KEYWORD::FB-Jim Thorpe v_nameA::Lehighton v_scoreA::0 v_abbr::LEH h_nameA::Jim Thorpe h_scoreA::18 h_abbr::JT vA_linescore::Lehighton vA1::0 vA2::0 vA3::0 vA4::0 vA5:: vAtotal::0 hAlinescore::Jim Thorpe hA1::6 hA2::6 hA3::0 hA4::6 hA5:: hAtotal::18 vAfirstdowns::2 vArushes::19-27 vApasses::29 vAcomp::4-15-4 vApunts::4-25 vAfumbles::4-0 vApenalties::6-40 hAfirstdowns::15 hArushes::52-171 hApasses::79 hAcomp::3-5-0 hApunts::3-24 hAfumbles::4-1 hApenalties::2-24 notesA::JT - P.J. Johnson 45 pass from Terry Moll (kick failed) JT - Shane Edwards 1 run (pass failed) JT - Dante Lynch 16 pass from Terry Moll (pass failed) GAME NOTES: Terry Moll only completed three passes but two of them were for touchdowns as Jim Thope earned their way into a District 11 Class 2A playoff berth with a win over Lehighton. Jim Thorpe is will visit Northern Lehigh next Saturday in the first round of the Class 2A playoffs. Shane Edwards did the heavy lifting on the ground for the Indians with 31 carries for 112 yards and a touchdown. v_rushing:: h_rushing:: v_passing:: h_passing:: v_receiving:: h_receiving::