway in Allentown. ‘The best thing was to get up on the weekends and walk for three miles,’ Kim says. ■ About 1 in 8 U.S. women will
Breast cancer is the enemy, develop invasive breast cancer
invading your body, trying to steal battle rather quiet, word traveled indoor parade to show their joy She had a mammogram, her sometime during their lifetime.
your life. through the school. that she had come through her first, and eventually learned she ■ In 2015, an estimated 232,000
war with cancer. had stage 2A invasive ductal new cases of invasive breast
Two local women — Susan “I started getting emails and carcinoma. cancer are expected to be
Bocian of Catasauqua and Kim notes from students,” Bocian says. It’s easy to see where someone diagnosed in women in the U.S.,
Khoury of Allentown — found who battles cancer could get “You’re sitting in a room and along with 60,000 new cases of
they could battle against their In October, students held a depressed or feel angry at what you’re kinda shocked,” Khoury noninvasive breast cancer.
cancers with the support of an Pink Day in honor of Bocian and had happened to them. says. “This isn’t happening to me.” ■ About 40,000 women in the
army of family, friends, communi- raised more than $1,000 for breast U.S. are expected to die in 2015
ty and medical staff. cancer awareness. The yearbook Not Bocian. She had planned to have a from breast cancer, though death
club made her a video, with stu- “This diagnosis gave me the lumpectomy but the surgeons rates have been decreasing since
That support, positivity and dents dressed in pink, giving her incredible gift of validation that I weren’t able to get “clean mar- 1989.
encouragement helped the two positive messages of hope and wish more educators could have,” gins,” which would ensure ■ For U.S. women, breast cancer
women get through their cancers. support. Bocian says. “The outpouring of enough tissue had been removed. death rates are higher than those
As National Breast Cancer support I had from the communi- for any other cancer, except for
Awareness continues this month, She received more than 150 ty, I couldn’t have asked for more. She eventually had a double lung cancer.
we look at these women’s stories cards, 20 flower arrangements, I’m a truly blessed woman.” mastectomy. ■ Besides skin cancer, breast
of survival and how the power of and more from the school com- This month, Bocian was able to cancer is the most commonly
positivity and support from loved munity. “ring the chemo bell” at St. Luke’s Adding insult to injury, a chest diagnosed cancer among
ones helped them along their Hospital, signaling the end of her X-ray revealed suspicious spots American women. In 2015, it’s
journeys. It wasn’t just the school com- treatments. on her lungs, which then turned estimated that just under 30
munity that supported her. Mem- “The nurses and staff at St. out to be nothing, Then a PET percent of newly diagnosed
Susan Bocian bers of her church, the Presbyte- Luke’s-Allentown, I am really scan (positron emission tomog- cancers in women will be breast
rian Church of Catasauqua, kept going to miss them,” Bocian says. raphy) found a spot on her hip cancers.
Few educators champion their her in their prayers and offered “They are just lovely.” but a biopsy came back negative. ■ About 85 percent of breast
schools the way Susan Bocian support. Her advice to other women cancers occur in women who
does. affected by breast cancer: “Know Through all of this, a cancer have no family history of breast
“They huddled up around me that it is not all fear and uncer- team at Lehigh Valley Hospital- cancer.
She is the principal of Dieruff and they prayed for me,” Bocian tainty. My faith in God and belief Cedar Crest worked with her on a
High School and will proudly tell says. in people really helped me treatment plan, —
you about her students’ achieve- through the tough times.”
ments, including big wins at this Her husband, family and Having that plan helped Khou- “I had long beautiful hair,” she
year’s Freddy Awards. friends helped her through the Kim Khoury ry get through it. says,
intense chemotherapy treatments
She has tons of Husky pride she had to go through. Her father The simple act of walking at “That was the most amazing She decided if she was going to
and isn’t afraid to show it. happened to be in a cancer battle the Lehigh Parkway with her thing,” Khoury says, “I said, ‘I can lose her hair, she would have fun
of his own; he was being treated mom kept Kim Khoury going. beat this.’ ” with it.
This pride in her school is for colon cancer.
reflected in the students, teachers “I have a mother who is the She’s someone who ap- After chemo, she got a mo-
and staff, who greet her warmly “It was a lot for my mom,” most amazing person on the face proaches life with humor and hawk.
in the hallway, outside the school Bocian says. of the earth,” Khoury says, “Mom positivity so she began to look at
and in and around her office. would make me walk. The best her cancer battle not as a fight but “It was just to have fun,” Khou-
Through the chemo, Bocian thing was to get up on the week- as her “cancer adventure.” ry says. “I’m not going to let can-
That same school community began to lose her hair, which she ends and walk for three miles at cer take my hair. I don’t have to
also helped keep her going with admits was hard. She then de- the Parkway.” “I said to myself, I’m going to hide behind my hair. All that stuff
their letters, videos, emails and cided to take matters into her learn new things and I’m going to that we as women think is impor-
events while she was home bat- own hands. That goal — to keep moving take every day as learning some- tant isn’t. Losing my hair made
tling stage 2 breast cancer last despite being so sick from chemo thing new,” Khoury says. me stronger.”
year. “My hair stylist came to my — kept her mind focused.
house and shaved my head,” she Lehigh Valley Hospital teamed She had radiation after chemo,
“They really huddled around says. “I thought to myself, ‘I am her up with a survivor who, two and made friends with the people
me, and I was overwhelmed with winning,’ ” Khoury says. years before, had been through a she saw each time she was in for a
the love I got,” Bocian says. “The She powered through the similar experience. treatment.
school district has been wonder- treatments and was able to return Like Bocian, Khoury discov-
ful.” to work in April. ered a lump two years ago. She “Having someone there that “I had my radiation boyfriend,”
was 38, with no family history of got through this, I realized that I she jokes about an 85-year-old
Her story begins in summer Of course, her return to school breast cancer and in good health. was going to be OK,” Khoury says. she spoke with often at her treat-
2014 when she rolled over in bed wasn’t a quiet one. ments.
and felt a strange lump in her Khoury didn’t struggle as much
right breast. She was 53 and had The school’s student body with the double mastectomy as Through it all, she was sur-
been doing regular self-breast lined the hallways, held up signs, she did with losing her hair. She rounded by people who kept her
exams but had never found any- gave her flowers and held an really liked her hair. spirits up, surrounding her with
thing before. She had no family positivity.
history of breast cancer and had
been healthy. “Having all those people and
the little things like cards, steered
She went to St. Luke’s Hospi- me clear of the negative,” Khoury
tal-Allentown and learned after a says.
mammogram, ultrasound and
biopsy that she had stage 2 in- Where they are today
vasive ductal carcinoma.
Both women today are cancer
“That was the worst part,” free. Bocian is about a year out
Bocian says. “My darkest days. It while Khoury is two years.
was really scary.”
Both ladies say their battles
She had to make some tough with cancer have given them new
decisions. She decided to have a insight into life.
double mastectomy.
“Never doubt the goodness in
“I didn’t want to wait around people because it is alive and
for something to grow,” she says. well,” Bocian says,

As she began her battle against Cancer made Khoury see her
cancer, the school year was get- own strength.
ting ready to begin.
“It made me realize that I’m a
“I am a high school principal,” stronger person than I thought I
Bocian says. “This came in August was,” Khoury says. “I’m not afraid
and I’m getting ready to open of anything anymore. What’s the
school.” worst that can happen? I can have
cancer? Been there, done that.”
Bocian decided to take time off
from her job to focus on her
health. twitter @jenwsheehan
After her double mastectomy,
doctors told Bocian’s family that
the main lymph node that feeds
into the area where the cancer
had been found was clear.

“That was huge, wonderful
news,” Bocian says.

Despite keeping her health
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